Out for a hike near Etzatlan, Jalisco, Mexico.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? La Primavera Forest, just west of Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Towards San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato, Mexico!

Sunday, October 10, 2021

Change of plans

Woke up yesterday morning and had to put the heat on. It's going to be the same thing for the next few mornings, I think. Winter is coming. 

One of the rigs parked near us is huge. You don't see them often, but you do see the occasional large motorhome here in Europe. It's not only the Americans who build large RVs. Anyhow, we were watching the owner yesterday morning, and at one point the entire rear panel of this big motorhome started sliding upwards.

Because when you drive a motorhome that big, you need a smaller vehicle to get around in...


Ruth looked it up. The motorhome is a Concord Centurion. They sell for upwards of €350,000 ($505,000 CAD, $405,000 USD). Even if we had that kind of money, it's just not our style. We're quite happy with Max and a couple of bicycles!

Speaking of bicycles, we took them for a ride yesterday. It took me a few minutes to get them ready because I still hadn't put air in the tires or installed the pedals from when we had them shipped over here. And it turned out we have a minor problem. 

Ruth's bike has hydraulic brakes. It seems they didn't handle the flight very well and somehow both front and rear now have some air in the lines. We'll need to find a bike shop to get them bled. They still work a little bit, so she can still ride it, she just has to be extra careful.

It was a really nice bike route back to central Salzburg. We decided not to get the Salzburg tourist card just yet. There was still enough free stuff to keep us busy.

The river has this modern hydraulic dam with these big concrete things.

And huge pistons to operate things.

Lots of interesting churches in Salzburg.

The gardens at the palace.

There was hardly a cloud in the sky almost all day. So nice to see the sunshine and blue sky again! It was still pretty cool though, with a high of only 14C (58F).

Lots of people out enjoying the day.

Looking back at the fortress.

The palace gardens.

See the people sitting on the left in the photo above? Some of them have brought there own wine and are sitting having a glass of wine and enjoying the flowers. Apparently that's a thing here, just sit out in the public and enjoy a glass of wine. What a civilized idea!

Speaking of wine, we stopped in at the Salzburg Sturm festival. It's where local growers showcase their wine and food products. It's only on for two weekends in the fall because that's the only time they make sturm. Sturm is a quickly fermenting wine that celebrates the fall harvest. They don't bottle it because it would explode the bottles, so you have to drink it right away. 

Here is a good article about sturm... https://www.kcblau.com/sturm/

Red and white sturm in the big jugs.

It was pretty busy.
We had to show our vaccination certificates to get in.

Enjoying the sturm!
€3.00 ($4.30 CAD, $3.50 USD) each.

It's not bad, but I think we'd rather have a glass of real wine.

From there, we went and wandered around some more.

Interesting wall.


Lots of people out and about.

Lots of wall ornaments.

The whiskey museum was closed!

Scenery along the way.

Salzburg Cathedral is huge!

I'm always amazed at how they built this stuff so many years ago.

The organ pipes.

Big fountain.

The Salzach River.

Supposed to be another nice day today, so we are going to ride our bikes back into town and visit the fortress and a few other tourist places. 

But then we are changing our plans. 

We had thought we would do a nice leisurely route south through the mountains, but there is some bad weather in the forecast from Monday night through Saturday. Even calling for snow at higher elevations. So we are going to buy a toll pass and take the main toll highway. It will be about a three hour drive for us on Monday. That will get us south of the mountains where the weather is supposed to be much better. We should be in Slovenia by Wednesday.

It turns out that winter is coming to this area faster than we thought it might. But, that's why we have a flexible schedule. If we exit Slovenia into Croatia sooner than expected, it will give us extra time in Greece. 

Record low deal on the original Fire TV Stick.

And in Canada...

Record low deal on the Echo Dot.


  1. A few years ago, we spent 2 weeks in Ljubljana with day trips outside the city. I hope you make the trip to Pirán on the coast. It's well worth a visit. You won't want to drive into town though! Be warned - narrow medieval streets! And in Ljubljana - be sure to visit Alexander at his ČRNO ZRNO vrhunska kolumbijska kava coffee shop. It's on the way up to the castle. Here's the address: Gornji trg 17 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia. He has a Facebook page, too. Tell him that Joyce and Glen from California sent you!

    1. We are looking forward to exploring Slovenia, not sure how much time we will spend there or where exactly we are going to go but we are pretty sure we will make it to Ljubljana at least and we will try to stop in and say hello to Alexander for you. :-)

  2. Have learned to enlarge yr pics and love those old churches.. how did they do that!! Pure artists!!! Sitting out w/ yr own wine by the river sounds wonderful!!!!

    1. We are glad that you have learned how to enlarge the photos, Kevin has mentioned it a few times in some of our posts but maybe you just missed it.

      Yep, we can't figure out how they made these beautiful buildings why back then either, without all the modern tools and technology!

      Sitting out on a bench with your own wine and taking in the sights and sounds looked lovely and so civilized and classy. :-)

  3. Looked like fruit punch and lemonade to me!

    1. It may have looked like it but it sure didn't taste like it! :-)

  4. I am throughly enjoying your travels. I assume that large rig does not have a cassette toilet. Are there dumps similar to the ones here?
    Safe travels

    1. We are so glad that you are enjoying our travels Garth.

      From looking at the specs, the unit's basic package comes with a cassette toilet but if you are getting any of the upgraded packages it can come with a 180, 200, 205 or 300 litre fixed tank. Where they would dump a fixed tank we have no idea as we haven't seen any dump sites that are similar to back home in North America throughout all our travels here so far.

  5. Hmmm if strum can explode in bottles it seem it would explore your stomach LOL. Yes, I love the architects of ancient times...the castles, churches, aqueducts, baths, and much more. Along with the beauty people create comes the wars and the atrocities to tear it all down. A shame.

    1. Our stomach acids probably fix that issue, lol!

      We love the architecture and history here as well, and yes wars and fires seem to destroy many buildings over time.

  6. Replies
    1. We love Max, he is just the right size, at least for us he is. :-)

  7. Glad to see you are back on the road in Europe. You guys sure look great in your selfie. Safe travels and we will continue following you electronically.

    1. We are happy to be back on the road here in Europe as well. So much to see and do and it is all so new to us.

      Enjoy your winter and the warmth that you will seek out down south. :-)

  8. Look at you two,having too much fun! I'll keep having fun!Take care,Rawn

    1. We really are having a great time and loving every minute of it! :-)

    2. Nice to look for other things!

  9. Safe travels. Keep ahead of the snow :)

    1. Thank you we will and we are definitely doing our best to stay away from the snow! :-)

  10. Thank you for showing us the beautiful City of Salzburg.
    Yes, it is cold in BC as well. we turned the heating on already and are going today to a turkey dinner for Thanksgiving in a restaurant.
    Have a save trip!!!

    1. We are glad that you enjoyed our view of the city, the next post shows you even more of the city.

      Enjoy your turkey dinner and Happy Thanksgiving Day to you and Bernd, we are glad to hear that you are both doing well. :-)


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