Scenery near Jalpan de Serra, Queretaro, Mexico.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Jalpan de Serra, Queretaro, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Not sure yet.

Monday, November 2, 2020

Day trip visit to Dalyan and the ancient city of Kaunos

Too many photos! We took over 100 photos yesterday. I've whittled them down, but there is so much interesting stuff to show you that this is going to be a long blog post.

Sunday morning we made our way over to the ancient city of Kaunos, which is located beside the modern town of Dalyan. For whatever reason, not many people visit Kaunos. It's a little difficult to get to, and most tourists who go to Dalyan seem to go for the river boat tours.

It was a 60 km (36 mile) drive from our cottage in the village of Gökçe to the town of Dalyan (pop 5,000).

Yesterday's drive.

Arriving at Dalyan, there is a scenic river, and as I said, most visitors are there to take a scenic boat trip. But the ancient city of Kaunos is located on the opposite side of the river, and there is no bridge. So you have to make your way to one of the two "ferry" locations.

(You can drive directly to Kaunos using a longer route, but we were trying to get there early.)

I put the word "ferry" in quotation marks because it's not exactly what you might think it is...

Here comes the ferry!

Ruth, boarding the ferry!

Yes, the ferry is a rowboat.

You pay 7.5 lira ($1.20 CAD, $0.90 USD) per person for a round trip ticket.

As you are crossing the river, you can't help but notice the Lycian rock tombs that are similar to the ones we saw in Fethiye.

It is said that these tombs date to the mid 4th century BC!

We were looking forward to climbing up to them, but when we found the entrance the gate was locked. We thought maybe we were too early, but when we returned the same way later in the day, it was still locked. And, no, there was no opening in the fence! 

So, we carried on to the ruins. It was maybe a 1.6 km (1 mile) walk from where we got off the boat to the entrance of the Kaunos ruins. There, we paid the 14 lira ($2.20 CAD, $1.65 USD) per person entrance fee. 

The site opened to visitors at 8:30am. and we arrived at 10:45am. I think there were only two other couples already on the grounds. 

Kaunos was occupied by several different cultures between the years of 800BC and 1500 AD when it was finally abandoned. 

We decided to head up to the acropolis first before it got too hot. We stopped in at the amphitheater because it was along the way.

These cows didn't seem too bothered by us!

One of the theater entrances.

The theater is in a pretty much unrestored state. It is simply amazing to be wandering around this structure that was built some 2,300 years ago. 

Ruth, sitting in the 5,000 seat theater.

The view from the cheap seats!
Of course the wild olive trees would not have been there at the time!

Some of the huge seating stones have weathered over time.

Then we made our way up to the acropolis which is located on top of a steep hill with views in all directions.

Yes, goats really can climb trees!

We are headed up there!

Came across another tortoise.

He was a bit skittish, but he finally stuck his head out and said hello.

It was a bit of a climb to get to the top. And the path wasn't the easiest to follow... we don't think many people get up there! Good thing we're not old! But the plan is to still be doing this when we are old, so it makes no difference. :-)

I took a video from the top. No need to turn up your volume... it's just noise from the wind...

Beautiful view of Dalyan.
Did I mention it was another perfect day. Sunny and high of 24C (75F).

Looking down on the main ruins site.

Some old excavation work at the top.

Ruth and the view.

We love exploring ancient ruins.

So we're heading back down, and the first thing we had to do was get from the level in the photo above. We knew of a bit of a short cut that we had tried to go up but couldn't pass one section of rock that was too steep to climb. But we figured we could get down that way. I went first, and with my long legs I could do it but it was a bit of a jump at the end. So then it was Ruth's turn. I wish I had videoed the whole thing... you would have laughed. Anyhow, she made it down safely with my help, but I don't think it was very graceful!

Back at the bottom, we continued with the main section of ruins.

The observation platform. 
Apparently the famous astronomer Hipparkos had something to do with its construction.

Ruth, looking at the beautiful mosaic floor.
They built floors to last back then!

Actually, she was looking at this tortoise walking across the old floor.

Hurry up... I can't hold this much longer!

Remnants of the Byzantine domed church, built around 500 AD.

The temple terrace.

So we're wandering around looking at things and another couple is coming up behind us and we hear the North American English language being spoken. I turned around and said "that's a language we don't hear around here very often".

The guy asked if we were from the U.S., and we said "no, Canada".

He says that he is too. Turns out that he is from Ottawa, our home town!

How funny is that? There's hardly anybody around, yet we meet someone from our home town. Strange. 

We stood and spoke to Francis and Nisan for about 15 minutes. Really interesting people. He works for the Canadian government and is currently stationed in Moscow, and she is a Turkish diplomat currently stationed in South Africa. We never got into details, but if they are a couple, I guess they don't see each other very often. Wish we could have chatted longer, I bet we could have shared lots of travel stories with each other.

Not much structure left here.

This is what used to be here.

This is what it looks like now.

We are still amazed at how they cut these blocks so accurately.

Lots of writing on them, but it's all Greek to us!

How is it that this rock still has readable writing on it, but we have graveyard headstones in North America that don't last 200 years? Yes, I know... a different type of rock. 

A huge Basilica was built here in the 2nd century, but most of it didn't last. Perhaps an earthquake destroyed a lot of it... they don't seem to know.  

Even though they have done extensive excavations at Kaunos on a consistent basis for almost 60 years, a lot is left to be discovered. As you can see from the photo above, much remains as it has been for hundreds of years.

It's like a giant jigsaw puzzle waiting to be put together.

We walked back to the ferry where we were rowed back to the other side. Considering it was a Sunday, Dalyan was pretty dead. We found a corner shop that had some Magnum ice cream bars and went and sat by the river to enjoy the treat. At 6 lira ($0.95 CAD, $0.71 USD) each, they taste even better!

What a great day we had!

We walked 5.5 kms (3.4 miles) yesterday.

Total distance walked in Turkey 132.3 kms (82.0 miles).

Have a look at today's deals at 


  1. Absolutely F.A.B.U.L.O.U.S! Thanks for letting us see your discoveries. There are NEVER too many pictures!

    1. We are so glad that you have enjoyed this post. Sometimes we just have to make a long post with lots of pictures in order to tell the story. Normally Kevin likes to keep them shorter so people don't quickly lose interest.

  2. Amazing photos and video - turned the volume up and felt like we were there with you. What a view!!!!

    1. So glad that you enjoyed our post! The view from the top was definitely spectacular, well worth the climb up to the very top. :-)

  3. What an interesting day in such gorgeous scenery

    1. It was another fun day!

      We can't get over the beautiful scenery here down by the coast. It will be interesting to see what it will be like once we head inland tomorrow.

  4. We love your daily posts! Turkey is one of our favourite countries, and it's our plan to really immerse ourselves as you are doing the next time we go. I studied Turkish before we went there. Wow! Is it hard! However, the sounds are logical, unlike English. Don't worry about posting "too many" pictures -- there are never too many! --Lisa & Paul

    1. We are so happy that you are enjoying our posts!

      It is great to be able to have the time and to travel slowly through a country, we find that you can learn so much more doing it that way but we understand that not everyone has the time to do it the way we do. Yes, the Turkish language is a hard one. Everyday I study the language for about 20 minutes, much more than that and it would all turn into Greek, lol!

      We hope that your plans to come to Turkey and travel slowly through the country come to fruition. :-)

  5. Replies
    1. That has to be one of our best "ferry" rides!

      We are glad that you enjoyed all the pictures. :-)

  6. What a great day you had. I am so envious of the adventures you take on each day. This one in particular was really a pleasure to scroll through. Thank you.

    1. Yes, it was another great day here in Turkey! We are certainly learning lots about the country and it's history. This trip has definitely surpassed our expectations. Never did we imagine to see some of the things that we are seeing. And the scenery is amazing to boot! :-)

      We are so happy that you are enjoying our posts about Turkey.

  7. Such interesting pictures! Long or short, love your blog.

    1. That you, we are glad that you have enjoyed all the pictures and the "long" post. :-)

  8. I'm sure you were referring to physical condition not years when you talked about being "old" :)

    1. I think that Kevin was referring to both. Right now we aren't old, at least not in our minds we aren't but when we get to be 70 , 75 or even 80 we still want to be very active, we don't want the added years to affect our ability to stay active and still be able to do much of what we are doing now. :-)

  9. Wonderful pictures! You guys sure are enjoying this Covid year much more then the rest of us. Stay safe and enjoy your travels.

    1. Thank you! The pictures really do bring the place to life more than just the words.

      Yes, we are enjoying this year, maybe not the same way we would normally do our traveling but we are also not letting it stop us. It is necessary to follow all the precautions necessary to stay safe and to protect others and to follow the rules that the different countries have in place. Since this whole virus started we have been extra careful to stay away from very populated areas and to do as much as we can where we are off by ourselves, such as hiking. When we are around others it is normally in an outdoor setting other than having to go into a grocery store which we keep to a minimum.

  10. I haven't even read your blog today! The header picture stopped me cold-it's beyond beautiful and I need to tell you so! Following you is a true joy. Sure hope you can continue traveling and avoiding the shutdowns.

    1. Lol, wait until you see some of the other pictues! Yes, that view from the top of the hill was absolutely amazing to see. We are so happy that we climbed right to the top and not just to the fortification walls.

      We hope that we can as well. We keep our eyes on the news and keep abreast of what is happening here in Turkey and around the world. Right now things here in Turkey are going on mostly as normal but with certain things in place and certain rules that must be followed and for the most part people here are following them. It will be interesting to see where we will be after the middle of January, so much can change between now and then.

  11. That was a good time! And to meet another Canadian, that was something. You 2 are level 10(10 is max) hikers! I enjoyed the ruins, every time we will touch something that was very old, like a piece of stone, or carvings. I once saw were a signature of Lewis and Clark, and others carvings of men on the on the expedition. I love those things! Well keep up the good"work"! Rawn Stone

    1. It was so weird to meet a fellow Canadian and one from our own hometown, especially when there were so few people at the ruins site. We wished that we could have had more time to talk to them, I am pretty sure they would have had some great travel stories to tell. They have been to and worked at places we have either visited in the past or want to visit in the future.

      It is always incredible to think of what life was like back then and who in history has walked and lived in these same places. I never cared for history in school but it is a totally different story when you are in places like this where some of that history actually happened.

  12. I too was bad in in history, until we lived in Tucson years old about 8 years, my brother was a year younger. My Dad loved the desert, we would hall big beautiful rocks. My Dad and his buddies would hunt doves, and me and my brother were the bird "dogs"! My Dad loved the desert.
    We were also members of the archeological society, and we would go and find pottery, arrow heads, even old knives. It was very cool to touch something that was last by a Native American! Any way you 2 are very much explorers! Take care, Rawn Stone

    1. Yes, history is truly so much more interesting when you are actually at the location and touching or seeing the items than when you are sitting in a classroom. We have learned so much more about history and about the world because of our travels.

  13. Oh please! ..there are never too many pictures! You two are meant to do what you’re doing to bring joy to a LOT of individuals who for various reasons can’t or won’t be in a position to travel and explore this wonderful world as much as they would like. So.....keep up the travels and the blogs. More power to you two! Stay well and safe.

    1. So glad that you enjoyed our pictures!

      We think we were meant for this life as well. It is so fun to get out there and explore new places, learn about new cultures, get a history lesson and meet wonderful people. We are more than happy to bring all that to those that can't travel or giving ideas to those who might follow our footsteps in some of the amazing places that we visit.

  14. Thank you Kevin and Ruth!! I wish I could be there too. 😍


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