Scenery near Jalpan de Serra, Queretaro, Mexico.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Jalpan de Serra, Queretaro, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Not sure yet.

Monday, October 19, 2020

Walk to Çalış Beach, and we spotted some Turkish motorhomes

We had a nice relaxing morning on Sunday, then after lunch we decided to walk along the waterfront up to Çalış Beach. This beach is another area that is popular with British tourists. So much so that you see signs that advertise "Full British Breakfast" with all the writing in English.

We knew it was going to be a fairly long walk because the beginning of Çalış Beach is 8 kms (5 miles) one way from our apartment. But other than the one steep stretch leading back up to our apartment, it was mostly flat.

We took a bit of a different route to get to the waterfront from the apartment.

Residential area.

Every mosque has a tower. The tower is called a minaret.

Residential area.

We walked up the coastline in Fethiye towards Çalış Beach which is at the north end of the city. The coastline here is a variety of commercial districts with restaurants, paved pathways, parks, and protected natural areas.

Ruth (with mask on) and a statue by the north marina.

We spotted some RVs on the opposite side of the pathways in a parking area. It was just a free car park, of which there are quite a few of them around, and the RV's just seem to have taken over this one. There are no signs saying that you can't overnight here. We went wandering through to see what licence plates there were, and we were surprised to learn that they were all from Turkey.

Some of them were definitely set up to stay more than just one night.

But everything was very tidy and organized.

Pretty big hibiscus flowers.

We were surprised at how few people were around on a Sunday afternoon.

We made a detour to a grocery store to buy a couple of Magnum Ice Cream bars. They are delicious all over the world! But they are also different prices all over the world. Here in Fethiye, Turkey they cost 6 lira ($1.00 CAD, $0.76 USD) each. We will be having them more often here at that price!

We walked back to the park to sit and eat them, and then wandered around the park...

You don't have to look very far to see the flag of Turkey.

One of these birds doesn't belong!

A Canada goose? In Turkey?

Canal near Çalış Beach.

Sun starting to get low in the sky.

It was pretty quiet, but there were still some beach goers further down the beach.

We had already walked about 8 kms (5 miles) and we still had to walk back! We cheated a little bit because I had read of a water taxi that would take you back to Fethiye harbor from Çalış Beach. We found the departure point and paid the 12.50 lira ($2.10 CAD, $1.60 USD) each for the one way boat ride.

We still had a 5 km (3 mile) walk ahead of us, and arrived back at the apartment pretty much beat. 

Total distance walked in Turkey 43 kms (26.7 miles).

Record low deal on the eufy WiFi Video Doorbell.

And in Canada...


  1. We enjoy eight months living in the PA mountains and four months enjoying the Delaware beaches and ocean 🐠 fishing. Love that you can see mountains while enjoying the beach where you’re at!!!!

    1. Connie, you and Barry get the best of both worlds that way. We are really happy being by both the beach and the mountains, this is the seaside kind of scenery that we love.

  2. What a lovely city. You make my morning seeing what you have discovered.

    1. It is a very nice city and especially now that the majority of tourists have already headed back home. We really don't want to be in a city any bigger than this at the moment and we are really looking forward to heading out to the countryside tomorrow.

      We are glad that we are your morning pick-me-up! :-)

  3. Beautiful area! Eat those Magnum bars! $1.25 US here in Valle

    1. It is a very nice area! Magnum bars even at $1.25USD isn't too bad of a price!

  4. I'm always amazed at how different locales look as opposed to how I thought they would look. Some of those pics look like Hawaii with the mountains and sea being in the same shot. Either way, loving the education you provide.

    1. We are quite often surprised ourselves. Too be honest because this trip was booked at the very last minute with hardly any research done, we weren't totally sure what to expect, luckily we are really loving it here.

      We are glad that you are enjoying our posts and our pictures. :-)

  5. Interesting information especially the Magnum Bars. Here they are around $4.00 Canadian.
    That Goose needs a new GPS or it got carried on a fast moving Jet Stream.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

    1. That's about the price that we thought Magnum bars were in Canada, I guess that is why we never buy them when we are back home.

      We agree, that Canada goose must have a broken GPS unit, lol!

  6. Thanks for all your news. So glad this spontaneous trip is working out so well for you. Now I want to go to Turkey.


    1. We knew that we wanted to come to Turkey after visiting Germany and settling everything up with the motorhome, so it wasn't too much of a spontaneous trip. We just didn't think we would be coming here quite so quickly but yes, it has worked out well for us. We have had a week to get ourselves orientated a little with Turkey and what to expect and have more or less come up with a bit of a travel plan. There really is a lot of things to do and see here in Turkey so I think by the time we are finished with our travels here we will have convinced you both and hopefully others to make a trip here. :-)

  7. Oooooo.....your pictures and stories are making me more and more interested in possibly spending a winter in that lovely city! I love how it is very clean and the location by the seaside with a view of the mountains remind me of Vancouver!

    1. You and Paul would love it here Lynnette. It certainly has the best of both worlds, mountains and beaches. Fethiye is a lovely small city that is very clean and friendly and affordable. The winters will be cool but not cold!

    2. we shall see what the future brings in the next two years! I'm really falling in love with where you are! hahaha!

    3. If I was you, I would be arranging a trip here right now to get away from the cold and the snow. :-)


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