The spectacular Mexico City Cathedral at night.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Mexico City.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Back to San Miguel de Allende on Wednesday!

Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Planning for Poland, and the cost of a haircut

Monday was a nice relaxing day! It was a bit overcast all day, and there were a few scattered showers. We didn't even leave the apartment until about noon. But that's okay, I had lots of planning to do for our upcoming trip to Poland.

First thing was to find suitable accommodation. There was lots of availability on Airbnb, but not much suitable at a half decent price. Warsaw is a big capital city, and even though Poland is one of the cheaper European countries, the big cities can still be expensive. So I started looking at shared accommodation, which we've been trying to avoid due to Covid. But sometimes economics comes into play. Anyhow, we got lucky!

I found a two bedroom apartment under the shared listings. It had a few reviews, all five stars, but none of them were recent. So I sent the host a contact message, and it turns out he's been in Bali for the past year. But now he's got someone looking after renting out his apartment, and he's not going to be there. So essentially, we get the "shared" price, but we will have the place to ourselves. It works out to $30.85 CAD per night, for a one week stay so we're really happy with that.

That one week will give us enough time to see the highlights of the big city, and plan the details of our onward travels into Germany.

As I said earlier, we left the apartment just after 12 noon to go out and pick up some bread. We knew of a store only 2 kms walk from us that sells gluten free bread, so we set off to get some exercise. Most of the route leads along what used to be an old airplane runway, but now has cafes and park space along the whole stretch. 

So we're walking along, and we hear a dog barking up ahead. Non stop. As we get closer, we see what he's barking at.

There's a cow sitting in this green space.

Now remember, we're right in the city, maybe 2 kms from the center. And there are no fields, or anywhere you would expect a cow to be. And the cow is not tied up, and there's nobody around. From there, we went and bought our bread, and when we came back about 20 minutes later, the cow was gone. Nowhere to be seen.

Ruth stopped to look at this interesting flower. Apparently it is a Blue Bouquet Passion Flower.

Can you see how many buds there are?
Imagine what this wall will look like when they all open up!

After lunch, we set off to get haircuts. But we opened the door and it was spitting with rain, so we turned around and went back inside. Great opportunity for my afternoon nap!

We tried again at about 4pm, and walked to the same barbershop that had done my hair when we arrived here back in March. There was a different guy there, and he already had someone in the chair. By the time my turn came around, there were two other guys waiting as well. Despite that, he seemed to take his time and did a detailed job. I am now all cleaned up for a total cost of 500 lek ($6.00 CAD, $5.00 USD), tip included.

So then it was Ruth's turn. We hadn't seen a women's stylist place during our walk there, so we went wandering around and eventually came across a place. There were two girls in there, and no customers so Ruth was taken right away. 

She had a wash, cut, blow dry and eyebrows done and I swear she wasn't in the chair any longer than I was at the barber. Yet the bill was 1,500 lek ($18.00 CAD, $15.00 USD). Now admittedly we didn't ask the price ahead of time, but we thought it was a bit expensive by Albania standards. 

Speaking of which, that got us thinking about what the cost might be in Canada for the same thing so I asked some of my facebook friends and they got back to me with prices ranging from $24 to $40 CAD. Yikes. We are so out of touch with prices in Canada.

Today is also calling for some showers, so we're not sure yet what's on the agenda.

Blink Mini Indoor Security Cameras. Only $20 each at checkout for Prime members! 

And in Canada...


  1. Ruth got a deal!! I paid $16 just for a haircut here in NC a few days ago. No Wash, but it was blown dry.

    1. I got a deal compared to Canadian and US prices but by Albanian standards that was and expensive haircut especially when you consider that she spent about 5 minutes to do the actual cut, seeing that I have fairly thin hair and it was just a blunt cut straight across, no really styling needed to be done. Despite all that I am glad that it is now cut, we just should have asked the price before we started.

  2. I pay $28. plus tip. She is located in our bldg. and has to pay rent. It is very convenient!

    1. We are so out of touch with haircuts! When I did haircuts at my house before we started RVing, I charged $10. Even when I did haircuts on our caravan tours, I still charged that, actually it was probably less because I think I just charged 100 pesos, lol.

  3. I pay $50+ for wash and cut but with blow dry and style much more. When I dyed my hair back in the day it was $100+. Most of the time, I cut my own hair. My stylist showed me how to do an easy cut for bob style cut. No fuss hair style.

    1. Yikes that's a fair bit, especially if we were to convert that over to Canadian dollars. Definitely out of touch with haircut prices! I am/was a licensed hairstylist and I have never cut my own hair and never will but then again most of the time I have a blunt cut and to do that yourself is very difficult to get it nice and straight.

  4. Could your motorhome handover take place in Poland?

    1. We have thought about that but we aren't sure that it would be possible as we are pretty sure that we would need to be there to do the registration, licensing and the insurance for it. Plus it would be a long distance for them to drive it to the border and it isn't their responsibility to do something like that, we would have to get a transport company to do it most likely. Honestly we would prefer to go there ourselves and be able to to a proper walk through and make sure that everything is satisfactory before we drive it away.

      We are patient, we don't mind waiting a little longer, we have already waited three months so a few more weeks isn't going to be an issue. :-)

  5. I just paid $50, wash and style, an hour. scotch Creek, BC. Very small summer town

    1. As I mentioned above, we are definitely very much out of touch with pricing. I haven't paid to have my haircut in Canada in years and Kevin hasn't either because I normally cut his hair.


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