The spectacular Mexico City Cathedral at night.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? San Miguel de Allende, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Guanajuato on Friday.

Wednesday, March 8, 2023

They have arrived!

Their flight was scheduled to arrive at 8:20am, but when we woke up we had a note from Lindsey saying that they were late leaving Montreal and when I checked the flight tracker website it said they were going to land around 8:50am.

Anxious to see them, we went and stood at the outside arrivals area to wait, knowing of course that they still had to make it through immigration and customs.

Max, in the airport parking lot at Casablanca, Morocco.

At Casablanca, you aren't actually allowed in the terminal unless you have a ticket. So we waited outside watching all of the people come through.

Some kind of sports team came though and there were news crews with cameras.

Lindsey sent us a note saying they were in the immigration area, but towards the end of the line. They actually didn't come out until almost 9:45am, and they came out a different door further down so we had to walk over there.

They have arrived!

Hi Lindsey!

But their travel day didn't end there. We still had a four hour drive ahead of us. We quickly got everyone settled and into Max, and we hit the road heading inland.

On the main highway.



We stopped for lunch in the town of El Borouj.

Cameron, sitting out in the park.

Ruth and Sadie.

Quite the cultural experience, especially for the kids, to see how things are done differently over here. Once we got onto the secondary roads, they could see some of the towns and villages. First time outside of Canada and the U.S. for both of them, other than a trip to Mexico when Cameron was a baby which of course he wouldn't remember.

Horse and buggy carrying a big load.

And another one on our side of the road.

Scenery along the way.

The last hour of the drive was in the mountains.


A bit of a sketchy bridge.
But, it was rated for 10 tons, and Max is only 3.5 tons.

Mountain road took us from sea level up to 900 meters (3000').

We arrived at Auberge Zebra Camping in the town of Ouzoud (at the famous Ouzoud Waterfalls) at exactly 3:00pm. They had our reservation. Lindsey and the kids got their room, and we got Max set up in a camping spot opposite. 

They have a brand new swimming pool here.
The water is a bit chilly, but the kids will probably go in.

A game of yahtzee before dinner.

Of course they were pretty tired, given the overnight flight and a five hour time change. But they all had a short nap at various times during the drive, and they went to bed fairly early last night. Everyone had a good sleep though, and we're ready for a day of exploring!

Nice price drop on Coleman's big 12' x 12' Instant Shade Canopy.

And in Canada...


  1. Hope everyone has a great time. What a wonderful cultural experience for the grands! I had never been out of the US until I was 40 years old, so it's hard to imagine the kind of adventure they are having. Hope all goes smoothly!

    1. We have no doubt that we are all going to have a lot of fun and see so many cool things with Lindsey, Cameron and Sadie.

      So far Cameron and Sadie are loving it here! They take after their grandma and want to stop and pet all the dogs and cats along the way, lol!

  2. I do believe that Ruth and Lindsey are related. Ha. Handsome crew! Enjoy!

    1. Lol, I sure hope we are! I actually see more of Kevin in her than I do me. They are a beautiful family and we are so happy to spend the next 2 1/2 weeks showing them some wonderful and interesting parts of Morocco. :-)


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