Out for a hike near Etzatlan, Jalisco, Mexico.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? La Primavera Forest, just west of Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Towards San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato, Mexico!

Sunday, November 29, 2020

Good times with new friends

We had a note the other day from another traveling couple who are also here in Kaş. They invited us over to their balcony for tea, and we quickly agreed. Joe and Josee just finished doing a five year trip in their XP Camper Overland rig from Canada down to Ushuaia, Argentina so we knew that we would have a lot in common.

It was a beautiful morning, so we decided to walk the 4.5 kms (2.8 miles) over to their place.

They have a rental apartment overlooking the town, with a gorgeous view. We got there about 10:30am and didn't waste any time getting into some heavy travel discussion! 

They also run a blog at https://joeandjoseesjourney.com/ where you can read about their last five years! 

They only just sold their overland rig this past summer, so are now looking at doing southern Africa and then Australia once all of this Covid stuff settles down. In the meantime, they are sort of doing like us. Interestingly, they are headed to Egypt on Tuesday so we can see how they make out before making a decision on where we might go next.

This is the beach that is five minutes walk from our apartment.

There is a nice walkway between where we are, and the town of Kaş.

Josee and Joe.

Josee is Canadian, and Joe is American. She was born in Ottawa, our home town! And Joe is originally from Philadelphia, but they met in Miami!

From their balcony, I zoomed in on our apartment.

Time flew by, and before we knew it, it was lunch time. Ruth deserved a birthday meal out, so we decided to walk down to the town in search of some food.

Along the way, we brought them up to the rock tomb we had visited the other day.


Ready to rob a bank!

We knew that the restrictions on in restaurant dining are now in place, but the girls we met on the hike the other day told us that there was a hotel by the water that was still serving on their outdoor patio. It's a definite tourist spot, but the sun was shining, and it was a beautiful afternoon to sit by the water and enjoy a few overpriced cold beer.

Josee, Kevin, and Ruth.

Josee, Kevin, and Ruth.

The food was also overpriced, and not very good. But we enjoyed our time, and had a fun afternoon. We paid our 280 lira ($46 CAD, $36 USD) bill, and headed home.

Things clouded over, but no rain... yet.

I say yet... because the rain is still coming. They have been saying for a few days now that the rain will start Sunday evening, and the forecast still maintains that.

We are headed back to Joe and Josee's place for dinner tonight. They have some food to use up before they fly to Egypt on Tuesday, so we will bring the wine!

Record low deal on the popular Miroco LED Floor Lamp.

And in Canada...


  1. What a fun day with new friends!!!! Perfect time to travel and enjoy without the crowds. Everything looks so nice and clean. You hit the jackpot on your choice of Turkey, just another day in Paradise and we are loving it with you!!

    1. It sure was! We had a great day together with lots to talk about.

      It really is a great time to travel and we are so glad that we picked Turkey to be our choice of a country to explore it hasn't let us down one bit.

  2. Your posts have made me add Turkey to my list of places to snowbird to once the kids finish high school. Just 4 more years!

    1. We are so happy to hear this. We are always wanting to show off lesser known countries that are full of history, culture, good food, beautiful scenery and friendly people. We hope those four years go by fast enough for you. :-)

  3. Looks like your time in Turkey has turned into a great place to be including meeting good friends.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

    1. It certainly has! Turkey has really surprised us and we are so happy that we have a full three months to explore it, however three months still isn't enough time. We really look forward to returning here again sometime in the next year or two. :-)

  4. We were in Egypt in February/March this year, tourism was almost nil due to the political stuation and the start of Covid. It was our second visit, gets better and better.
    3 tips for your friends: Immerse themselves for several days in central Cairo if they can, an amazing experince that grows as days go by. Even the world famous sites are almost empty, vistiing the antiquities museum in Cairo with almost no other visitor was amazing. For us the best site we visited this trip was Komombo on the Nile, buried under sand nearly forever which allows the carvings to be almost in 'as new' condition. Small and hard to get to by public transport as it's in a security zone, be happy advise how we did it if they get stuck.
    Like Turkey, very friendly but quite poor people.

    1. We always love visiting places when there are less people around so now certainly does sound like a good time to explore Egypt. It is definitely on our tentative list of countries to visit once we leave Turkey.

      I do think that Joe and Josee will be spending time in Cairo and then on to the Nile. I think they have a guide lined up for them for the few days that they will be in Cairo as well, so I am sure they will be hitting many of the must see spots in that area. This is also good information for us, if we do indeed decide to go there ourselves, thanks!

  5. you two look relaxed and having a lot of fun in this blog.


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