Out for a hike near Etzatlan, Jalisco, Mexico.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? La Primavera Forest, just west of Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Towards San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato, Mexico!

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Fantastic overnight spot for our first night back on the road!

We had originally tried to leave Lindsey's before lunch, but then she had to go out in the morning and wouldn't be back until 11:30am, so we hung around. And then when she did get back, we decided we might as well have lunch, and then go. 

And then, we decided I needed a haircut, so Ruth got that done as well using some of Lindsey's equipment.

When we sold Max, Ruth left her haircutting equipment behind as well, on purpose. It doesn't make sense carrying around hair cutting stuff when we are doing our "senior backpacking", especially when it's so cheap to get a haircut in some of the countries we travel to. But here in Canada, it doesn't make sense to pay for a haircut, and we won't be in Mexico until November 1st... so it had to be done!

Then, we said goodbye to Lindsey and the grandkids and hit the road! 

We headed onto the Glooscap Trail, a rural road with little traffic that follows the coast of the Minas Basin towards Truro. First stop was the lighthouse at the town of Walton where there were a couple of possible overnight spots.

It's a pretty enough spot.

Somebody beat us to it!

There was already somebody in one of the spots. A huge 4 wheel drive rig. We expected it to have European license plates because a lot of European rigs land at Halifax port and continue into North America from there. But this rig had Ontario plates.

The Walton Lighthouse.

It was a sunny day, but quite windy.

Walton Lighthouse.

Igor is happy to be on the road!

Next stop was at the Tennecape Wharf. I parked at the top of the hill and walked down because the road looked a little rough. The view from the spot at the bottom was perfect... although a little sandy. But I figured Igor was up to the challenge, and down we went!

Heading down the rough gravel road.

Yep, this will do!

Igor, parked at GPS 45.268642, -63.873749

I walked back up the road we had come down, trying to get a better view with Igor, and I stepped off to the side and through some brush. I almost walked right into this guy...

I disturbed his web, but at least I noticed right at the last second.

What a beautiful spot.

We went out for a short walk.


View from our windshield.

Dinner and yahtzee.


This bay has the highest tides in the world, and this photo is taken at low tide. Over the next seven hours or so, the water will rise approximately 30' (9 meters). I plan to get up at 2:00am to see if there is any water splashing at Igor's hubcaps!

Tuesday's drive, 84 kms (52 miles).

Record low deal on the ECOFLOW 1024Wh Portable Power Station.

And in Canada...

Record low deal on this Samsung Galaxy Tablet.


  1. Replies
    1. He certainly does. Just like every RV though, he does have his positives and his negatives but overall we are very happy with him.

  2. Wow, what a spot - perfect! Hope the water didn't get up too high, though.

    That looks like what I call a yellow garden spider, a type of orb weaver. The bigger they are, the more likely they are to be female, so I always call them "she". You'll also hear them called zipper spiders, as they usually weave a zipper right down the middle of the web. I am sure she will rebuild! We have them all around the outside of our house right now. Cool creatures!

    1. It was a great spot. It is nice to start of our road trip with our first night in such a perfect spot. No, the water didn't get to high, we felt confident that the only time it might get that high would be during a good storm and we knew the weather was going to be just fine for our night there.

      You are right, it is a yellow garden spider and right away when Kevin showed me the picture I said it looked like an orb weaver. She was a beauty but it is a good thing that Kevin didn't get too close. They can bite if disturbed or harassed and the bite is equivalent to a bee sting so that would not have been fun for him.

  3. Sure glad to see you two starting the RV adventure again. Looking forward to following your travels into parts unknown. I see your faithful backgammon board is still part of your routine. We regularly play backgammon usually following supper. I am afraid you taught Jeannie too well as she often comes out on the winning side of the game.

    1. We are very happy to to be back in the seat of an RV again. While we really enjoyed our winter "senior backpacking", being in an RV is definitely our favourite mode of travel. I am sure you are going to be reading about some fun adventures once we are in Mexico and headed south.

      We do have our backgammon game back and it is getting lots of use again. Plus we now have our travel game as well. We are glad to hear that you are both enjoying the game. It is much the same with me, Kevin gets way more wins than me. By this point in the year he has more wins than me, that it is almost impossible for me to catch up, mind you this year the gap is a little smaller than normal.


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