Out for a hike near Etzatlan, Jalisco, Mexico.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Ixtlahuacán del Río, just north of Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato, Mexico on Friday!

Thursday, October 31, 2024

Indian summer

We're having a bit of an end of season heat wave here in the Ottawa area. Temperature got up to 23C (73F) yesterday, so we took a drive down to the village of Burritt's Rapids to go for a walk.

Burritt's Rapids is along the route of the Rideau Canal.

Wednesday, October 30, 2024

Memories of Zihuatanejo

Yesterday, we went to visit Wendy, the mother of one of my oldest friends, Dave. 

Dave was the best man at our wedding! And his mom and dad were avid fans of Mexico, traveling down there regularly until they were well into their 80's. They really loved the beach town of Zihuatanejo, and we actually stopped in to visit them there a couple of times when we had our motorhome Sherman.

Tuesday, October 29, 2024

Great photo!

Yesterday morning, I was sat doing some computer work when I glanced out the window. I said to Ruth "oh, look at that" and pointed outside.

There was an owl sitting on a branch just the other side of the back deck!

Monday, October 28, 2024

Two weeks to go!

We're enjoying the down time, but we do admit that we're just about ready to go! It's starting to get chilly here in Canada, although they're calling for a two day heat wave this coming Wednesday and Thursday where temperatures are supposed to get up to 23C (73F).

Two weeks from today, we will be flying to Cancun.

Saturday, October 26, 2024

A funny story

Our nearest Walmart is about twenty minutes away. We had to do some grocery shopping, and there were a couple of deals there that we wanted to pick up, so we decided to go to the one at Kemptville where there is also a forest with some walking trails.

So we stopped at the forest first to get some exercise.

Friday, October 25, 2024

Igor had an adventure!

Well, it was great while it lasted, but our unseasonably warm temperatures have reverted back to normal. As I write this, the morning of October 25th, it is -1C (30F) outside. That's about normal for this time of year, and in fact I see the forecast is calling for -6C (21F) by Sunday night.

At least we haven't seen any snow flurries yet.

Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Igor video tour, and a great deal for our Canadian readers

We heard from Bjorn and Freya yesterday as they made their way with Igor to Niagara Falls, and from there into New York State.

They had a few issues with US border control, which was not unexpected. As Bjorn says "When you are a Belgian citizen coming in with a Canadian van, and going to Mexico, it sets off multiple alarms".

Tuesday, October 22, 2024

A bit of panic!

So yesterday morning, Bjorn and Freya were getting ready to leave with Igor when there was a bit of a panic.

"I can't find our passports" says Freya.

Monday, October 21, 2024

You can still buy bacon and eggs breakfast for $4.99!

Saturday afternoon, we drove to Montreal to pick up our Belgian friends Bjorn and Freya. They had arrived in Canada on Thursday and spent a night with a friend downtown.

Traffic was terrible, and there were several delays, with more along the route. Eventually, they offered to take public transit to the north part of the city, and we met them there.

Saturday, October 19, 2024

Back to downtown Ottawa

Ruth's sister Lesley is in town with her friend Lynn, so yesterday morning Ruth took off downtown with the two of them to do a tour of the Parliament West Block, and then a wander around the central Ottawa area. 

Of course many of the sights they saw were similar to the ones we posted a couple of weeks ago, but the parliament tour was interesting.

Friday, October 18, 2024

Nice weekend ahead!

Looks like we're going to have an "Indian summer" weekend, with sunshine and highs around 21C (70F). Great weather to welcome our friends Bjorn and Freya who are flying to Montreal today.

Their plans in Montreal have changed, so we will be picking them up there on Saturday afternoon instead of Sunday. We have an airbnb rented just south of Ottawa for the four of us through until Monday, then they will probably take off across the border heading south through the U.S. with Igor on Monday morning.

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

For the first time in years, I have an actual useable phone number!

Cellular data access is always a problem for us when we return to Canada because it's just so expensive compared to other countries. 

During the last three months, we've been using an eSIM package that costs $30 CAD ($22 USD) tax included for 15GB of data. And that's data only... no voice calls or texting. And I'll tell you, 15 GB doesn't last very long anymore!

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

We have heat!

It was quite a few hours of work, but Igor's gasoline heater installation is finally finished! 

Drilling holes through the van floor, running the wires for the thermostat inside wall panels, tapping into the fuel line and running the line to the new fuel pump, and hooking it up to the heater, then running the cables directly to the battery was all more time consuming than I thought it would have been.

Monday, October 14, 2024

Out with the old, and in with the new!

Yesterday, I took a break from the furnace installation to do the fridge installation.

Igor's 31 year old Dometic propane/120VAC fridge was still working, but it wouldn't keep a stable temperature. Especially on propane, which we would have been using most of the time. Given that we are setting Igor up for an extended trip to Mexico and south of Mexico, we wanted something that didn't use propane, and something that we were more confident in.

Sunday, October 13, 2024

Progress report...

I'm not surprised that Igor's new gasoline furnace installation is taking a while. The system itself is fairly simple... but locating the unit in a suitable location, then drilling the holes and getting it fitted properly, then running the fuel line and fuel pump, then running the wires for the thermostat and power cables is very time consuming!

And, Ottawa and area is having a bit of a cold spell which makes it not as enjoyable to be working outside.

Saturday, October 12, 2024

Yet another change of plans

Regular readers will remember that we were supposed to be doing a month long house sit in Manotick during the month of October. It was cancelled last minute due to a medical problem that the host is having. 

However, the host was looking for options outside of Canada to get this medical problem resolved.

Thursday, October 10, 2024

We've been busy!

Hence why the three day hiatus from writing blog posts!

Tuesday and Wednesday were Amazon Prime Big Deal Days, so we had a lot of work to do with our facebook group telling them about all the deals. And in between the deals, I was busy trying to install Igor's new furnace!

Monday, October 7, 2024

Weird clouds in the sky!

We stayed in the campground until mid afternoon. I did a couple of minor projects on Igor, while Ruth was labeling some photos. 

It was pretty chilly overnight! We tried out the old electric heater, but while it does work, it's not putting out nearly the amount of heat that a 1500 watt heater should. 

Sunday, October 6, 2024

One thing we can say about the Airstream B190... there is lots of interior cupboard space!

We've got a list of minor things we want to get done to Igor this week, as well as the two major items... the new furnace, and the new refrigerator.

Most of the minor things aren't super important and we would normally just putter away at them while on our way south. However friends Bjorn and Freya arrive in Canada on the 18th, and it is them who are taking Igor south. So we would like to get as many of them done as possible before they get here.

Saturday, October 5, 2024

Our most expensive campground ever!

We didn't want to overstay our welcome in the overflow parking lot at my mother's building here in Ottawa. And although it wasn't ideal, it was okay for a couple of nights.

So, what were our options? 

Friday, October 4, 2024

In for a penny, in for a pound

This is a phrase used to express someone's intention to see an undertaking through, however much time, effort, or money this entails

And that's the way we're starting to feel about Igor!

We made the decision yesterday to order yet another fancy expensive item to make our lives better.

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Another project for Igor

Last night I posted our September expenses report. And I mentioned that didn't include the mechanical repairs we had done to Igor since they will go into our capital expenses which include the cost of the vehicle itself. So I wanted to tell that part of the story.

As well... we just ordered a fancy new furnace for Igor... more money!

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

September Expenses

We started the month of September in Nova Scotia, and ended up back in Ontario, but we were also in New Brunswick, Quebec, and Alberta! Five of Canada's provinces in one month!

We had a planned total budget of $2,396 CAD ($1.776 USD). 

A beautiful day playing tourist in our hometown

Although we've been back to our hometown area of Canada's capital city of Ottawa many times in the last five years, we can't remember the last time we actually went downtown. So with Igor tied up at the mechanical shop, we decided to head to the center of the city and see the typical tourist sites.

And, the last day of September was a gorgeous fall day.