Out for a hike near Etzatlan, Jalisco, Mexico.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Ixtlahuacán del Río, just north of Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato, Mexico on Friday!

Monday, December 9, 2024

We're pretty excited

A week from tomorrow we fly back to Cancun. We were only there a month ago, but of course it was just a one night stopover on our way to pick up Igor at the border. 

This time, it's to meet our daughter and grandchildren. And even though that area of Mexico isn't our favorite, we're pretty excited!

Here's what we've got planned...

We have a car rental booked. Car rentals in Mexico are expensive because they have very difficult stipulations for insurance. We normally have full coverage through our credit card, but the fine print of the rental contract means that they require a physical letter from the insurer, which is often denied anyhow, and then you end up paying their $30 USD or more per day for insurance on top of the rental price.

Waterfront here at the marina.

I did a lot of research into this, and we ended up booking a rental for $358 USD, fully insured. The $CAD is very weak right now, so that doesn't help, and once we do the foreign exchange it works out to $505 CAD... almost $51 USD ($72 CAD) per day.

I had also done some rough math to see if we were better off simply taking public transportation and taxis while we were there. But with five people, that starts to add up as well. We're actually not going into Cancun at all... we've booked a condo in Playa del Carmen. And the cheapest way to get from the airport to Playa del Carmen is the ADO bus, which costs 250 pesos ($17.50 CAD, $12.40 USD) per person each way. That would be 2,500 pesos ($175 CAD, $124 USD) right there. 

So, with the convenience of having our own vehicle to do some exploring, we think it's going to be worth the extra cost.

Our accommodation in Playa del Carmen is a two bedroom, two bathroom condo with a pull out couch. Priced at $500 USD ($705 CAD) for the week.

While we're not giving our daughter and grandkids the "authentic" Mexico experience they might have at some of our favorite places in Mexico, The Cancun area does offer an awfully lot of fun things to see and do. One of them is the Xcaret Mayan theme park. It's really pricey, but Ruth and I have done it before and it's really good. So we've booked a full day there on Saturday the 21st.

Because the first and last days are travel days, we'll only have a full six days to enjoy. It'll be busy, but fun, and it'll go by way too quickly! But we sure are looking forward to seeing Lindsey, Cameron, and Sadie.

Just a quiet day here at the marina yesterday.

Rickety old concrete dock.

Looking back at the hills behind us.

There is some kind of heron in the reeds in the center of the photo.

It's a Black-crowned night heron.
Record low deal on the Amazon Fire TV Stick 4K.

And in Canada...


  1. Ah, you're going to be in Playa - our old spot! Lots of good times there, though we only rode bikes through the Xcarat bus parking lot and never spent the day there. Should have! Still, we have fond memories of the area. Cancun we only "visited" for the airport and once, to ferry to Isla Mujeres, where friends were staying. I will be looking forward to your blog posts from Playa to see where all you go, what you do, etc. I am sure a lot has changed since we left there in Jan. 2016.

    1. We probably would never have gone to Xcaret ourselves because it is expensive and what we thought to be very touristy but when we lead the first full caravan through the Yucatan it was one of the excursions that was included in the tour so we were able to go free of charge. It really surprised us and we actually really enjoyed ourselves and thought the both Cameron and Sadie would have an amazing time there so this time we are willing to spend the money to go again.

      Unless you just want the beach there isn't too much to see in Cancun itself so we mostly likely won't head back into the city itself on this visit. Hopefully we will be able to mix things up a bit so that we can give Lindsey and the kids a nice local experience in amongst the touristy things.

      I have no doubt that things will have changed since you left in 2016.

  2. The kids are going to really enjoy it! What a great gift.

    1. We think that they are really going to enjoy themselves too. We are looking forward to spending some quality time with them.


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