Scenery near Jalpan de Serra, Queretaro, Mexico.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Jalpan de Serra, Queretaro, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Not sure yet.

Friday, November 6, 2020

Walking around the non tourist city of Denizli, Turkey

We relaxed for the morning and then went for a walk over to the big 5M Migros store. It was 1.6 kms (1 mile) each way, and we made a bit of a detour into a covered market area just to have a look.

We needed some things for lunch, and the plan was to go out for a drive in the afternoon and then stop in with the car to pick up some more stuff that would have been difficult to carry that far.

But we never did go out for a drive. By the time we arrived back to the apartment and finished lunch it was after 2:00pm. So we just decided to go for a walk around the city. We ended up doing 5.6 kms (3.5 miles) and had a good time seeing day to day life in a typical non tourist Turkish city.

We walk by this shop heading from the apartment to the central area.
They have things so nicely displayed!

A fancy dress store.
Turkish wedding gowns, perhaps?

A covered mall.

The jewelry section.
Rows of shops selling gold, silver, and watches. 

The central plaza has a big mosque.

Stray dogs.

There are far more stray cats than dogs. However all the strays, whether they are cats or dogs, seem to be really well looked after. We see a lot of bowls of food and water all over the place, and the dogs all have some kind of ear tag on them. 

We thought this intersection was funny.

You can't really tell from the photo, but there were traffic lights and then this huge section of pavement with no markings on it. And cars going in all directions. I hope that if we go that way it's only to be going straight through!

I don't think we have seen any single family homes since our arrival in Denizli.

They are all 6 or 7 story apartment buildings with shops on the ground level.

However, in our older section closer to the center, the buildings are mostly four or five stories.

They call Denizli the city of parks.

Although in our area, I made the comment that the children don't have very much outdoor space to play.

This mosque has a grocery store on the main floor!

Look at the satellite dishes.

You can see that there are a lot of cars parked at the side of the road. It's tough to find parking here, and we think that there are more cars than there are available parking spots. On the side streets, many cars park up on the sidewalk, whether or not there is a no parking sign. So long as they leave a narrow piece of space for other cars to get through without rubbing mirrors, nobody seems to care. I remember it was like this is some parts of Romania when we were there.

Today, we are off to another ruins site... the ancient city of Aphrodisias, and we are taking a back route mountain road to get there. It's only 64 kms (40 miles) but it's supposed to take an hour and a half to get there. Forecast high of 22C (72F) and sunny with a 10% chance of a shower.

Check out today's deals at We own and operate this site so you know its safe to click through the link.

We walked 9.1 kms (5.6 miles) yesterday.

Total distance walked in Turkey 165.8 kms (102.8 miles).


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you! We try to walk/hike every day. :-)

  2. (This is my third time trying to post the comment ... so if you end up with multiple, please delete the extras.)

    Traditionally, those “kaftan” dresses are worn by a bride-to-be- at the “Kına Gecesi” (Henna Night) ... a party that precedes the official civil wedding. Again, traditionally, it used to be more like a bridal shower with only females in attendance. That’s changed considerably with the groom-to-be and other males also attending.

    1. Your comment only came up the one time, thank you for being so persistent!

      Also thank you so much for the information on the dresses. We really enjoy the input when we aren't familiar with the local traditions, or what were traditions. :-)

  3. Doing a quick check, apparently the government has a program of sterilization, tagging and cleaning the dogs. Imagine if we adopted that in Mexico maybe people would start treating each other better as well.

    1. That is the same info that we came up with as well. They will also use the info on the tags to re-inoculate the dogs when needed. Unfortunately the program is underfunded and may be cut. There has been talk in the past of gathering up the strays and taking them out to the forests and releasing them there luckily this decision in the past has been dropped but lately it has come back up for talks again. :-(

  4. Great photos! The covered mall with the rows of shops selling gold and silver reminded me of the same when I was stationed in the United Arab Emirates with the U.S. Air Force some 30 years ago. The only thing missing is the rows of spices.

    1. This covered walkway was more just shops rather than a market or souk like we have seen in Morocco where they would be selling spices and fruits and vegetables along with everything else. The only time we have seen piles of spices was at the "tourist" market in Fethiye where the spices were way over priced or at the local Thursday market in Marmaris and even then it was only one stall, quite unlike Morocco. Still it was fun to walk through the walkway and see all the shops.

  5. You 2 are inspiring for walkers around this world! I haven't been able to walk for 2 months, but at least I'm scheduled for hip surgery December 3rd! Yeah me,I'm looking forward to it, mainly because my wife and Peanut(our wonder dog, all ten pounds of her!)have to go without me. So that's why I'm looking forward to hip surgery. Well take care,Rawn Stone

    1. We love walking and hiking and truly feel that it is one of the best ways to see life in the cities and the beautiful scenery in the countryside.

      Glad to see that you now have a scheduled date for your hip surgery, hopefully that will make walking much easier for you. We wish you the best and hope that your recovery time is quick.

  6. Thanks for the city tour. Those shops remind me of the market and streets in Old Town, Puerto Vallarta! Safe travels.


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