View of San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato, Mexico.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Mexico City, Mexico on Sunday!

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

If you don't like creepy crawlies...

Then it's probably not a good idea to visit the Santa Gertrudis mine in San Sebastien.

We were originally planning to do a long 22 km hike up to La Bufa... but I found out that the route uses the same path that the ATV's do... so it's not a true hiking trail. So we changed our plan to do a much shorter 7 km walk to the Santa Gertrudis mine... an old silver mine that dates to the 1800's.

We set out off at about 10:30am.

The mine is that a way!

It's a nice walk to the mine.

Ruth spotted this pretty butterfly resting in the sun.

The entrance to the mine.

It's totally free, and unsupervised. We made sure that we had brought our bright rechargeable headlamps so that we could go exploring!

It's not really that exciting, but it was interesting.
You can go in about 60 meters (200').

There are lots of bugs and moths in the dark!

Huge daddy long leg spiders!

There were the wings of dead moths lying on the floor. The only thing that we can figure is that the big spiders must eat the moths and leave the wings behind?

I took a video for you...

On the trail.

Back at Igor.

This is where we parked for two nights.
GPS 20.762417, -104.860287

Nobody bothered us... except for this fellow...

We were having lunch yesterday, when he came by and plopped himself down!

Moving on to the town of Mascota today.

Good deal on this Craftsman Ratchet Wrench Set.

And in Canada...


  1. That's very cool; looks like a lovely walk and an interesting cave! I don't mind daddy long-legs one bit, or moths, etc. There are definitely some spiders I can do without, but the non-venomous ones are just fine with me.

    1. It was a pretty hike and the mine tunnel was definitely very interesting but seeing the daddy long-legs scurrying about on the wall was a bit creepy. The moths never bothered me a bit.

      Daddy long-legs are venomous but the venom is apparently not harmful to humans.

  2. Hmm, where did you read that? My (admittedly limited) research says they are non-venomous and not even true spiders. Nature is cool!

    1. From Wikipedia, "Pholcidae are indeed capable of biting humans and their venom is not medically significant". Either way, they are not going to harm a human being.


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