
Monday, February 7, 2022

Today is a special day

Late Sunday morning, we drove from Marmaris to Sarıgerme Beach. About 100 kms (60 miles). Not a very exciting drive, mostly on a four lane highway. But the road was in great condition. Max really enjoyed it!

We arrived at a large paved beach parking lot. It was about 1/3 full, and we parked at the back away from everybody else. But by mid afternoon, the lot was packed and Max was no longer on his own!

I didn't take any photos of the parking lot. Just imagine a parking lot full of cars, and that's what the photo would have looked like!

Scenery along the way... lots of oranges!

Even the road down to the beach is in good shape.

Sarıgerme Beach is kind of an odd area. It's really close to Dalaman airport, so several resorts have built facilities. There is a huge Hilton Hotels Ultra All Inclusive here. €188 a night per couple. But, it's closed and doesn't re-open until early March.

Today, we are going to get on the bikes... the area looks really bike friendly so we'll go do some exploring.

Yesterday, we went for a walk on the beach.
Lots of Turkish families doing beach picnics on a Sunday.

Ruth, relaxing in the sun.

So, today is a special day. It's my 60th birthday. 

I wouldn't normally advertise my own birthday, but turning 60 seems to be a bit of a bigger deal for me. It kind of reminds you that you're approaching the final stretch. Statistically, at this age, your life is more than 2/3 over. And, I constantly remind myself that both of my grandfathers died in their 60's of heart attacks. Having said that, I firmly believe that my 60's will be the best decade of my life. Free enough to continue our travels, and still young and active enough to get out and do the stuff that matters to us!


And in Canada...


  1. Happy Birthday Kevin! Welcome to your seventh decade.
    I hope it's brings much adventure, fun & happiness!

    1. Thank you Barb. Yes, the seventh decade! It's going to be great, and I'm looking forward to it.

  2. Happy happy birthday. My 60s were a great time so enjoy every minute (which I know you are).

    1. Thank you Sandie. So sorry to hear about Jim. We are thinking of you.

  3. Happy Birthday! Just turned 60 last month, and like you my family passes young so this one hit me a little harder than the rest.

  4. Happy Birthday Kevin! Enjoy life and it gets better with time!

    1. Thank you Armande. We are doing everything to enjoy all that life has to offer.

  5. Happy birthday Kevin. I hope your day is great and the year ahead full of adventure.

  6. It's only a number, you're only as young as you feel, the cliches are endless, but you and Ruth seem to embody all of them. Happy Birthday!!

    1. I don't feel a day over 35. Oh, well... maybe 40!

  7. Happy birthday Kevin! I turned 60 last April, and although I don't relish this milestone, it sure beats the alternative. And I am very thankful that I can still do as much as I am able. Seems like just a couple of decades ago, 60 seemed "old", and now it seems middle aged. Keep on hiking, biking, traveling, and you will enjoy your 60s as much as your 50s!

    1. Thanks Emily. Ha.. yes, it sure beats the alternative. As my cousin told me... “I am not afraid of getting older, because for each day that passes I am one less day from dying young.”

  8. Happy 60th Birthday Kevin. You are awesome. You both made the right decision to travel extensively and enjoy life while you were still young enough to do so. Enjoy your sixties and we are sure you have many more adventures ahead.

    1. Thanks Brigitte. We have no regrets. Yes, there is a lot more to see out there!

  9. Thanks Nancy... yes, I believe that as well!

  10. Happy birthday Kevin. Enjoy your 60’s. Hope you had a nice dinner out.

    1. Kevin says thank you very much for the birthday wishes, he really enjoyed his day.

      He didn't want a meal out, instead he asked me to cook some fish for dinner, so that is what I did. :-)

  11. Hey there, a belated happy birthday to you! My brother's birthday was one day after you on Feb 8th.

    I just started checking out your blog! I was referred to from a forum. I think it is a really nice resource.

    (I actually thought it was abandoned at first. The 2nd rig was then newest link for your rig I could see and it was sold a few years ago. I didn't see the new posts at first under Blog Archive. My tablet hides the links on right until I drag the page over. This new device doesn't show slider bars either.
    It is great you share about your budget, rig and the other stuff needed for adventures. It gives some solutions for ourselves too. We need to figure out a plan to make it happen.

    1. Kevin says thank you very much for the birthday wishes and we wish you a very Happy Belated Birthday too.

      Thank you for taking the time to check out our blog and for leaving us a comment, we really appreciate it and we hope that you will find lots of helpful information.

      The easiest way to find the most recent blog post is to just scroll down to just below the "Home" bar to where you can see the date and the title to the post, in this case it says "Monday, February 7, 2022" and then below that "Today is a special day" and then just click on the title and it will bring up the full post of our most recent post. If you want to move to our older or newer posts you can either go to the archives on the right hand side of our blog or to the bottom of the comments section in the post itself and there are two buttons to press either "Newer Post" or "Older Post", if there is no newer post button that just means that you are on the newest post but those two buttons will move you forward or backwards through our posts. I hope that will make things easier for you. Let us know if you have any questions, we always try to answer questions that people may have no matter what it might be. :-)


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