Out for a hike near Etzatlan, Jalisco, Mexico.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? La Primavera Forest, just west of Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Towards San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato, Mexico!

Friday, November 20, 2020

Turkey announces new lockdown measures

Like almost every other country in the world, Turkey is experiencing a spike in Covid numbers. The other day, they announced new measures to help curb the spread. These measures go into effect today (Friday the 20th) at 8:00pm local time.

Among other things, schools will be closed, lot of various curfew hours put in place especially for people over 65 or under 20, and in person restaurant dining closed. 

Fortunately, not very much of it affects us at all.

It turns out the curfew hours don't even apply to foreign tourists. And we make most of our own meals anyhow, so I guess now we will make all of our own meals. No big deal. We have only eaten out twice this month anyhow.

We are curious to see what the state of things will be like as we approach January 11th when our three month visa expires. Yes, there are still some countries accepting tourists, so I'm sure we will have some options. But we certainly won't be booking any travel until much closer to that date. And, although I haven't done the full research yet, apparently it's relatively easy to extend your Turkish visa. In a worse case scenario, that certainly wouldn't be a disaster either.

As I mentioned the other day, we are glad we are only at our current location for three nights. There is construction going on at two nearby sites and the jackhammers start at 8:00am and don't stop until 6:00pm! It really isn't very nice. Also, the people in the apartment upstairs don't go to bed until about 1:00am, and they talk on the phone very loudly. If we had booked for two weeks here, we would be making other arrangements!

Yesterday we walked to the town of Yalikavak. It's not really that far, but in total we did 13.4 kms (8.3 miles) and we were gone for exactly three hours.

Our place right beside the big construction site.

This huge construction project is also nearby and we get noise from that too.

They were calling for rain in the afternoon.

Everybody gets a sea view.

It's a real tourist area.
This is the entrance to the Pirates Cactus Inn Waterpark.

Scenery along the way.

The port restaurants are not very busy.

Not many people around at all. Which is expected, given Covid and the fact that this is low season to begin with.

The poor folks marina.
Scroll further down to see why I qualified that marina as "poor".

Looking across the bay.

Old windmill.

How do you spell yacht?

Flower street lights!

Turkish Navy patrol boats.

Calm bay at Yalikavak.

As we made our way up through the marinas, the boats got more expensive.

Near the top of the harbor is the rich folks marina!


There sure are a lot of people with a lot of money. Ruth and I were musing about what it's like to live like that. We are quite happy with our life, but it would be interesting to try out their lifestyle for a few weeks just to see if we like it!

I would be happy just to go on board one of these boats for a tour.

There were a couple of older guys outside one of them, where I had stopped to take a photo. He asked (in English, but with an accent) where we were from, and we had a short conversation. I was waiting for him to invite us on board for a drink, but it never happened!

It costs over $10,000 just to fill the fuel tank!

Yes, this is the Rolls Royce Quay.

We could afford one of these!

But in all honestly, we have zero ambition to own a boat of any kind. 

Trying to beat the rain, we made it back home by 2:30pm... and then it didn't end up raining until after the sun went down.

Today is a beautiful sunny day with an expected high of 20C (68F). Perfect. We are going to do the short drive over to Bodrum and wander around.

Record low deal on the all new Fire TV Stick.

And in Canada, the same deal...

All new Fire TV Stick.


  1. A lot of talk about shutting down in the states too. I follow every post and loving it. Thanks.

    1. I am not surprised but then each state seems to do their own thing, rather than to do something as a whole country.

      We are glad that you are enjoying our posts. :-)

  2. The best boat is the one your friend owns. Really enjoying your trip.

  3. During COVID, maybe he didn't feel comfortable inviting you on board? SO sorry about the construction and neighbor noise in your Airbnb! That is one of the main reasons we ended up leaving Mexico. Although we loved so many things there, the noise was almost inescapable. Glad you had only a short stay in this particular apt. Beautiful views only go so far.

    1. I doubt that was the case, perhaps we should have stayed and talked to him longer. :-)

      There is really nothing that our host can do about the construction noise but we will make sure to mention that in our review of the place, even if it is to only let future renters know that it does exist while the construction project is ongoing. We are also glad that we are only here for the three nights.

  4. Do you typically write a review for the Airbnb’s that you stay in? If yes, do you discuss both pros and cons of a property?

    1. Yes, we always write a review and yes, we always mention the good and the bad. We realise that our host can't do anything about the construction noise but it needs to be mentioned so that future renters know that it exists at least while the construction projects are ongoing. The place itself isn't all that bad, it is rough around the edges and the stove isn't working nor the internet so it won't get a terrible review from us but it certainly won't get a 5 star review that the other people have rated it.

  5. I'd like to own a boat but there's not much point since I live in the desert. But it'd have to be the kind of boat where I don't have to ask what it costs, more likely than not inflatable.

    1. Yep, an inflatable would be right in our budget as well. lol We like Garth's idea better! :-)

  6. I've heard some lottery big winner's say they wished they never won! But like you, I wish I could try for a short period! You 2 keep doing what you do best, entertainment and adventures! Take care, Rawn Stone

    1. We have heard that before too! As we said, we would love to just give it a try. Honestly though I don't think it would change how we live very much, even with that kind of money we wouldn't be owning a big boat like that or an big fancy house either. We really enjoy the way we travel, maybe we would spend a little more on our Airbnb places though!


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