The spectacular Mexico City Cathedral at night.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Mexico City.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Back to San Miguel de Allende on Wednesday!

Friday, February 7, 2025

Crocodiles in Puerto Vallarta!

We set off in the morning to walk to the old historic district to meet up with our friends. We met them on the malecon and wandered around for an hour or so, then headed up to Pepe's tacos for lunch.

Pepe's, recommended by our friend Garth whose sister lives here, are supposed to have the best tacos in Puerto Vallarta. But we found out that it was closed and doesn't open until 1:00pm. We also found out that it is open until 6:00am in the morning... catering to the workers and late night party crowd perhaps?

We were early, so we went to a nearby bar to have some refreshments.

Kevin, Jeff, and Bruce.
Having a Pacifico... my favorite Mexican beer!

Bruce's wife Janice, and Ruth.

Then we headed to Pepe's.
And Garth was right... delicious tacos!

My good friend Jeff had brought us a present. Two 1 liter jugs of pure Canadian maple syrup! Our supply was getting low, and he smuggled them in for us, lol. Thanks so much Jeffy!

We walked back to the RV Park, and then headed over to the resort where they are staying to pick up the maple syrup. It's an all inclusive, and everybody is wearing wrist bands, but Ruth and I figured we would try and sneak in. What's the worst they could do? Kick us out? So we walked right in the front door, and right past the security, acting like we owned the place. 

Nobody said a word, and so we met out friends at the pool. They ordered drinks, and included a couple of extras for us! We managed to stay for about an hour before the waiter noticed that we didn't have wrist bands and very subtly suggested that we leave! He was really tactful about it though, and we did as we were told. 

Hanging out by the pool.

We haven't been to an all inclusive since we did a three day stint at one in Cancun about ten years ago. They're really not our style, however we might do one with Lindsey and the grandkids if the opportunity came up at the right place and time. You never know.

Anyhow, we were on the main road walking back from their resort when we walked over a bridge with a muddy gully underneath it. There had been a turtle there the other day, but this time there was more than just a turtle... there were also two crocodiles, and one of them was quite large.

Turtles and crocs.

This swampy area is only 100 meters or so from the main beach. 

This big one snapped at the turtle!

Moments after I took the above photo, the big croc snapped at the turtle, scaring him into the water. The croc went in after it and submerged, but came up 30 seconds later empty handed... or maybe empty mouthed?

The smaller croc.

My, what big teeth you have!

I took a video for you... turn up your volume...

As you heard in the video, there was another guy standing there as well, and he comments that the crock is 11 or 12 feet long... but there's no way. We thought 6 or maybe 7 at the most.

There was a big iguana on the shore as well.

On the way back, we stopped in at the Office Depot to see if our Starlink Mini had showed up yet and sure enough, this time it was there waiting for us! So glad that came together for us. No point in getting it up and running just yet though because our AT&T package doesn't expire until the 15th.

My 63rd birthday today! Looking forward to seeing friends Lorne and Sue who spend the winter up in La Penita. They are coming to get us, and we will take a day trip up to La Penita, then we'll take the bus back later this afternoon. Should be another fun day!

Amazon Fire TV Stick HD Nice price drop!

And in Canada...

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