Pinal de Amoles, Queretaro, Mexico.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Pinal de Amoles, Queretaro, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Jalpan de Serra, Queretaro, Mexico.

Friday, December 25, 2020

Merry Christmas from Antalya, Turkey!

By the time most of you read this, we will be at the hospital having our Christmas Day eye surgery done. It's being performed at 4:00pm this afternoon Turkish time, so that's about 8am Eastern time in Canada and the U.S..

The eye surgery is our Christmas present to each other! They are only doing the one eye today... the second eye will be done next Wednesday.

Since we sold our house in 2007 and set off on this alternate lifestyle, we have only been in Canada for Christmas twice... back in 2009 when Ruth's mother passed away and we ended up driving out to Nova Scotia to spend Christmas with our daughter. Then in December of 2016 we flew back to Ottawa from Romania to spend two weeks with family for Christmas, and then we were off to Spain on January 1st of 2017.

I don't miss Christmas in Canada at all. I know that Ruth does, and she would rather be seeing the grandchildren having fun at Christmas. After all, Christmas is for kids. But neither one of us miss that weather in Canada at Christmas. During our trip there in December 2016, we had everything from freezing rain and heavy snowfall to ice cold temperature and then rain. What a mess. Nope. we don't miss that at all.

Christmas Day 2007
 at  Playa Los Cocos, Bahia Concepcion, Baja California, Mexico.

Christmas Day 2008 dinner with our good friends Steve and Glen
near Valladolid, Yucatan, Mexico.

Christmas day 2009 in Port William, Nova Scotia.

I had to include this shot of our dog Whiskey. She was such a good girl.

Christmas 2010, our son Alex flew down to spend Christmas with us and our Mexican family
at Puerto Escondido, Huatulco, Mexico

Christmas 2011 was the first Christmas spent at Hacienda Contreras RV Park
 in Valle de Juarez, Jalisco, Mexico.

Christmas 2012 with the gang at Hacienda Contreras again.

Christmas Day 2013 we were on safari near Fish River Canyon, Namibia, Africa!

Christmas Day 2014 in Mazatlan, Mexico.

Christmas Day sunset 2015 at Valle de Bravo, Mexico.

Ruth, enjoying Christmas with the family in Galetta, Ontario, Canada December 2016.

Christmas Day 2017 was at Magnolia Beach, Texas.
We were in transit on our way to Mexico.

Christmas 2018 was with our RV Caravan group in Valle de Bravo, Mexico.

And Christmas 2019 with a different RV Caravan group at Valle de Juarez, Mexico.

And this year, in Antalya, Turkey. But today hasn't happened yet, so we will have some photos from today in tomorrow's blog post.

I wonder where we will be next year!!??

We wish you all the very best Christmas and a prosperous Covid-free New Year! We all know it's not ideal circumstances in which we celebrate the holiday season this year, but I'm certain things will only get better in 2021. All the best to you and your families!


And in Canada...

Boxing Day Deals have begun even before Christmas is over!


  1. Thanks for the good wishes, we do so appreciate it!! We’ll be thinking of you both this morning. I had cataract surgery last spring, nothing to it, so easy, so happy with the results. Love all your Christmas Day photos, lots of wonderful memories. Blessings, to you Kevin and Ruth💕

    1. We hope that you had a great Christmas with family!

      Thanks for thinking of us, everything seems to have gone well, Kevin will be posting about it shortly. The surgery is definitely quick and easy, maybe not for the surgeon but that is a good thing!

      We certainly have had some great Christmases in different parts of the world over the last 13 years of travel and it is nice to look back over them from time to time. :-)

  2. Merry Christmas and good luck with the surgery.

    1. Thank you Erin and Merry Christmas to the two of you as well. :-)

  3. Wishing you both a Safe and Merry Christmas.
    Only the Best on your Eye Surgery.

    It's about time.

    1. Thank you and Merry Christmas to you and Kathy!

  4. Replies
    1. Thank you and the same to the two of you! :-)

  5. Merry Christmas Ruth & Kevin.
    Trust that all went well today.

    1. Thank you Taylore and the same to you!

      Yes, everything went well, Kevin will be posting about the experience shortly. :-)


    1. Thank you and Merry Christmas to you as well! Glad that you got a bit of the white stuff in time for Christmas.

      The weather was nice here yesterday but no white stuff thank goodness, unless we look up into the mountains. :-)

  7. Replies
    1. Thank you very much for the Christmas wishes and Merry Christmas to you as well. :-)

  8. Merry Christmas. Good luck with your surgery. Loved the pictures of Christmas through the years. Thanks.

    1. Thank you very much for the Christmas wishes, we hope that you had a wonderful Christmas too. We are glad that you enjoyed our post of our past Christmases that we had since we hit the road. :-)

      Kevin will be posting shortly on how our day went yesterday.

  9. Great memories! We were looking through our pics of Christmas' past in Valle, Mazatlan, San Miguel de Allende, Durango. I miss being out on the road. Have a great holiday and can't wait to see how the eye surgery turns out. No more glasses!!!! That would be great.

    1. Thank Chris! It is fun looking back at all the different places that we have spent Christmas since we hit the road. We sure did spend a few of them in Mexico and mostly at our three favourite places in Mexico. :-)

      Kevin will be posting about the surgery and how our day went shortly.

  10. Love all the past photos of Christmas Day! Cheers to a successful surgery in Turkey. What a hoot to see you in the prior photos. Merry Christmas!

    1. Merry Christmas to you as well.:-)

      We are glad that you enjoyed this post, it is always fun to look back and see where we spent our Christmases over the past 13 years. :-)

      Our post about our surgery will be coming up shortly.

  11. Replies
    1. Thank you and Merry Christmas to the two of you as well. :-

  12. Merry Christmas from Alberta. Love the past Christmas pics and the one of Whiskey. Congrats on the gift of sight

    1. Thank you Barry and Jeannie! We are glad that you enjoyed our pictures from Christmases past and the one of Whiskey.

      We hope that you guys had a nice Christmas too. :-)

  13. Hope you had a great Christmas. This is our first Christmas away from home, which we sold back in August. We moved to BC into an RV resort and took delivery of our park model home on Dec.23. Even without covid we would not have been able to get to join family this year. We plan to travel south once covid is gone and Christmas for us may also be at a boondocking camping spot somewhere. Safe travels

    1. We did have a good Christmas thank you! It wasn't a bit Christmasy though and it was definitely one of our strangest ones but it was good nonetheless.

      Sounds like you had a very busy Christmas what with taking possession of your park model home unless of course you didn't actually move into it over Christmas. We do hope that you had a good Christmas though even without having family visit.

      Here's hoping that 2021 will be able to see everyone getting back to some kind of normal and that you will be able to start traveling.

  14. Fun to see your Christmas spots over the years. And how well the years are treating you, health-wise. I know you work at it by eating well and lots of exercise (hiking), plus the adventurous life style you chose all help you stay that way.

    1. We have fun ourselves looking back to see where we were over the past Christmases since we have been on the road.

      The years have been treating us well indeed but as you say we do work at it. :-)

      Wishing you, Pam and your family a very Happy New Year.


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