Canada Geese are the only ones enjoying Britannia Beach in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Cancun, Mexico on November 1st.

Friday, October 4, 2024

In for a penny, in for a pound

This is a phrase used to express someone's intention to see an undertaking through, however much time, effort, or money this entails

And that's the way we're starting to feel about Igor!

We made the decision yesterday to order yet another fancy expensive item to make our lives better.

The whole idea was to have a rig that is mechanically sound, and suited for extended boondocking (wild camping) throughout Central and South America. And something that doesn't stand out as being ostentatious.

I think we've got the mechanically sound part sorted out, and I'm confident that he's ready to make that kind of trip.

But there was still one thing niggling at us regarding the extended boondocking situation. Yes, I mentioned the other day that we had ordered an expensive gasoline fired furnace. But this is even more expensive!

A 12 VDC refrigerator!

Igor's current fridge is 31 years old. And although it works, the thermostat is iffy, and you have to continually adjust it depending on the outside temperature. We've also noticed that it struggles when the temperature is above 30C (86F).

And on top of that, is the problems we would have if it stopped working. Most replacement parts are discontinued. And obviously nearly impossible to get south of Mexico, even if they are available. And, the fridge uses propane (LPG) which can be difficult to get as well.

But we have an excess supply of electricity through our new lithium batteries and solar panels.

So, we ordered a fridge that exactly replaces the one we've got with very few installation problems. I have seen reports from other B190 owners who have installed this same fridge. And it is a compressor style fridge that operates exclusively on 12 VDC electricity.

This is the one we bought...

It's even made in Canada! Which is one of the reasons it's expensive. However it wasn't as expensive as I thought it was going to be. We negotiated a price of $1,500 CAD plus 13% tax for a total of $1,695 CAD ($1,250 USD). We can pick it up at a marine store here in Ottawa on Tuesday afternoon.

Yesterday, we spent some time with my mom, then went for a walk out at Ottawa's Britannia Beach. I don't think I've been there since my grandmother was alive and lived in the area back in the 1990's.

We walked by the exclusive Britannia Yacht Club.
Operating since 1887.

They never had these signs when I was a kid.

Too many rules.
What exactly does the middle one on the bottom mean?? You're not allowed to clean up?

Despite the rule to not feed the birds, they are the only ones on the beach.
Canada Geese are awful birds. Rats, with wings!

So, there's no dogs allowed, probably due to the possibility that they might poop or pee in the sand. Well the Canada Goose makes as much of a mess as any dog would. There are too many of them, and they take over quite a few of the parks in this area.

We say and watched the wind and kite surfers for a while.

They sure have some fancy equipment nowadays.
When they are skimming along, there is only a small airplane shaped piece under the water.

Here, you can see what the bottom looks like out of the water.

These things are different too!

Lots of people out enjoying the nice day.

We've decided to get a campsite here in Ottawa. It's not cheap to do so, but it's the cheapest option available. Ottawa doesn't have a lot of decent overnight possibilities, and we don't want to overstay our welcome at the parking lot where my mom lives.

Record low deal on this 50" TV. Only $189!!!

And in Canada...

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