Scenery near Jalpan de Serra, Queretaro, Mexico.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Jalpan de Serra, Queretaro, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Not sure yet.

Thursday, June 17, 2021

Visit with The Chouters, and a change of plans...

We left the apartment after lunch and began walking downtown. We were actually on our way to meet up with The Chouters, but they were located at a campground on the other side of downtown and the opposite side of the river.

We wanted to see the rooftop garden at the University Library and it was pretty much along the way. Then we could walk across the river and take an Uber from there.

Scenery along the way...

We walked through the park to the backside of Krasinski Palace.

Lots of statues in Warsaw.

The University Library.

And on the roof of the library is a huge garden...

Ruth, heading for the stairs.

Better wait for this group of young people to come down first!

The rooftop garden looking towards downtown.

Buildings on the opposite side of the river.

A small viewing platform.

A bit of a hazy day.

Ruth, and the Vistula River.

This is all on top of the library. 
It's really neat how they've done it!

Nice apartments next door to the library.

Pretty flowers.

Back on ground level, looking towards the library.

The Warsaw Mermaid statue was unveiled in 1939.
Surprisingly, it was not damaged during the war.

We walked across the bridge and found a parking lot where I summoned an Uber. We love Uber. It's such a simple system, reasonably priced, and always clean cars and respectable drivers. Your typical taxi can't compete. Our ride showed up in three minutes, and we enjoyed some banter with the driver who was from Georgia. Georgia is another country that sounds fantastic yet hardly anybody ever goes there. 

Twenty minutes later we arrived at the campground and had no trouble finding Bijou, the Hymer motorhome belonging to Steven and Linda. No trouble, because when we arrived theirs was the only motorhome in the campground!

2008 Hymer B544 SL
6.6 meters (21.5 feet) long.

Of course there was non stop talk, and the time flew by. We sat inside for a while then moved over to the pub and sat on the patio overlooking the campground and had a few drinks.

After everybody exited, I took a few pics of the interior...

The big living area.

This rig also has a drop down bed, but it's a little different set up than ours. It actually drops down in front of the windshield area. It doesn't look like there should be enough room to do that, but there is. Quite an engineering feat.

Not much kitchen space though.
Obviously typical of most motorhomes, but more kitchen space was one of our priorities when we were shopping.

Kevin, Steven, and Linda.

The Chouters. Cheers!

Two more motorhomes have arrived.

As we were sitting chatting, two more motorhomes arrived. One lady had a problem getting her electric to work, so Steven and I went over and got her problem sorted out. She was a single lady from Germany traveling alone with her dog Oscar, and we invited her to come over and chat with us.

Steven, Linda, Barbara, and Ruth petting Oscar.

What a fun afternoon we had. Pretty sure we will meet up with the Chouters again. They are also thinking of Turkey this coming winter, so we'll keep in touch and see what happens.

We took an Uber right back to our area and stopped in at a Tex-Mex restaurant for a late dinner. It had great reviews, but it was only middle of the road as far as we were concerned. We shared a plate of fajitas and some sweet potato fries.

When we got back to the apartment, I checked the blablacars listings and sure enough there was a new listing from a guy driving all the way from Warsaw to the Netherlands. I got in touch and asked if he could drop us at Munster, and we came to an agreement for 450 zlotys ($146 CAD, $119 USD). It's about a ten hour drive and we leave at 9:00am this morning. About the same price as we would have paid by bus. 

So we've got a long day ahead of us, but should be in Germany and very close to our motorhome by the end of the day! Wish us luck!

55" Toshiba Smart TV. Prime members only at this price.

And in Canada...


  1. Wow! I can't believe you found a ride from here all the way to your destination, that is just wonderful! What a fab afternoon we spent with you guys, thanks for coming out to our place. It was so nice to sit and yak on and on with fellow English speakers (and great company!), something we don't get to do very often. I'm sorry your Mexican food wasn't up to par, but I promise it was better than our bowl of yogurt and banana. :) Safe travels and we'll be watching your new adventures, we are excited for you! See you in Turkey, fingers crossed!

    1. We can't believe it either but it worked out perfectly, we are now 10 kms away from our new motorhome.

      We so enjoyed our afternoon with you both! Even with all the talking we did, there seems to be so much more that we could have covered. As you said it was nice to have a conversation in normal English for a change, especially with fellow travelers/RVers. :-)

      Enjoy your time in Poland and we hope that you can get into Lithuania without any issues and that the rest of your summer goes as planned and with any luck we will meet up again in Turkey this winter.

  2. Replies
    1. It was a great get together, we all had so much to talk about but not enough time!

  3. So glad you met up with the Chouters. I have been following them in anticipation of our someday caravan through Europe! Glad too that the mermaid statue is still standing and you found a ride to your motorhome. Woo hoo!!

    1. We were happy to have met up with them as well, we certainly had lots to talk about. Glad to hear that you also have thoughts of touring through Europe in an RV. :-)

      It was certainly nice to see that some things weren't damage from the Warsaw Uprising, and the mermaid statue being one of them! There are many references to the mermaid all through Warsaw, not just this statue.


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