Out for a hike near Etzatlan, Jalisco, Mexico.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? La Primavera Forest, just west of Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Towards San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato, Mexico!

Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Highest we've been for a while!

And no, we didn't smoke anything!

Yesterday, we made our way to the town of Schapdetten to a really great overnight spot in a green space separating farmers fields. And located only a short walk to the Baumberge Forest.

Baumberge Forest actually is a row of forested hills. The maximum elevation at those hills is 188 meters (616 feet), so of course they're not that high, but when you consider that we've been on totally flat land located at or below sea level for the last six weeks or so, a hill of any kind is worth climbing!

Max, parked for the night at GPS 51.931179, 7.425335

What a great overnight spot.

Look at that! A hill!

Our route to the forest took us through some farm houses.

At the entrance to the forest is this old cross, with the date 1674 on it.

Lots of trees.
But it was kind of odd there was nothing growing on the ground.

Scenery along the way.

This funny mushroom had a really skinny stem.

Heading uphill.

The trails are really good and it's the first real "hike" we've done since Albania. We've done a lot of walking on flat land... but not in a forest with hills... so it felt great to get out and do that. Unfortunately, there's not much of a view at the top. There's the forest on one side, and a plateau on the other that has crops growing. 

Looking down the other side.

Munsterland scenery.

We did get caught in a bit of a shower the last half hour of our walk. But we had the umbrellas with us. We did 8 kms (5 miles) so it was a decent hike.

Totally quiet overnight, and perfect temperatures for sleeping. A low of 15C (60F).

We are back in the area of our motorhome dealer, so we are going to stop in there today and make arrangements for Max's storage. Because we bought there, we get free storage whenever we want. That keeps us coming back of course, and also allows them to do any service work while we are gone.

Good deal on this Samsonite Carry On Bag.

And in Canada...


  1. A few years ago we drove around the Gulf of Mexico from Brownsville to Key West and up the Atlantic to Myrtle Beach, and saw nothing higher than a freeway overpass. So weird for someone from New Mexico!

    1. Yep, we know actually what you mean, especially after coming from Albania where there were mountains just about everywhere you looked!

  2. You'll be returning just in time to miss the latest heat wave. Sleeping with 16 degrees sounds amazing!

    1. Yep, it looks like we are bringing the cooler weather and rain with us!

  3. Replies
    1. It was another great overnight spot, very quiet and peaceful. :-)

  4. Gorgeous forest-- wondered when you'd get back in your favorite place-- the woods.Carol

    1. It was a beautiful forest indeed and we certainly enjoyed our hike. Actually our favourite place is in the mountains. :-)


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