Scenery near Jalpan de Serra, Queretaro, Mexico.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Jalpan de Serra, Queretaro, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Not sure yet.

Monday, October 12, 2020

Made it to London, England... and another glitch...

Our flight from Ottawa to Toronto was uneventful. It was just a small two propeller turbo prop plane, and it was probably 80% full. It was a one hour flight.

Then we had a five hour wait for our Toronto to London flight. We arrived Toronto at 4:00pm, and our London flight was scheduled to depart at 9:00pm.

The first thing we did at Toronto airport was to find the Priority Pass premium lounge. I had already done the research online so I knew that the lounge closed on Sundays at 6:00pm, so while we would have normally been allocated a three hour stay, this visit would be shorter.

They got us signed in, and brought us to the very well stocked bar where we could pick up our first drink. Ruth had a glass of white wine, and I had a Crown Royal and ginger ale. They also gave us a deli plate of snacks.

Ruth, enjoying the lounge.

Our view.


Really nice quiet area to relax before your flight, and there were only about 5 or 6 other people in the entire lounge. We had some more snacks and another drink and we were all set for the night.

We wasted another hour and a half wandering the nearly empty airport and doing some computer time.

Toronto's Pearson Airport is normally so busy.

This departure board is full during normal times.


Very strange.

Our 787 Dreamliner Westjet flight was only about 1/2 full. We had a window row of three seats totally to ourselves, with nobody in the row behind us, and only 1 person in the row in front of us.

We were surprised when they brought us a cold meal plate and even a glass of wine. The info had said that due to Covid you would only get a bottle of water and a snack. I asked the flight attendant and she said "we like to surprise people". Very nice.

We had the full seat back entertainment so we each watched a movie and then tried to get some sleep.

Arrived London at 8:30am, a full half hour ahead of schedule due to a strong tail wind.


We had expected to be able to go straight through to the International connecting flights. But they had that section all closed off which forced us to go through passport control and then re-enter security again.

A bit of a pain, but of course then we were not able to re-enter because our boarding pass is for tomorrow morning.

We investigated the possibility of changing our flight to today, but it was going to cost an additional £67 ($114 CAD, $87 USD) each... not worth it.

Then, we looked at airport hotels and were surprised to find that they were quite reasonable. One security guard recommended the Premier Inn, a 2 minute walk from the terminal. When we got to the reception, she asked if we had already booked, and I said no. She explained that if we book directly through their website they have a special at £35 ($60 CAD, $45 USD) for the night, all taxes included.

I expected it to be double that!

So we sat and had a light lunch and then we will go up and have a nap before coming down again for dinner later.

Photo taken a few minutes ago!

Next blog post coming to you from Turkey!

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And in Canada...

Record low deal on the Echo Plus Smart Speaker.


  1. I was stationed in Turkey in 1968, on a Turkish air base outside of Eskirshir, half way between Ankara and Istanbul. I understand that it is a university city now, even has a rapid transit as seen in a photo. When I was there, there were donkey carts on the streets. Now nothing like the little town it was 50 years ago. I look forward to see if you stop there.

    1. It is amazing how some countries have changed so quickly with the times. That sounds like a huge difference in just 50 years. Not sure that we will make it there but it will be somewhere to keep in mind.

  2. On the planes dd you have to keep your mask on?

    1. Oh yes, very strict about that. Unless of course you are actively eating or drinking.

  3. Wonderful to see you traveling again. Stay safe.

    1. It feels wonderful to be traveling again. :-)

  4. A few little glitches that you easily handled.
    Be Safe and Enjoy the rest of your trip.

    It's about time.

    1. Not everything went as smoothly as we would have liked but yes, they were small glitches and we could easily deal with. We are looking forward to getting to our destination later today. :-)

  5. In spite of the glitches, which you are expertly managing, the smiles on your faces say “ happy to be traveling again!” Looking forward to your posts and a Happy Thanksgiving!

    1. Yep, we sure are happy to be traveling again, glitches and all. :-)

  6. Not really a surprise. I still like to see what changed your mind.
    Happy Thanksgiving and happy travels.

    1. Kevin explained about it in a post a day or two ago but long story short, they put down big restrictions in Berlin and there was a new 5 day quarantine time and then lots of restrictions on where you could travel within the country, so it just made sense to cancel our trip there and head straight to Turkey sooner than we thought we would be. Germany will still be there next March when we head there to pick up our new motorhome and start exploring Europe in it.

      We hope you and Bernd had a very Happy Thanksgiving Weekend. :-)

  7. Happy Thanksgiving, enjoy living vicariously through you!

    1. Thank you and Happy Thanksgiving to you too! :-)

  8. Have you flown on a 787 Dreamliner before? I hear the windows are much larger and it's a lot quieter. True?

    1. Yes, we have traveled on a 787 Dreamliner before, actually it's been a few times now. The windows are bigger but they don't have blinds on them and although they are supposed change with the light coming in we found the sun very bright yesterday morning. They are definitely much quieter.

  9. Despite the glitch, it sounds like a good start to your long voyage, and may there be no further glitches!

    1. Yes, we have had a good start to our trip and the flights so far have all gone well. We should be nicely settled into our Airbnb in Fethiye this afternoon, with a drink in hand sitting out on our balcony with a beautiful view. :-)

  10. You are both looking very relaxed and comfortable rolling with these punches. So much fun ahead. Enjoy.

    1. Thank you, there were a few times where things didn't go quite as planned but there are just somethings that you don't have control over. Thankfully we could work through them even though it did cost us more than we had expected. We have now arrived safe and sound in Fethiye, Turkey. We are going to love it here! :-)

  11. So wonderful catching up on where you are and HOW you got there. Couldn't check in until today-- after reading your Turkey days-- had to go back and find out how you ended up in Turkey rather than Germany. I think you will love it there. So good to get out of the Europe covid hotspot. You two are champs. Very sorry to hear your father passed away-- yes my father had a long sad end but it too was quick at the end at 90. That's the good part-- BEST BEST WISHES. Both my neice and some close friends have been to Turkey, knowing people and it IS friendly and beautiful. I do hope you see some cultural sites too.

    1. Glad that you are catching up on us and where we are. Yes, we think we made the right decision to put of our visit to Germany until mid March next year. Hopefully by then things will have calmed down with this whole Corona virus mess. We are sure that Turkey has it's own issues with COVID but at least they are open for the most part and have rules in place that must be followed such as wearing a mask whenever you leave your home. There is hand sanitizer everywhere and in every store and people are very good about following the rules. We do however try to keep away from crowded areas as much as possible and enjoy our drives and hikes where we are totally off by ourselves. So far it seems to be working so we will just continue what we are doing, as we must be doing it right. :-)

      Thank you for you kind words on the passing of my father. I am thankful that it was quick for him because he certainly didn't seem so close to the end of his life when we were visiting him this past summer and early fall. When I said goodbye to him in early October, I was pretty sure it would be the last time that I would see him but I didn't expect him to pass away within the month. It is hard being this far away but it doesn't make sense to go back especially with COVID around. I will be able to properly say goodbye to him next May when we are all together for a memorial service for him.


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