Scenery near Jalpan de Serra, Queretaro, Mexico.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Jalpan de Serra, Queretaro, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Not sure yet.

Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Problem solved for now, and back on the road to a nice free forest campground

We sat in the parking lot at the RV dealer until about lunchtime when our service tech David came and got Max to try to repair the sliding pantry door. Did you know that the name for this type of door is called a "tambour door". We had never heard that term before.

As I expected, this was not an easy problem to fix. He ended up having to break the door to get it out, and although that sounds extreme, I couldn't figure out how else it could be done. 

And what caused the problem? No, it was not a factory installation problem. I guess you could call it a design problem, but more than anything it was user error!

We had bought a roll of anti slip shelf liner the other day, and until we got around to using it, Ruth had tossed it up on the top shelf of the pantry. From there, all it would have taken was to go over a bump of some kind, and it rolled down behind a roll of paper towel that was already up there. At that point, it was partially blocking the route the door has to slide when it goes down the backside of the cabinet.

This was the culprit.

With the door removed, it was easy to see what caused the problem.

So now, for the time being, we have no pantry door. The pantry is totally open, which isn't really a problem. It doesn't even look bad. We just have to make sure everything is arranged so that nothing will come flying out if I have to hit the brakes hard.

They have ordered a new pantry door and they will do the installation while we return to Canada at some point in August or September.

No idea what it will cost. They didn't charge us for yesterday's work, although I'm sure it will be included in the final bill..

Anyhow, it will probably be an expensive lesson. But lesson learned!

By 4:00pm, we were happy to get that ordeal behind us for now, and we were back on the road headed for a forest park.

Headed into the forest.

A nice free camping spot at GPS 51.784659, 6.99784

Yep, this will do!

We were the only RV, but it looked like one other car spent the night.

Relaxing at the end of the day!

This is actually the parking area for several walking trails, so after supper we went for a walk. 

Anybody know what this crop is?

I thought it was oats, but it's almost as tall as I am!

We like this shot.

We had a really nice 4 km (2.6 mile) walk in the woods.

So from here, we have now changed our plans a little bit. It's kind of fun because we could go in any direction, and everything is new! Originally, we had thought about going up to the northern coast of Netherlands, but it doesn't look like it's the most attractive coastline.

So we're just going to wing it, and who cares where we end up. There's no need to do much driving because there is very little distance between attractions here in Europe, so why spend fuel money for nothing. And if we are going to return to Canada in five weeks or so, we don't want to stray too far from this area anyhow.

For today, we are heading to see some castles. Where we end up tomorrow, or next week? Who knows?!

RV Patio Mats! I don't know how these flew under my radar, but what a great deal for an RV Patio Mat. Both sizes and all 3 colors are downright cheap considering the size. Now, don't expect them to last much more than a season, but still. Considering they include a carry bag and pegs, you can't go wrong.

And in Canada...


  1. Love the “Relaxing at the end of the day!” photo! All’s well that ends well!💕

    1. Thanks Connie, it was definitely a much needed break. The last few weeks have been pretty hectic so it was nice to finally just sit back and enjoy the moment. :-)

  2. We had a van similar to this - can recommended those bungee type elastic cord thingies to hold your hab door open (other end attaches to cab door) in case of wind - we didn't, the door slammed shut and broke the door fly-screen and bin!

    1. This door locks into place really well when it is open and seems to be very strong but if we find that it starts to loosen up then we will keep your suggestion in mind, we certainly don't want to break a window or the door!

  3. I love the look of Max, especially the short overhang in the rear.

    1. Thank you, we love the look of Max as well and Kevin loves the fact that when he turns a corner he doesn't have to keep the "swing" factor in mind like he did with Sherman. Kevin said driving Max is like driving a go=cart compared to Sherman, lol!

  4. I always reckon our fuel is dearer here but you don't need to travel as far between points of interest. We did 4 miles the other day !

    1. Yep, and we learned that from you guys! We did more that 4 miles but we still didn't cover a huge distance. :-)

  5. Your statement of: "So we're just going to wing it, and who cares where we end up." We, also, often change our plans at the last minute. We usually have a general direction in mind, but just where we will wind up tomorrow or the next day, us subject to change.

    1. That is the best way to travel in our opinion! We love the fact that we don't have to be anywhere until the beginning of August and we will just end up where we end up, what a great feeling that is. So glad to hear that you love to travel the same way! :-)

  6. Kevin, We had a 1975 Airstream Trailer that had tambour doors for all openings. When closing them they formed a tight coil at top of opening. Backing of tambour was paper and after several years the paper broke and I took doors out, applied acrylic fabric to backside with contact cement and when we sold trailer at approximately 30 years old, the doors still worked! In my opinion tambour doors are good, but should form a coil when closed to prevent the incident you encountered with the slide down closed type!

    1. Agreed, having the door form a coil would definitely have prevented our problem. And of course it was only the top shelf that would have an issue with something rolling back and blocking the passage of the door and of course that was the shelf that I placed that roll of non-slip shelving stuff and it was placed higher up than the lip on the shelf so when it rolled back it got stuck between the roll of paper towel and the lip! I hadn't even thought about it rolling back and getting stuck when I placed it there, so I am a little mad at myself for that! :-(

  7. Yay, problem solved (well, figured out, at least). Even though it may be a semi-expensive lesson learned, better that than a design issue that would be a continuing problem, right? That road looks just perfect for a lovely walk. And I love the sitting outdoors having an adult beverage shot. I could feel the relaxation. Lovely campsite!

    1. It is nice to know that we have the problem solved and yes, it will be a bit of an expensive lesson but it also isn't the end of the world and we are still able to continue on with our adventures.

      It was a lovely road to have and evening walk along and so were all the paths going through the forest. There is definitely no lack of places to walk/hike/bike here in Germany that is for sure.

      It was so nice to sit down, especially after the last couple of weeks which have been so hectic and just relax in such a pretty little location. :-)

  8. Replies
    1. Thank you Renate, we believe you are correct! Rye, had crossed my mind but I didn't bother looking it up at the time. We are surprised at how tall it grows!

  9. I researched tambour doors and how they are made from various sites. I like the hardwood tambour doors the best. Good to know what rye crop looks like. Love your camp site but wondered why no one is in the it safe?

    1. This wasn't a proper "camp site" like in a campground, it was just a free overnight spot in the parking lot/picnic area for people to access the walking/biking paths in the forest. We felt totally safe there!

  10. A comment often heard on Rhine cruises. "ABC, another bloody castle!"

    1. Lol, no doubt as there are definitely lots of castles throughout Europe!

  11. That’s the nice thing about camping any things a go
    love reading your daily adventures You guys are living my dream

    1. Lol, that is for sure as long as you are the type that like that kind of travel. There are many people who like to have all the details planned and don't like it when something unexpected happens, luckily we aren't that type. :-)

      We are glad that you are enjoying our daily adventures both the good and the bad. Hopefully the day will come soon, so you can live your dream too!

  12. Funny I was researching Tambour Doors for my upper cabinets in the motorhome a few weeks ago. Mine would go side to side however, but there isn't enough room for them in the little cupboard space. Besides, no one at Home depot or other places I called understood what the heck I was talking about! LOL Seems this is more of a European design than a North American Design. Glad it is getting sorted out!

    1. It doesn't surprise me that the people at Home Depot didn't know what you were talking about, they definitely aren't very common in North America. My dad had a wood one in one of his Kitchen cabinets but the kitchen cabinets were custom made. The door broke on it a number of years ago though, however it had lasted well up to that point.

  13. That is an excellent image of Ruth walking away into the magical forest....have a great weekend you two.

    1. Thank you Kathryn!

      We hope you have a wonderful weekend too. :-)


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