Kevin, on the border of Montenegro and Albania!
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Heading to Nova Scotia around August 1st.

Saturday, February 12, 2011


We slept great last night, and we didn’t notice any cars pull into the parking area until a pickup truck pulled in about 6:45am and a couple got out and starting exercising! Around that time we got up and made coffee and tea and opened the blinds to a beautiful sunrise.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Piedra de Tlacoyunque

The waves coming in from the beach were crashing in so loudly last night that the force actually rocked the motorhome. I didn’t think that was possible, but it really did. We didn’t get to bed until almost midnight in the first place, and then we were woken up by the waves while it was still dark. Still, we didn’t get up until 7:00am.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Acapulco (day 3)

Well the reason we stayed here another day was to get some more cleanup done to Sherman. Ruth had a major bathroom and shower cleanup to do, and my job for the day was the carpet.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Acapulco (day 2)

Up early this morning and got caught up on the internet. Ruth did some hand washing and walked Whiskey on the beach, then we went grocery shopping.


So seems like it could be a useful website. They have a section called "My Car" where you can keep track of all of your repair bills and it also has maintenance reminders.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Acapulco Trailer Park

We didn’t rush to leave this morning because we knew it wasn’t a real long drive to Acapulco. Still, we were on the road at about 9:00am.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Playa Ventura (day 3)

After our morning walk on the beach with Whiskey, Ruth and I walked into town to buy a couple of grocery items, and a six pack of beer to help celebrate my birthday!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Playa Ventura (day 2)

We actually slept in this morning…didn’t get up until almost 7:30am. It’s funny, you would think the noise from the waves crashing in would bother you trying to sleep, but I think it actually helps me sleep. I was out like a light last night.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Back at Playa Ventura

We were up at our normal time around 6:30am , and started getting everything ready to go. By 7:15am, we went and woke up our friends in the house, and everybody came out to say goodbye.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Puerto Escondido (day 8)

Well today was a coasting kind of a day. We slept really well at Tracy and Jims, and they drove us back to Sherman around 10:00am. We knew Mary would be concerned about us not being there in the morning, although when we got back she had gone into town with Sylvia, her mother in law.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Puerto Escondido (day 7)

We like Puerto Escondido. It’s one of those places that we can’t seem to leave. We really should be heading back up the coast by now, but we’re still here. The first time we came to Puerto in March of 2009 it was supposed to be an overnight stop and we ended up staying for ten days.

Puerto Escondido (day 6)

Mary’s sister in law is from a small village about a half an hour north of here. We were told that they were holding a rodeo there today, so even though we thought it was a little odd to do something like that during the day on a Wednesday, we thought okay, let’s go.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Puerto Escondido (day 5)

We decided to go to the beach today. Ruth packed up some sandwiches and we stopped along the way to buy a roast chicken for takeout.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Puerto Escondido (day 4)

This morning, a woodworking guy showed up to build the tables for the restaurant. Why buy tables, when you can hire a guy to build them for cheaper. By the way, I found out that the guys who showed up yesterday to help with the concrete floor were each paid 200 pesos ($16.67) each for about six hours of pretty hard work.

January living expenses and adsense income

We had a pretty cheap month in January, only spending a total of $1,067. It's a good thing because for some reason our adsense didn't have a great month, with not nearly as many people visiting our advertisers, even though we had an increase in visitors.