Igor, parked for the night at a municipal park near Ixtlahuacan del Rio, Jalisco, Mexico.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Lagos de Moreno, Jalisco, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato, Mexico on Friday!

Saturday, June 19, 2021

Introducing you to Max... our new European motorhome!

We were up early yesterday morning and had a big breakfast at the hotel. It was buffet style, so there was lots of choice for us and we made sure to walk away full since we didn't know if or when we would have a chance to get any lunch.

We had to make our way to the dealership which was located about 10 kms (6 miles) from the hotel. (Or so I thought at the time!) There is no Uber presence in this town, and we asked about a taxi, only to be told it might cost €30 to €40 for the trip. I would walk before I would pay that kind of money!

So I phoned the dealer and spoke to our contact there. No problem, they would send someone to get us within the hour. It was around 11:00am by the time the guy showed up, but still it was nice of them to do that. And another nice surprise... they were setting us up with a vehicle to use for the weekend so that we could properly shop to get Max all set up.

The dealer is Dumo Dulmen and throughout this whole experience they have been fantastic. Our contact is Dominik, and he has lots of experience dealing with foreign buyers.

The driver took us only about 4 kms and we arrived at a different spot than where I expected. I knew the dealer had two different locations, but it turned out that this was their rental location and also a storage compound. But they also have a full service RV maintenance garage here as well. Good thing we didn't take a taxi because we would have arrived at the wrong spot!

We finally met Dominik after almost 100 emails back and forth over the past eight months!

And Dominik walked us over to meet Max!

Our first photo of Max!
2021 Adria Matrix 520 ST.
5.9 meters (19' 5") long.

Ruth, in the kitchen.
The smile says it all.

We're not going to give you the grand tour in this blog post though. We want to show him off once he is all set up. Plus, we don't have good enough internet here to be able to upload a video, and that's the best way to show you things.

Dominik moved the vehicle next to us, then he moved Max over to that spot and plugged us into electric. We are going to be staying in Max here at the dealership until probably Tuesday. He gave us the keys to a car, and said we could park the car right beside us where Max had been.

Then he went to take care of other business (it's a very busy operation!) and left us alone to poke around. From watching videos, I pretty much knew where everything was and how everything operates. It comes with leveling ramps, so I got ourselves level enough to our satisfaction. I am fussy about being perfectly level. Plus, if we're going to be here for a few nights, we might as well be comfortable.

There is only 30 kms on the odometer!

Then, it was off to do some shopping. Dominik recommended a Walmart style big box store called Real where we could get just about anything.

It's a little overwhelming. We have a long list of stuff to buy, but not all of it is necessary right away. But just to get through the first night there was a lot of stuff. Bedding, kitchen and cooking supplies, food and drink etc. And doing it all in a different country with a different language and not knowing which stores sell what or where the best deals might be. To a certain extent you just deal with it, and do the best you can. But it was time consuming and a bit exhausting.

Looking at dishes and plates and bowls.

We got what we needed, but bedding was an issue, and we finally decided that we needed to go to Ikea. But there isn't a store really close by, so we will go there today (Saturday).

We did all the accessory shopping, paid for it, and brought it out to the car. Then went back in for food and booze.

Me, looking a little overwhelmed at the beer aisle!

Lots of brands I have never heard of before, and I hadn't had the chance to do any research. I finally chose a couple of bottles of Czech beer that I like and have had before. But I will research the German ones to learn what to try next time. 

In Germany, standard bedding isn't the same as it is in North America. Here, you have a fitted bed sheet that goes on the mattress, then a duvet that has a cover that can be like sheet material, or heavier. There is no top sheet. When things need washing, you remove the duvet cover and wash it. Also, pillows are sized differently. It is most popular to have square pillows, but you can also get ones that are 40 cm by 80cm, which is a bit longer and narrower than a standard queen pillow in North America.

And of course the bed in our motorhome isn't a standard size. We didn't like most of the bedding selection at the Real store and ended up going to a proper mattress shop for that stuff. It was a bit pricey, but at least it's the right size and it's good quality.

We gave the Visa card a workout. Spent €150 ($222 CAD, $178 USD) on kitchen supplies, €96 ($142 CAD, $114 USD) on food and booze, and €117 ($173 CAD, $139 USD) on bedding.

Getting everything into Max.

A place for everything and everything in it's place?

Fridge getting full.

It didn't help that it was baking hot yesterday. Temperature was about 32C (89F) and we haven't had the chance yet to buy any 12 volt or rechargeable fans. We are also holding off on some items because Monday and Tuesday are Amazon Prime Day, even here on Amazon Germany. 

First meal being prepared in Max.

Sausage penne pasta and a salad.

Slept well last night, although as I said it was hot. It was 29C (84F) inside the motorhome when we went to bed, and 24C (75F) when we woke up this morning. Supposed to be a little cooler today though.


And in Canada...


  1. We bought our bedding at IKEA and did get a top sheet, as we have always slept with one. But it lasted about two weeks and was such a pain to keep on the bed, we packed it away. So now we just have the fitted sheet and duvet cover, although now that it is so hot, we've brought out that top sheet again and ditched the duvet! So happy to see Ruth's big smile in her new kitchen! Congratulations, guys, Max looks awesome!

    1. We ended up buying a duvet cover at IKEA yesterday and for now we will use it as a top sheet because we don't have a duvet for it, plus at the moment it is too hot to need a duvet in it. We have a really good duvet that we love back in Canada and we want to bring that back with us in the fall. Hopefully we won't have any cold weather here before the beginning of August when we will hopefully be heading back to Canada.

  2. Finally,Congratulations you two. Awesome adventures moving forward.

    1. Yes, finally we get to meet Max! We've been waiting awhile now and we can't wait for the new adventures to begin. :-)

  3. Congratulations on your new motorhome! Max looks terrific! And how exciting to follow you through the motions of getting it fully equipped! So much new stuff all at once! Nice! (trying to get this one published this time, after trying a few times already)

    1. Thank you Armand, we think he is looking pretty terrific too!

      Yes, there is quite a lot to do to get him all set up the way we want, it is very time consuming doing the shopping and at times a little overwhelming but we are working through it.

      Not sure why you are having problems posting. Your two previous test posts went through plus of course this one, so somehow they are getting through just not sure why you are having issues, we wish we could be of more help.

  4. I am also outfitting a new to me motor home. I got tired and frustrated waiting for the USA land border to open to retrieve mine from the Adirondacks. I bit the bullet and bought a nice 33 foot class A. It came with a bunch of necessities and I found a bunch of stuff in my overflowing house. I had lots of extra RV accessories that I bought just because the deals Kevin pointed out on Amazon were such good deals I couldn't pass them up. This is where being a hoarder really pays off.

    1. Such a shame that you can't get back to the US to bring back your motorhome. We are happy to hear though that you have found one that you could purchase and use in Canada. It is a lot of work to outfit a motorhome but also fun, it sounds like you have it all figured out though. Glad you were able to stock up on some good RV'ing deals and we thank you for that! :-)

  5. Congratulations! Ruth's smile told the story!!!! How wonderful! And a very stylish coach to boot!

    1. Thank you! :-)

      Yep, neither one of us could stop smiling as we checked out Max, it is so neat to finally be living in him and now we can't wait to hit the road.

      He is a handsome looking guy, lol!

  6. Perfect, now you can come and go as you wish!💕

    1. Yes, we can and we will always have our kitchen, bathroom and bed with us. It is going to be so much fun when we hit the road and start exploring. :-)

  7. Congratulations on the beginning of another new adventure you too. I'm sure Max will take you on amazing trips in the next few years.

    1. Thank you! We are looking forward to many new adventures as well.

      Max it going to work out perfectly for us as we travel through Europe!

  8. I was sure Elaine would ask you "Why didn't you give the new RV a feminine name!"

    1. We like the name Max and think that it suits him. Also if we remember correctly, she is the one that suggested a name way back when we first decided to buy him and I think she had suggested the name Hermann.

  9. Replies
    1. Yes, our new home on wheels. It is going to feel so nice to travel around once again with our home on our back. :-)

  10. A different bedding solution is to buy the biggest size duvet cover you can get. Unpick it all the way across the bottom and use it almost like a sleeping bag liner. that way you are lying on it and have a sheet on top as well but only 1 item to wash. Also makes bed making simple. Now the downside, if you are one of those people who like to hang their leg outside - but then again you could just split one side of it.

    1. That is a good idea, we will certainly keep it in mind. I don't think we are going to worry about at top sheet anymore, even if we don't open up the bottom of the duvet we can just use that as our top sheet in the summer without a duvet in it.

  11. Enjoy your new home on wheels. We’re wandering around Alaska, so I’ll have to catch up later.

    1. Thank you Erin! Enjoy Alaska, it is so beautiful up there and with the Canada/US border still closed, there still won't be as many tourists up there as there would be in a normal year.

  12. I am so glad that it worked all out finally. Max looks great and stylish. Norcold fridge, I guess. I have the same now. Soon on the way to new horizons. I am very much looking forward to your new adventures too.

    1. The fridge is actually branded Thetford, but it is owned by Norcold, so I guess it's the same thing.

  13. How fun and exciting (and a bit exhausting). I notice you made sure to stock up on booze! ;-) I am happy for you two and, as I've said before, can't wait to follow your adventures in Max.

    1. Thank you Emily! Yes, it is definitely exciting, exhausting and overwhelming all wrapped up together but we are just so over the moon happy at the moment.

      At the end of both Friday and Saturday, we really needed to sit down with a relaxing drink, so the booze was a priority, lol.

      We can't wait to take Max out on the road too. Hopefully that will be either Tuesday or Wednesday, it will depend on how all the paperwork goes on Monday.

  14. I don't like to use buzz words but there really isn't anything else to describe it other than "sweet". Very happy for you guys! Many years of good Euro rving to come.

    1. "Sweet" is a good word, because this moment is pretty sweet. :-)

      We can't wait to hit the road and start really seeing Europe and that should hopefully be in another few days!

  15. FINALLY! We've been waiting for this for a long time. Let the road-trip begin!

    1. Lol, so have we but the moment is finally here and the road trip will begin really soon! :-)

  16. Congratulations on the new motor home ! Max looks great and it must be so exciting to finally be able to travel the way you love. Enjoy and stay safe!

    1. Thank you Brigitte!

      We think Max looks great too and yes, it is very exciting to finally be in him and get him ready to hit the road. While we have loved our winter traveling the way we did, this is just one step better. :-)

  17. Does Max have a Fantastic (or comparable) fan? We don’t camp much but here in Penticton/Osoyoos it can get HOT, so if we are plugged in, we can use both (directional) to keep air moving. We are lucky to have a 1-spot camping site with full hookups, and a reasonable fee, 1 hr from where we live. A great place for stargazing 🔭 and birdwatching 🦅. We have an 89 camper van, still in good shape.

    1. No, he does not have one or one that is similar but he has lots of windows with both screens and shades on them and we want to buy a couple of small USB rechargeable fans that can be placed where ever we might need them.

      I know that we loved the fan in Sherman, it wasn't a Fantastic fan but it was one that similar and we used it a lot.

      Nice that you have a seasonal spot that you love and that isn't too far from home! :-)

  18. Congratulations on the start of your next chapter. Can't wait to see the adventures you will have. Raising a glass in celebration!

    1. Thank you Judi! We are pretty excited about this next chapter, we think it is going to be a good one. :-)

  19. So happy for you guys!! Finally after so many months your RV travels in Europe will be on the way. Ruth, you looked completely in your element in your new kitchen, & your first meal looked delicious!! Cannot wait to “tag along” via blog on your continued adventures!!

    1. It was certainly a bit of a wait but we loved our winter travels and had no complaints. Now that we are in Max, our travels are just going to be all that much better because our house will be traveling with us. :-)

      I am over the moon happy with my new kitchen. I am learning how to work in it, it has a bit more counter space than what Sherman but a lot less storage space. I am just having to figure out what stuff works best where, it may take a few months to get everything sorted out for what works best for me.

      We can't wait to hit the road and start our new adventures!

  20. Max is so good looking. Can't wait for the tour.

    1. Thank you Jana, we think he looks pretty handsome as well. We can't wait for the tour either. :-)

  21. We love having our own "home" with us when we travel. I know you do, too. I hope Max serves you well for as long as he's yours! Happy trails to you!

    1. We totally agree with you, traveling with your home on your back it the best way to travel! You have your own bed, bathroom and kitchen right there with you, no packing up every week or two to move on to the next location and no reservations needed at least the way we travel.

      Hope you are enjoying your home on wheels throughout this whole COVID mess! :-)

  22. Just catching up, love the inside of the new motorhome for sure! It's a good thing you have so much experience on what to buy and space issues with a motorhome already! I haven't had a top sheet in years, maybe that's a European thing but leaked to me as well! (just a duvet cover that gets washed). Max looks so modern compared to Sherman!

    1. It definitely helps having lived in a motorhome for 12 to 13 years but even then it takes a little work to figured out what works best where and how to limit ourselves to a fewer items than what we would normally have because Max is pretty small and doesn't have nearly the storage space or carrying capacity that Sherman had.

      Max is way more modern than Sherman with lots of neat new little things that you would never have thought of in a motorhome in North America, even the newer ones. We love the European designs and neat ideas they have!


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