Scenery near Jalpan de Serra, Queretaro, Mexico.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Jalpan de Serra, Queretaro, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Not sure yet.

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Exploring some more Turkish waterfront scenery

Thanks for all of the suggestions and comments regarding yesterday's blog post. We have decided that we will not go to Cappadocia on this trip. It's too much driving and we would feel too rushed. We are confident that we will return someday with a motorhome when we will be able to explore more of what Turkey has to offer (including the northern area closer to the Black Sea), at a better time of year related to the weather, and at our own pace.

On Tuesday, we took a drive down a coastal road to a viewpoint overlooking the town of Oren. We left at about 10:30am did some exploring and made a couple of stops along the way and didn't make it back to the cottage until almost3:30pm!

It was a twisty curvy road with a lot of nice scenery!

Too bad it was so hazy though.

Very calm.

We are amazed at how many of these multi million dollar boats are out cruising around!

We stopped at the bay of Akbuk and parked the car and went for a walk along the bay. You can tell it's getting to the end of the season. Many places packing up beach chairs and shutting things down. It could be because there is some rain coming over the next couple of days, but I think it's just the time of year.

Ruth, getting her feet wet in the Agean Sea. 
It's all still part of the Mediterranean.

Then we drove inland up some steep roads to get a view. I had seen a paragliding site marked on the map and figured there had to be a view from up there.

Looking down on Akbuk Bay.

Scenery looking inland.

Our rental car.

At the paragliding launch site.

Too bad it was so hazy!

We then took a mystery tour trying to find the Datcagiz Fortress. Couldn't find any information about it, other than a GPS location on the app.

We went on some back roads, and at one point I said to Ruth that we have to be the first Canadians ever to be there!

The back roads of Turkey.

We finally found it, but there is not much left of whatever it was and we couldn't even find a way to access it for a closer look.

You can see the remains of some walls.

A little closer view.

Then we headed back, stopping in at the small resort town of Akyaka.

Lots of nice small hotels in Akyaka.

Akyaka has a nice beach.
I bet it's packed during busy season!

Phone booth in Akyaka, Turkey.

Looking back from the pier.

Just up the coast from Akyaka is one of the world's most popular kite surfing areas.
Gokova Beach.

Back at the cottage, we arrived to find that we had no power. It had been out most of the day, and also affected the entire village, and the village on the other side of the hill. About an hour later it came back on.

We are going out to do some more wandering this morning because there is some rain coming. Starting this afternoon around 3pm, and lasting for about 48 hours. Rainy season is here. So we want to get out and enjoy the nice weather this morning and get some fresh air because we might be cottage bound for the next couple of days!

Record low deal on the popular Furbo Dog Treat Camera.

Also, record low deal on the popular Philips Sonic Care Electric Toothbrush.

And in Canada...


  1. Beautiful area, it reminds me of Croatia, mountains, sea, clear water, villages clinging to the mountains. Stunning

    1. We look forward to visiting Croatia, I think it is a country that we would love as well, especially if it reminds you of Turkey. :-)

  2. If you are staying on the South coast, check out Olympos. You can hike trough a forest with Lycian ruins everywhere. We felt like we were in a video game.

    1. Not sure if we will have time to make it in that direction but if we do then yes, we will try stop in and visit the area. It definitely sounds lovely and our kind of exploring. :-)

  3. If you go to Cappadocia, you'll want to be there for the hot air balloon season, so I don't blame you for not going now.

    1. And, then there's that! We really want to see Cappadocia the right way and be able to take our time and really enjoy it and the surrounding area and that just won't be possible on this trip. We can definitely see it working well when we are traveling in our motorhome. We are pretty excited to do that! :-)

  4. Definitely beautiful scenery.
    Be Safe and Enjoy the sunny days.

    It's about time.

    1. Very much so! We really didn't expect to see the mountains and the sea like we are now. Turkey has really surprised us in so many ways. :-)

  5. Turkey has some very lovely areas. Enjoy!

    1. Yes, it has some very beautiful areas indeed and we are only into our second week here. So looking forward to what we still have yet to see. :-)

  6. Even the back roads of Turkey look nice!!!!!!!

    1. They sure are, and the back roads are in decent shape too, just quite narrow in spots. :-)

  7. What a great place. So many countries get talked down by the media. This looks like a real jewel. The few people we know who have been to Turkey have truly enjoyed it.

    1. It definitely is Chris, I know that both you and Juan would love it here. I think we love it so much because it reminds us of Mexico in many ways but with a European feel to it.

      Yep, just like Mexico, it gets a bad rap. The media only shows you the bad stuff that is happening in a small area of the country, stay away from there and you really have nothing to worry about, just like in Mexico. The scenery is beautiful, it has great history, delicious food and very friendly people. :-)

  8. Was the water cold, Ruth? We live close to the Columbia Gorge,(in Oregon) and people come from other countries, and they put on a good show! Later, Rawn

    1. The water felt cool at first but in less than a minute it felt quite comfortable. If I felt too hot, I would not hesitate to go for a swim to cool off in it.

      Yes, the Columbia Gorge is a gorgeous area, we were there back in the fall of 2018 and loved the area. :-)

  9. Stunning scenery, so much more than what we were expecting. We are enjoying our travels here as well and bringing them all to you, our readers. :-)

  10. Oh my what absolutely beautiful scenery! It seems to get better and better each time you post! That fortress must have been ancient....with all the vegetation growing on it. But at least you saw a bit of what’s left. You look very touristy in your outfit Ruth. Nice!

    1. It sure does seem to just get better and better.

      We have no idea how old that fortress is and I don't think it was a real important place otherwise it would have been excavated and possibly is restored somewhat but it was still interesting nonetheless.

      Looking touristy is definitely not the look I am going for but thank you Lynnette.

    2. Lol! I know that looking touristy is not your style Ruth..... but I just felt I needed to say that as a compliment.

    3. I know that you meant it as a compliment and I did take it that way but I still don't want to look like a "tourist", lol!


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