The spectacular Mexico City Cathedral at night.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Mexico City.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Back to San Miguel de Allende on Wednesday!

Wednesday, December 14, 2022

We headed out, but not very far!

Still dealing with some showers throughout the day yesterday, but at least the temperatures are decent. It's supposed to hit 20C (68F) today, and we no longer have to use the furnace in the evening. Forecast for the next week calls for lots of sunshine, so we are finally into some decent weather.

We said goodbye to hosts Mirella and Bart, and of course Diezel the dog. And we headed out... but not very far!

I had read about a cave and waterfall that has a free municipal campground. And it was only a 20 km (13 mile) drive. So we figured we would head there and delay our visit to the city of Valencia another day when the weather is better.

We had a nice rainbow just before we left.

Mirella, Bart, and Diezel.

We drove over to the Cueva de las Palomas. The entry road is really narrow though, and I had read about that, but the trees need to be trimmed back. Think Max got a couple more scuff marks from branches. But, we bought him to use him, and we don't baby him. They will polish out. 

We stopped at a spot just above the campground, and decided to just remain there. It's actually nicer than the campground. We had some lunch, but then the rain returned and we never did get out to do any exploring.

Max, parked at GPS 3939.400457, -0.798124
(Photo taken this morning)

You can see the cave in the distance.

A nicer day today though, and this is a nice spot with lots of hiking trails in the area, and a couple of caves and a waterfall. So we think we're going to stay here another night, and head into the city of Valencia tomorrow. Nice to be able to take our time, and we're in no rush now that we've reached some decent weather.


And in Canada...

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