Out for a hike near Etzatlan, Jalisco, Mexico.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Ixtlahuacán del Río, just north of Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato, Mexico on Friday!

Saturday, August 17, 2024

Once again, more complicated than expected

Yesterday morning I got into taking off the roof air conditioning unit with the intention of replacing it with a Maxxair powered vent

The first problem is actually separating the unit from the roof itself. The air conditioning unit itself is fairly heavy... it probably weighs about a hundred pounds. So the second problem is actually getting it off the roof!

There is a black foam gasket between the air conditioner and the roof. From 31 years of weight, it was compressed pretty tight, but you have to slide a knife between the foam and cut through the gasket. It was a bit tough to do, but it didn't really take that long.

First step was to remove the interior vents and disconnect the wires.

Also had to clean the headliner!

Removed the shroud from the top.

Like I said, the thing is fairly heavy. So, how to get it off the roof? 

I ended up angling the big ladder and tying a rope to the end of it, and sliding it down the ladder. 

Air conditioner slid down at the  base of the ladder.

The headliner cleaned up not bad!

But, work was interrupted  to go to an afternoon play!

Granddaughter Sadie was in drama camp all week, and the kids put together a presentation for family and friends.

Sadie on the left.

The kids were all between ages 9-12, and they came up with the storyline and plot on their own, along with their 15 year old director. Not bad, considering they only had a week to put it together!

Back at the job site, the third problem came up. The air conditioner runs off 120VAC, but the new roof fan needs 12VDC. And there are no 12 volt wires to that opening. The only option I saw was to run a wire from the ceiling light fixture, but then I would have to find a way to hide the wire. So I asked on the B190 owners group on FB if anybody else had done this job, and sure enough, one guy chimed in with the idea to use the 120 volt wires and just move them from the AC side of the converter box to the DC side. Not as simple as it sounds, because you have to adapt a switch as well, but at least you don't have to run any new wires. So that became the plan.

Time ran out on the day though, so I taped up the opening in the roof and will get back at it this morning!


And in Canada...

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