Pinal de Amoles, Queretaro, Mexico.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Pinal de Amoles, Queretaro, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Jalpan de Serra, Queretaro, Mexico.

Saturday, November 30, 2024

Walked our feet off again!

It was a pretty good included breakfast here at the hotel. Scrambled eggs, toast, sausages, mixed vegetables, fruit, and of course coffee, tea, and hot chocolate. As I said yesterday, we got a good deal at 773 pesos ($53 CAD, $38 USD) a night. I forgot to mention the name of the hotel... it's the Hotel MX lagunilla. Wouldn't hesitate to come back here. 

The only drawback is that it's beside a busy road, and there is a fair amount of road noise if you get a room facing the street, which we did. One of the interior rooms would be quieter, but without the view. It's a tradeoff.

Friday, November 29, 2024

Mexico City!

The bus was leaving central Valle de Bravo at 11:00am, but we were able to pick it up at nearby El Arco so that we wouldn't have to go into Valle de Bravo. It arrived there at 11:15am, and there were still quite a few empty seats.

Cost from El Arco to Mexico City's western Observatorio Bus Station was 295 pesos ($20.35 CAD, $14.50 USD) per person for the two hour trip.

Thursday, November 28, 2024

A new furry friend, and a little birthday celebration...

When we arrived here at the marina, we noticed that our host Chago had a new puppy. 

The puppy's name is Solitario (Lonely), and we think that he sometimes lives up to that name. He's only about four months old. Chago isn't here all the time, and it's especially quiet here during he week. And when Chago is off running errands, Solitario gets tied up under a nearby truck. 

Wednesday, November 27, 2024

Excited to arrive at one of our favorite places in Mexico!

We woke up Tuesday morning in anticipation of arriving at the destination that will be our home base for the next month or so.

We spent the better part of 13 winters in Mexico between 2007 and 2020. And we haven't been back since the spring of 2020, so almost five years. And we made a lot of friends in Mexico during those years.

Tuesday, November 26, 2024

Tlalpujahua, the Christmas town

Up at 6:00am to say goodbye to Adrian and Roman. Adrian drives Roman to school at 6:45am, and then he heads to work. Brenda is currently a homemaker because she has a bad wrist and is awaiting surgery.

But she made us a delicious breakfast, and then we had showers and did some laundry. Always nice to set out fresh again! Thanks for looking after us!

Monday, November 25, 2024

Into the city of Queretaro, and the El Cerrito Pyramid

It was chilly Saturday night up in Mineral de Pozos. We woke up in the morning and it was 2C (35F) outside, and only 7C (45F) inside Igor. Nice and comfy under the covers, but a little cold getting out of bed!

We decided to drive for half an hour and use the engine heat to warm us up. By the time we parked up for breakfast, the sun was shining and the temperature headed up into the 20's (70's).

Sunday, November 24, 2024

The ghost town of Mineral de Pozos

We actually had a pretty good sleep in the hotel parking lot. There is a lot of heavy truck traffic in that area on the outskirts of the city of San Luis Potosi, and we had been hearing a fair bit of it prior to going to bed. But then in the morning, we each mentioned that we had woken up at some point during the night and it had been perfectly quiet.

We got up and hit the road right away to try and beat some of the traffic, but I'm thinking that the north - south highway 57 never really quiets down.

Saturday, November 23, 2024

Not every day goes according to plan!

When we travel by motorhome, we think it's best to have a plan to arrive at your destination by 2:00pm. That way, there is lots of daylight hours left in case your plan doesn't go according to plan! And if everything does go well, you've got a few afternoon hours to just relax and enjoy yourself.

Well yesterday was one of those days that didn't go according to plan.

Friday, November 22, 2024

The caravan showed up!

We had a nice morning just puttering around. Ruth was going to do some laundry, and we both remember that there had been an old washing machine in the RV Park area, but maybe we were thinking of somewhere else. Anyhow, there is no washing machine here now!

The hotel wanted typical rip off prices to do any laundry, but I don't really blame them. They aren't in the business of doing laundry, so if you want it done, you have to pay.

Thursday, November 21, 2024

It's a good thing Igor broke down!

Wow, lots to talk about today! And so, a long blog post with lots of photos. And lots of good news!

The mechanics didn't begin work on Igor until about 10:00am, which was okay with us. We left them to do the installation of the fuel pump and re-install the gas tank, and we decided to do a 10 km (6.2 mile) walk to a nearby lake.

Wednesday, November 20, 2024


Man, we've had a lot of bad luck lately. First my laptop breaks, then my Amazon account gets closed, then Igor breaks down. It helps that we are pretty good at rolling with the punches!

By the same token, we've got a lot of great things on the go as well. Number one is that we're in Mexico!

Tuesday, November 19, 2024

Stuck on the side of the road...

We headed out from Chris and Juan's at about 9:45am... about 15 minutes later than planned. We always try to have a plan that sees us arriving at our destination by 2:00pm or so. That always gives you lots of daylight hours in case you have problems.

Well.. we had problems.

Monday, November 18, 2024

Time to head further south

Yesterday morning we said goodbye to Bjorn and Freya. Chris and Juan drove them to the bus station in central Monterrey and they took the bus from there to Nuevo Laredo at the border.

They then walked across the border and into Laredo, Texas. They said it was the easiest border crossing ever.

Sunday, November 17, 2024

Very frustrating...

First off, let me tell you part two of our laptop story.

Because the card machine wasn't working properly at the store, I had a look at Amazon Mexico and found an identical laptop that suited my purposes, and I ordered it to have it delivered to the hotel campground at our next planned stop in Matehuala.

Saturday, November 16, 2024

Bjorn's birthday, laptop shopping, and tour around Santiago

It was fun to be able to help Bjorn celebrate his birthday yesterday!

We all went out in the morning to do some laptop shopping. Here in Mexico, they do a thing similar to Black Friday that starts the weekend before Dia de la Revolucion (Revolution Day), so there are a lot of sales on.

Friday, November 15, 2024

A great day in Mexico

I'm thinking that there will be a few blog posts with that title this winter!

We hung out at the house for the morning, and then early afternoon we set off to the Cola de Caballo waterfalls. But we had a stop to make along the way. 

Thursday, November 14, 2024

Reunited with Igor... and into Mexico!

We were up at 6:00am Wednesday morning, and down for our included hotel breakfast at 6:30am. It was actually better than expected, with lots of eggs, cheese, fruits, cereals, and yogurts.

Then we had to figure out how we were getting from the hotel to the border crossing. Uber apparently works in Reynosa, but the system showed that any available drivers were quite far away.

Wednesday, November 13, 2024

Cancun beach time, and flight to Reynosa

We hung out at Carmen's apartment for the morning, and then took the local bus from there to the hotel zone where she works as a property manager, renting out condos to vacationers.

It cost 12 pesos ($0.80 CAD, $0.58 USD) each for the half hour ride.

Tuesday, November 12, 2024

Welcome to Mexico!

We were up at silly o'clock (3:00 am!) in order to get ready for our 6:00 am flight to Cancun.

We planned on getting the 3:30 am shuttle from the hotel, and we were down there at 3:20, waiting in the area specified by the front desk. But at 3:30 am, the shuttle hadn't arrived!

Sunday, November 10, 2024

Next stop, Cancun!

Writing this Sunday evening from our hotel at Ottawa airport.

The hotel was actually paid for by our house sitting hosts. They had asked if we were willing to stay past our original flight date of November 1st, and we couldn't get a rescheduled flight until November 11th. But their returning flight arrived on the 10th (today).

Saturday, November 9, 2024

Dinner party

We've spent much of our last week here in Canada visiting with friends, as it could be a long time before we're back here again. 

We had Bob and Denise here on Monday, but forgot to get a picture!

Friday, November 8, 2024

Settle down...? Why would we want to do that??!

We actually missed it, and Ruth only reminded me the other day that we began our 18th year of alternate lifestyle travel on October 15th. In fact, you can go back and read our very first blog post to see when we set off across Canada with our motorhome Sherman.

We're often asked "when do you plan to settle down", or "what is the end game"?

Monday, November 4, 2024

What's the plan for Mexico?

One week from now, we will be sitting on an airplane flying direct from Ottawa to Cancun. We are sooo ready to go! Yesterday, after the ridiculous one hour time change that they still do here in Ontario, sunset was at 4:50pm! That is way to early to be getting dark. And it'll be even worse a week from now. So yes, we are ready!

Then, we have one night in Cancun staying with our friend Carmen who lives there. The next afternoon, we fly Cancun to Reynosa. 

Sunday, November 3, 2024

Igor update

We are happy that we receive regular updates from Bjorn and Freya as they make their way to the Mexico border with Igor. It's almost like being there. And, we've been to many of the places along their route, so we are able to give them some hints on things to see and do, although they are doing pretty good on their own!

Saturday, November 2, 2024

Friends from the Mexico RV caravan

The other day, I noticed through a facebook post that a couple of our Mexico RV Caravan friends were going to be arriving in Ottawa.

Michel and Louise were on our spring 2018 Yucatan caravan trip. They are the couple who took over when Sherman broke down and we had to gets some repairs done.

Friday, November 1, 2024

October Expenses

Financially, we completed Igor during the month of October. With the mechanical repairs finished, and the new fridge and furnace installed, the major items are done. All of that has been included as a "capital expense", which now stands at a total of $26,325 CAD ($19,000 USD). Anything else that needs to be done will be included as repair and maintenance as part of our monthly expenses, unless it is something that we feel will increase Igor's value.

Will we ever recoup that much when we sell him? It's difficult to say. That figure is certainly higher than we expected it to be when we bought him, but we did a lot of improvements for our own comfort and not necessarily expecting it to be returned to us. Time will tell.