Scenery near Jalpan de Serra, Queretaro, Mexico.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Jalpan de Serra, Queretaro, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Not sure yet.

Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Too hot for hiking

We did come to this part of Penang Island to get some hiking in, so that is what we have been doing... every day.

And we've been doing it... but I have to say it's not as enjoyable for me. Ruth doesn't seem to mind it as much, but with the 30C (86C) temperatures and the humidity, it's too hot. Dripping with sweat.

Yesterday we hiked up to the Penang Dam. From our homestay, we did a total 10 kms (6 miles).

We had a good breakfast before we left.

We took the route that goes up behind the big temple complex.

Some kind of wormy looking snake.

Chinese New Year decorations on the road leading up to the temple.

Entrance to the temple.
But we walked by it because we had visited the other day with Han and Michelle.

Starting to get a view.

It was not very sunny yesterday.

Made it to the dam.

Monkeys... the locals say they are a bit of a pest.
Something like the Canada Goose in Canada!

Walking across the top of the dam.

View of Georgetown from the dam.

The reservoir.
Capacity currently at 62%.

We walked around the road that circles the reservoir.
It's closed to most vehicles and is popular with walkers in the morning and evening.

There are a lot of pretty butterflies, but not many sit still for a photo!

View of Georgetown with the temple pagoda.

We saw this pretty bird.

We think he's a white-throated kingfisher.
He was pretty far away.

We walked by this fancy Indian temple, but it was closed.

An interesting drink.

We stopped at a cafe for lunch on the way back home. They have these non alcoholic fruit juice based upside-down drinks. Interesting concept. I think that the idea is your drink doesn't get diluted as much by the melting ice. At least that's the only thing we can come up with!


Back at the homestay for an afternoon nap. Then we walked back to the Western Village restaurant and had a salad and split another grilled fish dinner.

We are off on a 12 km hike this morning!


And in Canada...


  1. That would be too hot for me to hike as well. We did some of that in Belize, and it was definitely a sweatfest! I love that kingfisher...absolutely stunning.

    1. It is hot for hiking but I just put up with it because I don't want to just sit around and I think Kevin feels the same way although he really doesn't enjoy it. I guess after time you maybe start to get used to it, I don't know but we do know that this is not a part of the world that we would settle down to live in, despite it being quite cheap.

      It was a beautiful kingfisher, it reminded us of the colourful birds that we saw in Africa.


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