Scenery near Jalpan de Serra, Queretaro, Mexico.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Jalpan de Serra, Queretaro, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Not sure yet.

Tuesday, June 22, 2021

A video tour of Max's interior

We think that we have the interior set up the way we want it. A place for everything, and everything in it's place, as they say.

Of course you put things away and store them during travel, but we try to do that even when we're parked up because it's easy for a motorhome's interior to start to look cluttered. 

We had everything put in it's place, so we wanted to show you some of the features of Max's interior. I took a few still photos in case you don't want to watch the video, but really the video shows so much more.

Turn up your volume... try not to laugh too hard at us! We have no interest in presenting edited professional style "vlogger" videos with nice music and all of that stuff. So what you are seeing is just us being us... I didn't even shave!

2021 Adria Matrix 520 ST interior.

And for those of you who don't want to watch the video, here are a few still shots...


One thing I forgot to mention in the video is the amount of counter space in the kitchen. Look at the big work area in front of the stovetop. And more on the right side of the sink. There were several features that sold us on this particular model, but it is probably the kitchen that we are really impressed with. Remember, Max is only 5.9 meters (19.5 feet) long and he has more kitchen counter space than most full size class A American motorhomes!

The pantry has a roll down cover.



The sink folds down above the toilet.

Living space.

Oh, and I wanted to show you Max's very cool high tech electronic control panel. I meant to do it in the full video above but I forgot, so here's a shorter video that just details that...

We didn't get our registration and insurance done yesterday. They're really busy here, and we're not in a rush. We did discuss some things with them though, and they gave us several options on how best to proceed. I'll update you on that once we know all of the costs.

I had a quick look at the service manual. The first oil change isn't due until 20,000 kms or 1 year! Wow! And that's under "heavy" use. Under normal use, it's 50,000 kms or 2 years. So, not much in the way of maintenance expenses for the first several years.

And, I am about to read the owners manual for the cassette toilet. Not that it's very complicated, and I have used this type of toilet cassette before. But it might be wise just in case there are any new features. You don't want to make any mistakes in this department! We have been sitting here for 4 nights, and it's starting to get full. We could probably go one more night, but might as well look after it now. 

Prime Day deals continue today. There were some fantastic record low prices yesterday, and I'm sure there will be more of the same today.


  1. That is one well thought out motor home, amazing they've packed so much into him. So happy for you both. Look forward to your adventures together.

    1. That is exactly what we thought too! They make use of every available space they can and they have put lots of neat touches that we would never even thought of but are things that make total sense. We are really happy with Max so far, time will tell if we feel the same way after a few months in him.

      We are also looking forward to our adventures together. You better start planning a trip with us, maybe in Turkey this winter?! :-)

    2. We will keep in touch and look forward to it! :-)

  2. You might check into a teak bathmat on amazon or maybe IKEA have them. You take it out when you shower. Afterward put it back in and your feet are dry with using the toliet. That way you don’t have to sponge down the walls. They drain under the mat.

    1. Thank you, we will definitely look into that the next time we are at IKEA.

      I always wipe down the walls after our showers anyways as I don't want to get a built up of soap scum on the walls or floor, it is just easier to do it right after our showers rather than to leave the shower for a few days and do it on cleaning day.

  3. Beautiful van - we had a German Knaus which was very similar. Our top tip for you - if you have a cupboard above your table get a padded table liner onto it pronto. Something heavy fell out of a cupboard overhead and made a hole in our table within a few days of owning the van!

    1. Thank you, we think Max if pretty handsome too! :-)

      Luckily the four small overhead cupboards, two on each side of the van, in the middle over the table and couch don't have anything heavy in them and the way they shut, we can't possibly see them opening while driving down the road but thank you for the warning, we will certainly keep that in mind so that we don't put anything heavy in them in the future. Sorry, that you damaged your table so soon after getting your van, that would have been so heartbreaking.

  4. Love the photos and video! Max, you are going to love traveling with your new housemates!!💕

    1. Thank you Connie and Barry, we are glad that you enjoyed them.

      Max has now idea what adventures he is in for! ;-)

  5. Love your motorhome. The positive draw latches are nice and I like it that the window screens do not have to be up all the time. The drop down bed is just perfect.

    1. Thank you Garth, we are loving Max too and all his neat little features and the big ones too! :-)

      Yes, the locks on the cupboard doors are good and strong and the same with the kitchen cabinet drawers and cupboards, we really can't see them accidentally opening on us as we are driving down the road but I guess we will see if that is the case shortly. The window screens and shades are fantastic, such thought went into them, we just have to remember to be careful opening and closing them though. And, of course we knew that you would love the idea of the drop down bed, I wonder why?! lol.

  6. Very nice with so many interesting, innovative features! I love the red-orange seat covers, really adds a bright touch since RVs tend to be kind of dull in their colorings. You are probably happy sitting where you are set up, but being a bit OCD, I did notice that if you were to switch your laptops around to the opposite sides, your power cords would not have to come all the way over the table to the far side connector. Lol! Thanks for sharing this great tour of Max!

    1. Yep, there are lots of neat and innovative features. Certainly a lot of thought went into making this motorhome and it isn't just this model, it includes pretty much all European made motorhomes and the neat thing is that they lose very little of their value even after a number of years and we think that is because they are so well made.

      The picture doesn't really show the true color of the throw blankets, they are a true red color, no orange at all but yes, they add a nice pop of color. And you are correct about the cords but rather than exchanging seats, Kevin loves sitting there in the "captain's" chair we could just switch computers, lol. ;-)

  7. This was great thank you so much. Loved Ruths hair. Happy Travels 💕

    1. You are welcome, we are glad that you enjoyed the tour of Max. :-)

  8. The cassette toilet is great. The lounge area is incredible.

    1. The cassette toilet is good but it fills up a lot faster than Sherman's black tank did!

      We are really enjoying the living space in Max. It is very comfortable and well set up.

  9. I am thinking, why sell that? When you're done travel over there, bring MAX home to North America. He would be perfect in NA too. Plus, you could stop along some builders and teach them how to build a good RV. Congrats, it is a very nice rig.

    1. There is a lot involved with importing a unit into either Canada or the US from Europe, plus there is the difference in the electric and other things to think of. We know that it can be done but it just isn't what we want to do but who knows we may change our minds when the time comes to head back over to North America but we doubt it. When that time comes what we would like to do is buy an old beat up Class B van that is mechanically sound and then drive it down to the tip of South America.

    2. Wonder if you can buy a cute and handy RV like MAX in South America? We sold our little Class B a couple of years ago and miss it a little. Was a good fishing RV, LOL. Yes, the importing would likely be costly and you're right... the utilities are different.

    3. Yes, that is a possibility but we want it to look well used so that it doesn't stand out as we drive around and we definitely what a small unit!

      Yep a Class B would be great for quick little trips like a fishing, maybe you need to get another one?! :-)

  10. Why can't US manufactures give us something like without costing $100,000 plus. Nice motorhome.

    1. Who knows! Part of the problem is that the majority of people want big with all the extras but they don't want to pay the big bucks, so manufactures have to cheap out of stuff. Over here, the motorhome/vans are well built and the price is really reasonable as there isn't a huge markup between the manufacturer and the dealer, also don't lose their value so fast even after 5 or 10 years because they are so well made. The company Leisure Travel Vans in Manitoba, Canada has come out with a more European like Class B van but it is also twice the price of what we paid for Max here in Germany.

  11. I like the layout of your of Rig! It's very cool! You did good! Take care, Rawn

    1. Thank you Rawn! We are pretty happy with the layout as well. It is all a bit a gamble when you buy something like this, sight unseen, even with Kevin doing as much research as possible and watching all kinds of videos on this model you still don't really know until you actually see it for yourself and we are happy with our choice.

  12. You guys are so cute together. Loved the tour of Max. Skylights are great! And the pop of red really adds to Max's personality. Lots of space inside him. Enjoy!

    1. Lol, thank you!

      The skylights are fantastic, especially the big one at the front and we love the fact that they open up and have both the screen and the shade that you can use.

      Yep, that pop of red really adds a nice touch, even though we like the material on the cushions, we just want to protect the fabric so that when it comes time to sell Max in a few years down the road we want to have him looking as pristine as possible. :-)

  13. Replies
    1. Thank you very much! We think he is perfect for us. :-)

  14. Very nice! Thanks for introducing us to Max! I'd use that cubby in the floor for shoes or hiking boots. :-)

    1. Thank you and you are welcome, we are glad that you enjoyed the pictures and videos of Max.

      That is a good idea for that little cubby hole in the floor, although we do have a small cupboard under the main couch that holds one of our batteries and some extra space for a couple pairs of shoes. We will eventually figure out what works best where as start really living in Max.

  15. Thanks for the video, I really enjoyed it and looking forward to when you hit the road with it.

    1. Thank you! We are glad that you enjoyed the video, it definitely gives people a better idea of what Max is like inside compared to just pictures.

      Max had his first night off the dealer's lot last night so our new adventures have begun. :-)


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