Out for a hike near Etzatlan, Jalisco, Mexico.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Ixtlahuacán del Río, just north of Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato, Mexico on Friday!

Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Igor video tour, and a great deal for our Canadian readers

We heard from Bjorn and Freya yesterday as they made their way with Igor to Niagara Falls, and from there into New York State.

They had a few issues with US border control, which was not unexpected. As Bjorn says "When you are a Belgian citizen coming in with a Canadian van, and going to Mexico, it sets off multiple alarms".

But after a delay and a lot of questions, they were permitted into the U.S., and we all heaved a sigh of relief!

Meanwhile, here at the house sit, it was mostly a day of relaxing. We did make it out for a 5 km (3 mile) 45 minute powerwalk though. I feel like we haven't got enough exercise lately, so it's a priority to get a lot more movement in over the next three weeks while we're here!

A few homes in the area are well decorated for the upcoming Halloween season.

And in fact, this will be the first time in a very long time that we will be able to receive trick or treaters. Our hosts here said that they usually get 20 or 30 kids at the door, and they've left us some treats to be able to give out.

One of the projects I want to complete during our down time here is updating the pins on my organic maps app. They are totally up do date between fall 2018 and now, however the pins prior to 2018 aren't there and it's a big job to go through previous blog posts and input the locations where we have stayed.

Yesterday, I did the entire route up to Yukon and Northwest Territories that we did in the summer of 2018...

The pins of the places we have been.
I started changing the color to purple for the places we actually slept overnight.

It's accurate from 2018 to now, but I have previous years of other places we've been and routes that we have taken since we set out in 2007, and of course before that during our "normal" life!

We've been promising you a video tour of Igor, so we finally got that done before Bjorn and Freya set off with him to Mexico. Here you go... turn up your volume...

And finally, I came across a deal for our Canadian readers!

EQ Bank is an online bank here in Canada that offers a straight 2.25% interest rate. They also give you a prepaid Mastercard that offers the same interest rate while your money sits in the Mastercard account waiting for you to spend it. You can also use that prepaid Mastercard to take cash out at any ATM in Canada and not pay any fees. 

They have a special offer on right now for new clients. Open an account and fund it within 30 days with minimum $100 and they will credit your account by $50! That's a pretty good return on investment!

Use this link to sign up... https://join.eqbank.ca/?code=kevin7654


And in Canada...


  1. Thanks for the tour of Igor. Always interesting to see the layouts and modifications of different RV units. After a break from Rving we are beginning to look for a RV for next year. So many choices its hard to decide.

    1. We are so glad that you enjoyed the tour of Igor, Kevin certainly put a lot of time and energy to get him to look so good. We think he is going to suit our needs just perfectly for our extended drive south and we are looking forward to our adventures in him.

      You are right, there are so many options and layouts that it is difficult to find the perfect one but we hope that you can find one that suits your needs best and at a decent price, which is also hard to find these days. Good luck with your search and be sure to let us know what one you end up buying.

  2. I enjoyed the tour of Igor! It's amazing how much storage he has and how many things they packed into such a small space. I am not sure I could handle having to get up to pee in the middle of the night in that bed, though; I'd probably sleep on the jack knife bed and give the upper bed to Barry, since he doesn't have to get up every night, as I do!

    What are your plans for that microwave space? More storage or something else?

    1. We are glad that you enjoyed the tour of Igor, we think that we pretty much have him set up the way we want him. There are still a few small things that we still have to do but they aren't major and can wait until we get to Mexico to fix them this winter.

      It really is surprising how much cupboard space we have in Igor, yet not a lot of space for larger items but we found a way to get stuff packed away so that they aren't in our way.

      Getting in and out of the bed is a bit of a pain but you get used to it. I have to get up in the night a go pee as well but I am pretty much used to doing it in the night and really it isn't so bad. The bed is really comfy once you are up there though.


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