Rocky Mountains as seen from the base of the Jura Creek Trail, Alberta.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Cochrane, Alberta.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Ottawa on September 29th.

Monday, January 21, 2019

The petrified waterfalls at Hierve el Agua

Our driver Omar arrived with our 20 passenger van right on schedule at 9:00am. This time, we had 15 people heading out. There is another couple here at the campground in their VW campervan, and we invited them to join us for the day of touring. Plus, more people in the van makes the cost per person cheaper!

First stop was the huge Sunday market at Tlacolula.

Sunday, January 20, 2019

Back by happy hour!

A bit of a long day for me yesterday. I was up at 3:30am to get to the bus station in Oaxaca City in time for my 5:00am departure to Puebla.

Our campground host Del, was nice enough to get up at silly o'clock with me to drive me into the bus station.

Saturday, January 19, 2019

Rug weaving, alebrijes, and pickpockets!

Most of the villages around the city of Oaxaca have specialty artisans. We visited two of them on Friday.

Our driver Omar showed up with a fancy 20 passenger van that we had booked for 9:00am. The van with bilingual driver rents for 370 pesos ($20 USD, $26 CAD) per hour. Omar can be contacted at [email protected].

Friday, January 18, 2019

Travel day... Puebla to Oaxaca

I'm certain that Roy and Sue thank you all for the "get well soon" thoughts. And, it seems to be working. Sue is pretty much back to normal, and Roy is improving every day. I'm pretty sure they'll be ready to travel when I go to collect them on Saturday.

In the meantime, the rest of us did the fairly long drive to Oaxaca City yesterday.

Thursday, January 17, 2019

Moving on today

Not under ideal circumstances though. Roy and Sue's health seems to be improving, but not enough for them to do a six hour drive.

We spoke to the doctor again yesterday morning, and he asked us to take Roy to get a chest x-ray.

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Still in Cholula

Cholula doesn't seem to want us to leave. Which is fine, because it's a nice enough spot that we're at and there is still stuff for the group to do in the area. Or for others, it simply gives you a chance to relax and get caught up on things.

Which is pretty much what we did yesterday!

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

2018 Financial Year in Review

I spent a couple of hours this morning finally getting caught up on our expenses from November and early December. Fortunately, I had been on top of things since mid December, so since then, and into January are already up to date!

2018 was our most expensive year since we took off in the motorhome in 2007. By far!

Minor change in plans

We were supposed to be on our way to the city of Oaxaca this morning, but Sue and Roy are still fighting a bug and we had the doctor back to check on them yesterday evening. So we're going to stay at least one more night, and possibly two. Actually, we'll stay until they feel well enough to drive.

That's the benefit of our schedule. We do have a route and a schedule planned out, but we are flexible enough to be able to make adjustments as we go along. Nothing is written in stone depending on if medical or vehicle problems come up.

Monday, January 14, 2019

Really good day showing off the city of Puebla

We took the group into the city of Puebla yesterday.

Where Uber is available, we use it a lot in Mexico. The system works so well, and it's so cheap. We stood outside and three of us ordered Uber using our phones. Within five minutes, the rides showed up and took us right to the center of Puebla, about 14 kms (8.7 miles) away. Total cost per vehicle was about 125 pesos ($6.75 USD, $8.75 CAD). Divided by 4 people, that's a pretty cheap ride!

Sunday, January 13, 2019

Doctors still make house calls in Mexico!

We hung around the RVs yesterday morning. One of our group came down with a bug of some kind, and his wife ended up getting the same thing. We asked around if we could get a doctor to make a house call, and sure enough that's exactly what happened.

Just before noon, the doctor arrived.