
Thursday, December 23, 2021

The photos don't tell the whole story.

We arrived at the seaside port town of Katakolo fairly early. They have a huge parking area that the motorhomes use, but there was only one other rig there when we showed up.

Katakolo is on the Mediterranean cruise ship circuit, so normally there would be between one and three cruise ships docked here while the tourists they carry made their way to nearby Ancient Olympia. But there is none of that happening right now.

We waited until things warmed up a bit and then went for a hike in the hills in behind Katakolo.

Must be an air force base nearby as this guy was zooming around for a while.

Greek Coast Guard.

Ruth having a look at the rocks down below.

View across the bay.

We made our way to the other side of the little peninsula, and the shoreline was very rocky.

And then back up in behind for a view of the bay.

Can you see Max?

Looks nice enough, but there is actually a lot of trash lying around.

And it was great to get out for a hike. But since we left Patras, we're finding this whole area kind of trashy. The cruise ship port is kept in nice enough condition, obviously for the tourists. But outside of that there is a lot of garbage lying around. Anytime we check out a possible free overnight spot on the coast, we find it full of trash. Even where we parked at the port I had to go around and pick up the litter around Max. And that's despite there being a lot of garbage cans around. Hopefully it gets better as we get further south, but so far we're not thrilled with this area.

The photos make things look very nice, but the photos don't tell the whole story.

Another view of the bay at Katakolo.

Today, we are at the ruins of Ancient Olympia... the birthplace of the Olympic Games.


And in Canada...


  1. Trash..ugh! Here on the touristy north end of Mazatlan there is trash everywhere. If you go to where people live there is none but they have no problem dumping it out car windows and leaving it behind everywhere they don't live. A nasty cultural problem. Obviously not just a Mexican problem. As children we were taught not to drop so much as a gum wrapper..put in your pocket and bring it home!

    1. When we used to drive through Mexico we would see houses that lived on a hill with a ravine beside it and all the trash would be dumped in the ravine. We used to say "out of sight, out of mind", so as long they couldn't see it from their house all was good. It is a nasty cultural problem and it isn't just a Mexican problem, we have found many countries that we have traveled to, where it is a definite problem. Maybe one day in the future things will improve but as long as they continue to make plastic bags, plastic bottles and other items that are just throw away items, garbage is going to continue to be a problem. :-(

      We were taught the same thing and we taught our children this too and we still do this today. We wouldn't dream of throwing it down on the ground.


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