Out for a hike on the Ruta del Peregrino (Pilgrims Trail) near Atenguillo, Jalisco, Mexico.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Etzatlan, Jalisco, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Towards Guanajuato, Guanajuato, Mexico!

Friday, January 21, 2022

A good visit with friends, and a possible glitch in our travel plans

First off, Ruth is getting better very quickly. Still not 100%, but boy that Cipro stuff sure kicks in right away. So, that's good.

Yesterday was a bit of a chores day, so really there's not that much to talk about. Max was in dire need of a bath, so I gave him an exterior wash. Again, it was nice and sunny, but chilly. Ruth went for a walk with Glen and Steve while I did some computer work in the morning.

Glen made us all a nice lunch and it was actually (just barely) warm enough to sit out in the sun and eat.

Friends Katja and Yves arrived. They are free campers, so they are not staying in our expensive €22 a night campground, but they stopped in and we had a good visit for a couple of hours. So, we got to visit with four friends yesterday!

Katja and Yves are on the same schedule as us... trying to get around this area and into southern Turkiye where it's a little warmer. So we will likely bump into them several times along the way, and we even talked about sharing an Airbnb for a couple of nights to do laundry and stuff once we get into Turkiye. We'll see how that goes as we need to. In the meantime, we are both heading to the same laundromat in Alexandroupoli today so we will likely see them there as well.

Louie and Max.

Had a good few games of euchre last night with Glen and Steve, then introduced them to the television show Ted Lasso. Lots of fun.

This morning, I was doing our e-visa application for Turkiye. Yes, Canadians need a visa for Turkiye, at a cost of $60 USD each. For whatever reason, Ruth's was not approved. Very strange. Canadians are also eligible for visa on arrival, so we are heading to cross the border anyhow over the next couple of days and we'll see what happens then. Obviously I didn't proceed with my application because there's no point in me having one if Ruth doesn't! And yes, we do have a plan B just in case we can't get into Turkiye. We won't get into the details with you until we have to use it. 

Ah, the fun of border crossings. You never know what you're going to get! All part of the joy of travel.

Sunrise this morning.

Great deal on a Countertop Ice Maker.

And in Canada...


  1. Why are Glen & Steve leaving Turkiye if it’s warmer there? Hope all goes well with border crossing

    1. They left because they were just about at the end of their allowed three month stay. They arrived into Turkey back on November 1st.

  2. I thought Euchre was a Michiganders' game!

    1. It is a huge favourite card game in Canada and we taught it to our friends Glen and Steve when we traveled around Mexico with them a few years. In Canada almost every village, town and local city neighbourhoods have Euchre parties/tournament every week through the winter months. Apparently German settler's brought it to North American many, many years ago.

  3. Good thoughts for an easy crossing. After fourteen hard days of COVID, I finally had 5 days where I was improving. On the 6th day, I caught a bug and actually worried I was the lone person Earth who developed it twice in less than a month. Turns out it was a virus of some sort. My dr. called in a Zpack, which is an antibiotic similar to Cipro and three days later I felt human again.

    1. Thank you very much Jenlee!

      Sorry to hear that you have been doing so poorly, we are glad that this second bout is actually something that they can give you an antibiotic to clear up, hopefully it won't last too long for you. It is amazing how fast antibiotics can clear some issues up.

  4. I am as well, thank you! I feel totally fine now except that I still keep getting an annoying headache. :-)

  5. Gosh haven’t played euchre for years but used to play it at lunchtime when working in New Zealand. Love the way you guys bring back all sorts of memories for me

    1. We play euchre anytime we are with family or friends that play. We both remember playing at lunchtime when we were in high school and then again at lunchtime at some of our work places as well. So glad that we could bring back another good memory for you. :-)


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