
Monday, June 10, 2024

Hiking in Peak District National Park... day 2

Unknown to most who have never been, the name "Peak District" has nothing to do with mountains or the landscape. And to be honest, we didn't know that either. In fact the terrain in Lake District National Park has more mountains than Peak District does. In fact, the highest point in Peak District is only 636 metres (2,087 ft) above sea level.

But Peak District is not quite as busy as Lake District, and the scenery is just as good. And there seemed to be a lot of walking trails in just about any direction.

We woke up Sunday morning and surprisingly didn't have any aches or pains related to our 20 kms (12.5 miles) the day before. A few sore spots on our feet, but nothing to worry about.

However, the weather forecast wasn't very good. And this time, they were right.

The view as we set out from Youlgreave.

Antoinette, Ki, and Ruth coming down the hill in Youlgreave.

Antoinette in short sleaves. That didn't last long!

We hiked beside the river for quite a while.

Old mill wheels.

Scenery along the way.

It sure is green here.

Pretty tree lined lane.

We had to cross this open field... it was wet, windy, and cold!
Me, with my forced smile!

Ruth used her new rain poncho.

We had to walk along the side of this road for twenty minutes or so.

Giant slug on the road.

Through the farmers field. The horse, of course, headed straight for Ruth.

The trail actually goes through the farm property.

It was raining one minute, then stopped. Then windy. Then getting too warm climbing hills. 
Always taking off or putting on clothing!


Goats that look like milking cows.

Entering the town of Bakewell.

Ki in the narrow lane leading from the footpath.

The church was founded in 920, during Anglo-Saxon times and the churchyard has two 9th-century crosses.

We sat at a park in town and had our lunch.

A nice shot looking back as we left town.

The rest of the day wasn't quite as scenic... just walking through fields in the rain.


We arrived back at Chatsworth Estate.

Sheep, staying out of the rain.

The village of Edensor.

One last rest break.

Arrived back at the Ravenstor Hostel where Ruth and I had another night booked. Said goodbye to Antoinette and Ki. Really good to see her again along with her boyfriend Ki and catch up on what her life has been like since we last saw her in Namibia ten years ago. Fun people. We hope we get to go hiking with them again some day.

The hostels aren't very busy during the week, other than the occasional school group. There were only five people staying over last night! But, glad we were leaving because they had a group of 50 schoolchildren coming in for Monday night!

We did 22 kms (13.6 miles) yesterday. Total of 47 kms (29 miles) over the last three days! We will rest our feet for the next few days in preparation for our big hike starting on Thursday.

Today, we drive to Birmingham and then take the bus to London's Luton Airport tomorrow for our flight to Albania!


And in Canada...


  1. I wondered if the Bakewell Tart originated in Bakewell and it seems the answer is yes:

    1. Yes, that is exactly where the Bakewell tart originated. It is actually a variation of the Bakewell pudding which started there before the tart. I would love to have tried one but we weren't prepared to walk around looking for a gluten free option.

  2. What beautiful, lush, green fields, too bad about the rain and cold. Those goats really did look like small cows! The slug...ugh! I would have liked your foot to be next to it so we could see its size.

    1. There is a reason why the fields are so green and lush and our second day hiking showed us just that. Thankfully it was more of a very light drizzle or heavy mist so really it wasn't as bad weatherwise as it could have been.

      I don't think we have ever seen goats with colouring like that before, they really did look like miniature cows.

      You are right, we should have had something in the picture to give the size of the slug some perspective.


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