Scenery near Jalpan de Serra, Queretaro, Mexico.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Jalpan de Serra, Queretaro, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Not sure yet.

Thursday, June 24, 2021

First time driving Max!

We had a good day yesterday. 

It started with doing laundry. We don't have very many clothes to begin with, and we don't mind doing some hand washing to get us by, but eventually the larger items need doing too. It turns out there is no laundromat in the town of Dulmen, and we had to drive a half an hour into the city of Munster to get that job done.

We had wanted to see Munster anyhow, so we didn't mind. We did the drive in the car the dealer had supplied us with... Max was not plated until later in the afternoon.

The laundry was located pretty close to downtown, so while the 45 minute wash cycle was being done we wandered around.

We have never seen a city with so many cyclists!

Bicycles everywhere!

I was taking a photo of this statue, but it was overwhelmed by the bicycles.

Nice church.

I took this for the stained glass windows, but they didn't show up very well in the photo.

Lots of interesting architecture.

Oh, that church up ahead looks interesting!

Originally built between 1375 and 1470.

Underwent major renovation between 1888 and 1898.

Was damaged during WWII, and rebuilt 1948 to 1964.

Beautiful organ.


Streets of Munster.

More buildings.

The outdoor patios are busy.

All of those photos we take in less than an hour. It was a bit of a rushed tour because we had to get back to the laundry to transfer everything to the dryer. Other than the terrible graffiti on the outskirts, the downtown area is really nice. We know that we will be returning to this area on a fairly regular basis over the next few years, so we will have time to see Munster again another time.

Laundromats are expensive in many parts of Europe. We knew this ahead of time, so we weren't shocked to have to spend €10 ($14.70 CAD, $12 USD) to get two medium loads washed and dried.

Then it was back to Dulmen where we had a late lunch and then met with our guy Dominik to finalize the paperwork.

I had mentioned yesterday that there are several ways of getting around the registration issues. Without going into the details of all the options with you, we decided to go the easiest route for now. 

The dealer has a very busy motorhome rental business. So we have registered Max under their business name and insured him under the rental business insurance. We don't have all the details yet, although Dominik is getting us an English version of the policy. But it has a €2,000 collision deductible and a €500 comprehensive deductible. I'm fine with that. 

We don't know the cost yet, as he is still doing the math on that.

We also paid the final bill for the options. The total for the two 100 Watt Solar Panels, the upgraded battery pack, the oven, and the bicycle rack and the radio and installation for all of that came to €2,190 ($3,215 CAD, $2,615 USD).

So the final total for Max came to €54,890 ($82,708 CAD, $67,240 USD).

And then, we stored everything away, filled up the fresh water tank, and drove 7 kms (4 miles) to a free municipal RV parking area. It turns out that a traveling circus is using the area as a permanent spot due to Covid, but there was still lots of room for us. Not the best, but there are lots of walking paths in the area, so it'll be fine for a night.

It turns out Max only had 11 kms (7 miles) on the odometer. I had said the other day it was 30, but that was just a quick glance at the dash and it turns out that was the setting the cruise control was at! So Max now had 18 kms  on him!

He drives great. Very little house noise, even going over bumps although the racks in the oven were rattling a bit so we'll have to figure out something with them.

Me, happy to be driving Max!

After dinner, we went for a 5 km (3 mile) power walk.

We walked all the way around this small lake.

Ruth, enjoying the scenery.

Max, at his first overnight spot away from the dealer.

Slept great last night!

Record low deal on the Google Nest WiFi Thermostat.

And in Canada...


  1. You look like a happy camper Kevin. What type of engine does the motorhome have.

    1. It's a 2021 Citroen 2.2 liter diesel 140 HP. Should get around 30 mpg.

  2. Do you have the web site for the motor home dealer? I am not getting any younger and I should do a grand European vacation. My brother lives in Germany so I could probably register in his name.

    1. Here you go Duncan...

      Of course it's all in German, but Google translate works okay.

  3. Congratulations. Keven, you look great driving Max! Nice to see "him" and the both of you back where you belong.... on the road!

    1. Thanks Kim... yes, the three of us are very happy!

  4. Glad you're on the road! I've read of the "rental" registration work-around (in France and the Netherlands), and look forward to seeing your final numbers (and perhaps a quick overview of the other options?). This definitely is the hardest nut for non-EU residents to crack.

    The final price for Max is just astonishing when compared to North America. A couple of questions: (1) does €54,890 included taxes (sales, VAT?). And (2) are motorhomes priced as "no-haggle prices" or did you negotiate down from the dealer's asking price, as in North America?

    Thanks so much for all the work you're putting into documenting this process.

    1. Yes, the €54,890 includes 16% VAT. However, we made the deal last fall when Germany had temporarily reduced the VAT to 16% to stimulate the economy, and it has since gone back up to 19%.

      This dealer was recommended to us by friends who had done the same procedure a couple of years earlier. When the price was quoted, I compared to a few other dealers whose advertised price was higher. Also, I knew from the research I did that there is not the huge mark up between manufacturer and dealer the way there is in North America, so they don't have the same negotiating room.

      I also compared the price of the new unit to prices of used ones, and came to the conclusion that we were being treated extremely fair.

      I accepted the deal as it was presented. I don't think there was any room for negotiation anyhow since there is such high demand for the product.

    2. Thank you; this is very helpful in understanding how the process works.

      I will be in northern Europe in September (fly into AMS at the end of August, out of TBD? in late September) to scout the European RVing world, and to go to the Caravan show in Dusseldorf in the first week of Sept. I'll plan a trip to your dealer, as well.

      Again, many thanks for your detailed posts. Your research is incredibly thorough, so I am very confident using it as a starting point for my own research (and journey).

    3. So glad that we have been a help to you and if you have other questions before you get to Germany at the end of August or even after seeing units at the caravan show in September don't hesitate to ask us, we will try to answer them the best we can. :-)

  5. Congratulations! Max is a beautiful rig, very cleverly designed! Your set-up is lovely, with the red covers. This first night out of the dealer's parking lot must have been very exciting! Wish you very happy travels! Enjoy!

    1. Thank you very much Armande! We were excited to finally hit the road, even though it still wasn't very far from the dealership but at least we are on the road. Hopefully everything goes well with the little items that need some attention today (Friday) at the dealer's main headquarters and we can really be on the road.

      We have now spent a week in Max and we are totally loving him and the layout. He is definitely well designed and so far we can't think of anything that they could have done differently.

  6. Did you get all the minor adjustments made before you left?

    1. We have our service appointment Friday afternoon.

  7. Would you consider bringing Max back to North America?

    1. No. First of all, the entire electric system is European. Second, if you needed any parts for either the house or the chassis, they would not be easily obtained. Third, we have just spent 13 years exploring North America. It might take us 13 years to see all of this part of the world!

    2. Thanks and enjoy that part of the world!

  8. Congratulations and enjoy! Also - great photos of the architecture.

    1. Thank you! You can be assured that we will enjoy our time as we tour around Europe. :-)

  9. Visited Munster many times,for work. There's a really great brewery called Ponkus Muller. Try the pigs knuckle.

    1. We enjoyed our quick little visit in downtown Münster and look forward to going back again sometime in the future and when we do, we will try and remember to check out the brewery. I have just marked it down on my list of places to visit, thank you for the suggestion.

  10. Love the motor home very European. Enjoy your travels in Europe.

    1. We love it too and it is just the right size for exploring Europe in. :-)

  11. It's adventures for you 2! I know you are excited to see other areas, where to next? Anyway enjoy your new rig! Take care, Rawn

    1. Yes, we should have lots adventures ahead of us for the next few years.

      After we leave this area we are headed to the Netherlands to a big camping store just across the border.


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