The spectacular Mexico City Cathedral at night.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? San Miguel de Allende, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Guanajuato on Friday.

Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Morges, Switzerland, and south to Geneva

Monday morning, we were happy to take advantage of the nice hot shower at Katja and Yves apartment. We were all laughing about how funny it is when you live in a van for weeks or months on end how much you appreciate things that others take for granted... like a real shower and easy access to laundry! 

Yves had already gone to work, but we said goodbye to Katja and got on the road back on the lakeshore towards Geneva. Thanks again for the invite, it was great seeing you guys again. We wonder where it will be in the world that we meet again!

Our destination was the little village of Versonnex, in France near the Swiss border at Geneva. But we had to make one stop along the way to try and match up another of my dad's photos.

The morning started off with some sunshine.

An old farm.

Scenery along the way.

The fancy Royal Savoy Hotel in Luasanne, Switzerland.

We made it to the town of Morges, on the shore of the lake just west of Luasanne. There, my dad had taken a single photo of the lakeshore at a marina...

Morges, Switzerland 1954.

Morges, Switzerland 2022.

Mountains in France on the opposite side of the lake.

Looking back at the marina.

We went for a walk along the lakeshore.

Pretty fall flowers.

Lots of water birds.

The church in Morges.

An odd boat.

Lots of snow up in the mountains of France.

We walked back through the town itself.

Not many people out and about.

Traffic circle sculpture.

Crossing the border from Switzerland back into France.

Yesterday's drive.

We arrived at Versonnex and met Tehya. She is the daughter of my cousin Calvin and his wife Brenda. We think that the last time we saw her was in 2006, but it may have been 2000. A long time, either way. She married a guy from France, and they have lived here for about ten years.

Max fit perfectly in their driveway, but they have an extra bedroom so invited us to stay in the house. Given the temperatures outside, we decided to take advantage of the offer!

Tehya has a horse, so we went to the barn and were introduced to Shelby...

Ruth, saying hello to Shelby.

Teyha's husband Clem arrived home and they made a dinner for us called Raclette. It's a Swiss dish, but also popular in Alpine regions of France.

Kevin, Ruth, Tehya, and Clem.



The raclette oven.

So you put a thick slice of cheese into this tiny frying pan, and heat it to melting under the element... 

Then slide the cheese off onto your potato or meat as you choose.

Yummy. Of course it goes down well with French wine.

Not sure what's on the agenda today. We want to go into Geneva, but the weather is not looking great for either today or tomorrow. I have some computer work to do this afternoon, and don't want to have to rush back, so we'll probably just get out for a walk around here.

Record low deal on Apple Airpods Pro.

And in Canada...

1 comment:

  1. It is definitely a beautiful area and we have enjoyed our short time here. We look forward to returning to Switzerland one day in nicer/warmer weather.


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