Scenery near Jalpan de Serra, Queretaro, Mexico.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Jalpan de Serra, Queretaro, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Not sure yet.

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Ghost town of Kayaköy, and hike to the Af Kule Monastery

Another busy day for us yesterday. We finally made the effort to get a reasonably early start, and we left the apartment just before 9:00am. It was only a five minute walk to the dolmuş stop. Dolmuş is the turkish name for a local minibus. The ones we were in seat perhaps 16 people. Because of Covid, they do not take cash payments right now, nor do they take standing passengers. Apparently in normal times they can get quite crowded.

There is a regular route between Fethiye and Ölüdeniz so we didn't have to wait any longer than five minutes. For payment, most people buy a prepaid "tap" card and then top it up with credit as necessary. But I had read that you can also tap your credit card, and sure enough it accepted my Visa card and I instantly got an email notification from my bank that my my account was charged. What a great system!

No idea what the actual Turkish lira rates are, but my credit card was charged $1.12 CAD ($0.85 USD) per person for the first Dolmuş that dropped us off in Ölüdeniz. Then we had to wait just over half an hour to get another one to Kayaköy that was charged at $0.70 CAD ($0.53 USD).

Cheap enough, and certainly convenient to be able to simply pay with a credit card.

The ghost town of Kayaköy.

Settlement in the area dates back 3,000 years however this ghost town actually has a fairly recent history. Most of the buildings are from the late 1700's to the late 1800's. Many of these homes were actually occupied by Greeks prior to WW1, and a treaty in 1923 forced the people to move back to Greece, and Turks didn't want to occupy the area "due to ghosts". You can read the complete history here.

It was very strange wandering around what was once a thriving community.

6,000 people lived here at one time.

And there were very few people around during our visit. I think we saw a total of perhaps 10 people the entire time, and half of them were workers or trinket sellers.

This is one of the last ones to have been lived in.

We decided to head higher for an overall view.

It was turning out to be a perfect day.
Forecast high of 24C (75F).

You are never far from a Turkish flag!

From there, we made our way to the second part of our day trip. When we were on the boat tour the other day, they had pointed out a monastery far on top of a rock face overlooking the sea. We had read that you could hike there from Kayaköy, so off we went.

Part of our hike was on this dirt road.

From Kayaköy, it was just over 6 kms (3.7 miles) to the Af Kule Monastery. It was a variety of paved roads, dirt roads, and rocky paths to get there.Along the way, a local dog (with collar) came running up to us, jumping up and down and obviously very happy to see us. We did not pet him, although he was very friendly. 

He just wanted to go for a walk!

He came with us the entire way...

We named him Ralph.
"C'mon guys, let's go!"

Our first view from the monastery.

The story goes that one man built this entire structure back in the 11th century. There was a cave already here, and he built the facade and a few out buildings.

Ruth at the base.

The stairs going up were not in very good shape and in fact it made my legs weak looking down after I climbed up! And I'm sure that in many countries the whole thing would have been off limits.

Me, climbing the stairs.

I made it to the second window.

Ralph, waiting patiently for us.


He was such a good dog. We sat and had a snack and he didn't even ask for any food. He looked well cared for though. On the way back we had to return the same way and as we approached the area where we met him, he gave us a glance and headed down one of the roads leading to a few houses.

Waiting at the bus stop.

We had to wait another half hour or so for the bus, but this one brought us right back close to the apartment and it was also charged out at $1.12 CAD ($0.85 USD).

Our last sunset from the apartment.

Today, we move on to a little village where we have a two week stay booked. We also pick up our car rental this morning. It will be nice to have wheels... there is so much to see!

We walked another 11 kms (6.8 miles) yesterday.

Total distance walked in Turkey 69 kms (42.8 miles).

All sizes of the Linenspa 10 Inch Memory Foam and Innerspring Hybrid Mattress are at record low prices. They even have a short queen RV size.

And in Canada...


  1. What a great day, so interesting looking around the ghost town.

    1. Yep, it was another good day! We could have spent more time in the ghost town but we wanted to continue on to the old monastery ruins on the cliff. I think that you and Tony would love a holiday here. :-)

  2. WOW, just WOW, we so appreciate your morning reports so much!!!!! Love all the scenery of days gone by and even your pet pals like Ralph! You sure are getting your exercise and staying in shape. Carry on!! B&C💕

    1. We are so happy that you are enjoying our posts and pictures Connie and Barry. Definitely enjoying our time here in Turkey and we are finding so many interesting things to see and so much history too! We are certainly getting our exercise, so we are really happy "campers", lol. :-)

  3. I am thoroughly enjoying your trip to Turkey and look forward to more. Thank you. Trish

    1. So happy that you are enjoying our trip here in Turkey, I know that you both would enjoy it here. Now that we have a car, we will have even more amazing places to explore. :-)

  4. Thanks again for bringing to light the Very interesting story about the monastery and ghost town....your daily blogs in Turkey are getting more and more interesting! Loving it! Hope you get to meet more “Ralphs” ....cute and friendly dog to have for company ....he must have been lonely for other people too! More power to you and stay safe!

    1. Turkey is a very interesting place to visit, it is full of history and beautiful scenery. It is more than we had hoped for, we are definitely going to enjoy our time hee.

      I know that both you and Paul would totally enjoy this little city and what it has to offer you. The winters will be cooler though, but not cold like Canada!

  5. Replies
    1. It was quite surreal walking around that ghost town. We could have spent more time there but we also wanted to get in our hike to the old ruins of the monastery on the cliff. The history here in Turkey is fantastic! You and Juan would love it here. :-)

  6. Wow, can it more interesting, I think not! What an interesting day you 2 and Ralph! You 2 are real adventurous folks! Please keep up those interesting pictures and stories. With gratitude, Rawn

    1. There is no doubt in our minds that things can and will get even more interesting here in Turkey and we are looking forward to taking it all on. We are so happy that you are enjoying our travels stories and pictures. :-)

  7. Loved our travels in Turkey in 2010. We spent 3 months there. Some absolutely lovely people, enjoy.

    1. I checked out your blog and it definitely looks like you had a great time in Turkey and I have no doubt that we will too. The history here is incredible as is the scenery and as you say absolutely lovely people. :-)

  8. That must be the biggest Gost town in the World. Big history.

    1. It is certainly the biggest ghost town that we have ever seen before! Yep, this place certainly has a lot of history. Turkey is really surprising us! :-)

  9. Thanks for pointing out this article, Ruth! It's good information for our time there in a few days.

    1. You are very welcome. I really hope you enjoy your time in Fethiye and the surrounding area. If you want or need more info on things to do there, check out our other posts or send us an email, we are more than happy to help. :-)


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