
Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Well, we've had enough

And, we've learned a lesson. Never order an international package in Europe without being prepared to wait forever until it arrives.

Before we ordered the water filter, I had asked how long it would take to arrive. The supplier told me "DHL says it's 6-8 days. But I think its going faster." His exact words. So based on that, we made the order and were prepared to wait 8 days.

We were here anyhow waiting for Ruth's dental stuff, so it didn't matter. But Ruth's dental stuff is done, and we are now into day 13 of the shipping fiasco, with no indication of when the package might arrive. Had we been told it could take two weeks or longer right at the beginning, we wouldn't have made the order.

So we are out of here tomorrow one way or the other. Apparently the package will get returned to sender and we will get a refund. 

It doesn't help that the weather here hasn't been great. It poured with rain all day yesterday. We did manage to get out for a 7 km (4.5 mile) walk around the castle hill on Sunday.

Things cleared up for a couple of hours on Sunday.

Scenery along the way.

We've been playing lots of yahtzee, cribbage, and backgammon the last few days.

So, today we will do a little last minute shopping. Then head back to the campground for one last night and do some laundry and have showers and fill and empty tanks tomorrow morning. Then we are off to Greece, whether the package arrives or not!

Amazon Halo View Fitness Tracker. At this price, it should give FitBit a little competition.

And in Canada...


  1. We've waited a couple of times (Croatia and Italy) for stuff which never came after 2 weeks. Just getting stuff from the UK to southern Spain has taken over 10 days. If we knew ordered from it was in a nearby locker in 2 days - I suspect there is no Amazon Albania though! Best of luck guys, Jay

    1. We are glad to hear then that we aren't the only ones that have had an issue with delivery of items here in Europe. We have also heard from some new friends that we had met along the way that they are also having issues. They received one package within four days but another one that they are waiting for, through the mail service has not arrived and it has been over 10 days. Sorry that you had a problem as well. We have given up waiting and have now moved on. Kevin checked the status again this morning (day 14) and it has not be updated since Friday. :-(

      Nope, there is no Amazon Albania!

  2. Ahhh...Greece, reminds me of "Shirley Valentine 😂!"

    1. We hadn't heard of that movie, looks like we will have to download it so that we can watch it, thanks! :-)

  3. I found that anything I order on-line within USA arrives on time; anything I order from foreign country gets lost and never arrives. The foreign country issues a tracking number but somewhere along the line the tracking number changes and the item ordered gets lost and never arrives. I try to check where the item is coming from before I order anymore.

    1. I am sure that the majority of packages that get delivered in Europe get delivered in a reasonable amount of time. Unfortunately we had no other place to order this product from, so it is what it is and we have give up waiting around for it.

  4. At least you've spent your time in a place you liked.

    1. Yes, and we said that to each other a number of times and we had a nice inexpensive place to stay, especially considering the weather wasn't so nice. :-)


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