Interesting clouds in the sky west of Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Cancun, Mexico on November 11th.

Sunday, April 30, 2023

Max almost got hit! I had to lean on the horn...

Saturday was another dull overcast day. Supposed to be like that again today, but clearing on Monday. Many of you might be hearing on the news how hot it is in Spain, but that's really only south of Madrid. Here in the north, it's actually about normal, with today's high forecast to be 17C (63F).

And we're quite fine with that. And even though it was overcast, it didn't rain on us so we went out with Linda and Steven to do some more exploring of Santander.

This time, we headed over to the beach area and walked along the path that goes around the eastern peninsula park space. Then to a restaurant to get some lunch, then back to the motorhomes. We did just over 8 kms (5 miles).

Santander does have some beautiful beaches.

I can imagine how busy this must be on a hot summer day!

Playa Sardinero.

Near the entrance to the peninsula they have some kind of marine park where they have some seals and penguins. We stood and watched the seals for a while...

From there, we headed for lunch. We wanted to go back to the same restaurant we had tried to go to the day before when we were too early. This time, we got there and they said they didn't have room for us despite there being several empty tables. It seems you need to make a reservation, and they only make so much food. Oh well. 

So, on to the next place. We ended up at a nice enough restaurant called El Gallinero. A bit pricey, but the amount you see on the menu is the price you pay... no added taxes or need to tip. 

Ruth had the tacos and a glass of tinto de verano (similar to sangria).

I had the hamburger and a beer.

Ruth thought her tacos needed a bit more spice, but otherwise were fine. Linda and Steven each had the hamburger as well. It was huge, and delicious! So was my beer. Again, a little pricey, but it was a great meal. For Ruth and I, the total bill was €29.60 ($45 CAD, $33 USD).

Then, with full stomachs we walked back to the motorhomes.

It has been busy at the free motorhome aire in Santander, and full both nights... but now it was absolutely packed with at least 20 rigs parked on the road in front of the aire!


A little too busy for our linking.

It's been great to visit the city itself, so it served its purpose. 

But we can't stand this type of busy overnight spot. It was kind of entertaining watching the goings on at the dump station though! However, we were parked at the far end, and some drivers weren't very good. I've always said that 50% of RV'ers don't know how to back up, and 25% of them can't even make it around a corner properly! And watching them pretty much confirmed that.

So Max almost got run into! We were looking out our side window when a guy was trying to maneuver his way in, and he did it all wrong. Turns out he was driving a rental and was obviously inexperienced. But he came almost an inch away when I had to move quickly to lean on our horn! We're pretty sure he would have hit us if I hadn't been there to honk at him.

We said goodbye to Linda and Steven yesterday evening, and at 7:00am this morning we emptied our tanks before anyone else was up. Just as we were finishing up, someone else had the same idea, so I can only imagine the lineup at the dump station by 9:00am!

We moved to this spot... only 4 kms away!

One of the reasons things are so busy is because Monday is a National holiday so it's a long weekend here in Spain. We're going to wait out the rest of the weekend right here with a view of the sea. There are a couple of other vans around, but not packed in like sardines like we were at the aire. And, there are a couple of coastal walks we can do from here.

Big one day sale on Coleman Camping Products.

And in Canada...

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