Scenery in the Sierra Gorda mountains near Pinal de Amoles, Queretaro, Mexico.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Jalpan de Serra, Queretaro, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Not sure yet.

Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Eye Surgery #2... no more glasses!

My first new eye... the one that was done last Friday, is now at about 90%. It will still improve a little more over the coming days. But it was time to get the second new eye!

Yesterday, Tuesday, was a total write off. It poured with rain all day and we just stayed inside. So it felt great to do the 8.2 km (5.1 mile) walk to the hospital this morning. Our appointment was at 9:00am, so we left the apartment at 7:30am... it was still dark out.

At the hospital, we had to register again and then go through pretty much the exact same procedure that we had gone through last Friday. 

Ruth went in and had hers done first, then I followed. It seemed to take a little longer this time and was definitely more uncomfortable. Ruth says she thought hers took longer as well. Maybe we will get some clarification when we see the doctor again tomorrow morning.

He took photos of us immediately after surgery!

And then we took a taxi home again. We were back in the apartment by 1:15pm.

I am writing this using only one eye, and with no glasses! For the first time in years, I can see my computer screen without glasses. And it will only get better when I can actually use both my eyes! Ruth is the same. Totally amazing! But, this is what we paid the money for.

I'll add up the total cost in a week or so, but it will be at least half of what it would have cost to have this done in Canada or the U.S.. And, we get the benefit of not having to worry about having it done when we are older and actually need it because of cataracts. And just not needing to buy glasses for the rest of our lives will easily pay for the cost of the surgery. Short term pain, for long term gain.

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And in Canada...


  1. You will definitely Enjoy the Freedom of not having to wear glasses. This will be a game changer. Now Sun and Safety Glasses will be all you need. Congratulations on your new Eyes.
    We had to wait Two Weeks between for the second eye but since you are of a time restraint that might be why it was so close together.
    Be Safe and Enjoy a brighter New Year.

    It's about time.

    1. I too had the patch on a week and waited another week before second surgery.

    2. Yes, we are certainly going to enjoy not having to wear prescription glasses anymore. We are glad that we got it done now rather that waiting until we actually do get cataracts down the road, this way we get to enjoy that freedom for so much longer.

      We are sure that this doctor would normally wait a little longer between surgeries before doing the second eye and we are certainly glad that we didn't have them done only two days apart like the first doctor that we saw was going to do!

  2. In the US mine cost $4,000 for both eyes but insurance took care of all but co-payment :-) I have BCBS ins.

    1. And, because your insurance paid for it, they would only have covered the price for the basic mono lens. We got both our eyes done combined for just a little over what you/your insurance paid for your two eyes and our price included the enhanced lenses plus all the drops that you have to take as well. We are happy with the price and the results. :-)

  3. You've got us interested in doing it. Very happy for you guys to get rid of that noose we have to wear all the time.

    1. Today is the first day that we are seeing out of both eyes without any glasses and this is only the first day after the second surgery, we are so happy with the results, and they are only going to get better over the next few days and weeks. :-)

      We will keep you updated but so far we have no regrets, we think that it is money well spent.

  4. Amazing results! I think you 2 are smart,like you said, it will pay off! I'm very proud of your smartness! I think that's a word? Anyway, that's good that you won't have to pick up any glasses. Take good care, Rawn and Joann Stone(Peanut too!)

    1. Thank you Rawn! We really do think that in the long run it will pay off. First off, we get to enjoy life without glasses so much longer than if we waited until we had cataracts to have this procedure done, plus the fact that we won't need prescription glasses again or expensive eye exams done on a yearly/bi-yearly basis again. I will still have to go every once in a while to make sure we keep an eye on the small hole that I have in my retina though, to watch that it doesn't get worse.

  5. Other than buying a new motorhome, I think getting your eyes done is the best long term investment you did for yourselves. And from what you’ve posted, it looks like it was meant to be! Your amazing life journey continues!

    1. We think so too! We have spoke about wanting to do this to each other for quite a few years but it is expensive to get done at home so if we were going to do it, now was definitely a good time to get it done and we have no regrets!

      We will be able to enjoy our vision now for years to come. :-)


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