Out for a hike near Etzatlan, Jalisco, Mexico.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Ixtlahuacán del Río, just north of Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato, Mexico on Friday!

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Finished at the eye doctor, and a little walking tour of old town

Yesterday was our 10:00am appointment with our ophthalmologist. We had intraocular lens replacement surgery in December of 2020, and we totally trust the doctor who did it and so we like to return to him every now and then to get our eyes tested. Plus, coming back to Antalya is really not a hardship!

Ruth had been diagnosed with a minor tear in one retina, and she needs to have it checked regularly. My eyes are fine, but I've got a few floaters in one eye. Doesn't really bother me though.

Cost of the full exam was 1,400 lira ($43 USD, $60 CAD) each if we paid in cash.  Slightly higher by credit card. I had some $USD cash that he was happy to take off my hands!

Dr. Muhacir and Ruth.

Having a look at my eyes.

Ruth, having some tests done.

Bottom line, all is good. My eyes are "perfect" in the doctors own words, and to be honest, I'm totally thrilled that I had the procedure done. I should never need to wear glasses for the rest of my life, and I will never have cataracts. 

Ruth still needs to watch that retinal tear though. He gave her a home test that she has to do once a month to monitor it. It can be repaired with surgery if and when necessary, but so far it's not necessary.

So, hopefully nothing more with our eyes for another two years.

With that done, we went for a walk in the old town.

Another beautiful day in Antalya.

Temperatures have cooled off a bit. Supposed to be a high of 24C (75F) which is still great, but there is some cloud cover moving in, and it might actually rain by the weekend.

Scenery along the way.

There is a major operation going on with some ruins on the waterfront.

An old mosaic floor.

Antalya has been occupied for over 2,000 years, so they are always digging up something.

We were surprised that the old town area wasn't that busy.

Rugs anyone?

Nice planter wall.

Part of the ancient wall.

This structure has been restored.

I mentioned the other day that there are a lot of decrepit old buildings in the center.
And while that is true, there are also many that have been restored.

More nicely restored buildings.

Here is one of the unrestored ones.

The tourist area.

There is a tram line running down one of the main streets.
When there is no tram, people on scooters use it.

Today is the day for the local market in our area. It's actually almost two kilometers away, but we need the exercise anyhow. Looking forward to getting our cheap fruits and veggies!

Great deal on this 3500lb Electric Trailer Jack.

And in Canada...

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