Out for a hike near Etzatlan, Jalisco, Mexico.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? La Primavera Forest, just west of Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Towards San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato, Mexico!

Thursday, April 27, 2023

What a cool little village!

Had a nice peaceful night by the castle just north of Burgos. Then we headed further north towards Santander along a route recommended by friends Glen and Steve who had done it within the last couple of years. 

There's a little village called Orbaneja del Castillo that is nestled on the side of a canyon formed by the Ebro River. What a cool little village!

We set off around 10:15am...

Max's overnight spot next to the castle.

15th century Castillo de los Adelantados.
Privately owned, not open to the public.

Scenery along the way.

Lots of odd rock formations.

Max, stopped for a break.

Arrived at Orbaneja del Castillo at about 11:30 and found a good parking spot that would also do for an overnight. Lots of hiking in the area, so we decided to explore the town first, then come back for lunch, then do an afternoon hike. Then another hike this morning!

There is a natural spring flowing that forms a beautiful waterfall through the village.


I was chatting with Glen online, and she sent me a photo of when they were there during rain...

Wow, what a difference!

The canyon is surrounded by these odd rock formations.

The one painted blue and white doesn't really fit in!

We hiked up to the rock face overlooking the town.


We went back to Max for lunch, then went for a short 5 km (3 mile) hike...

More views above the village.

We hiked up to the plains above where we found these old farm structures.

There must have been about a dozen of them.

A different view of the village.

The trails are well marked!

Another fantastic view!

Coming back through town, we filled up our water bottle at the natural spring.

We stayed the night, and surprisingly we were the only ones. Totally quiet. That's three for three out of our last three overnight stops that have been totally peaceful. No dogs, no vehicles, no roosters!

Heading out for another hike this morning, then doing the drive to Santander this afternoon.

Rechargeable Flex Tripod Fan. On sale, plus there is a 10% off coupon showing. These are great in the RV!

And in Canada...

Great deal on the popular Lefant Robot Vacuum.

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