Canada Geese are the only ones enjoying Britannia Beach in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Cancun, Mexico on November 1st.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

My birthday

Thursday February 7…11:00pm

Woke up this morning to a birthday “package” sitting outside our doorstep. Glen and Steve and Malcolm and Claire had made up a box with balloons and a bottle of wine and a box with cards and card game instructions. Lots

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Climbed a hill

Wednesday February 6…10:45pm

Today was bright and sunny, but still windy. We did some reading in the morning, and then did a hike up the hill that overlooks the beach. We had done much of this hike last time we were here, but never made it to the top, so this time we went right to the top. Beautiful views in all directions.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Lazy day

Tuesday February 5…11:00pm

Well it was a pretty lazy day today! When we woke up, it wasn’t bad outside, but as the morning went on it got more and more windy. And it had been cloudy most of the morning as well. But the wind blew the sand around so it

Monday, February 4, 2008

Back at Tecolote

Monday February 4…10:00pm

Left the beach at Los Barriles around 9:00am. Glen and Steve had left earlier, so we went to our meeting place at the edge of town so that we could fill up with water and do a quick load of laundry. And so we filled up with

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Los Barriles (day 7)

Sunday February 3...10:45pm

Got the corner of Steve's motorhome painted...the wrong colour! All we were doing is painting it with a spray can. There are already about 4 different shades of white on it, so it didn't really matter if there was one more...but this was a terrible match. The can says "contents are same colour as cap". WRONG. Contents are not even close to same colour as cap. Anyhow, when we find another spray can of white, we'll give it another shot.

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Los Barriles (day 6)

Saturday February 2...11:15pm

Ruth went for a jog this morning early, while I once again repaired the rear tire on her bike. The first time, the glue we used wasn't designed for it...the second time, I didn't realize there were two holes, and the third

Friday, February 1, 2008

Los Barriles (day 5)

Friday February 1... 9:40pm

It's never boring, that's for sure. This morning after breakfast, a herd of cattle wandered down the arroyo towards the beach where we are camped. (An arroyo is a dry river bed that only has water in it during the rainy season from September to November) They came right up to our motorhome, and it

Thursday, January 31, 2008

Los Barriles (day 4)

Thursday January 31...11:00pm

End of the month, and in adding up our expenses, we find that this has easily been our cheapest month yet. Including miscellaneous expenses such as entertainment, meals out, propane, booze, laundry, etc, we spent a total of $898 to live for the month.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Los Barriles (day 3)

Wednesday January 30...11:15pm

The wind dies down at night, but it sure picks up during the day. Temperature was down to 12 at night, and 24 during the day. Very comfortable. We watched the kite boarders again this morning. It sure does look like fun. We've decided it would be like a kind of a combination of water skiing and snow boarding. We think Lindsey would be very good at it.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Los Barriles (day 2)

Tuesday January 29...10:15pm

Had Steve, Glen, Malcolm, and Claire over for a pancake breakfast this morning. Malcolm and Claire had never tried real maple syrup before, so this was a good treat for them. It was fun having 6 people in the motorhome for a meal.

Monday, January 28, 2008

Los Barriles

Monday January, 28...9:00pm

Up fairly early this morning...around 7am because we are trying to get on the road fairly early. Still had to flush and drain the tanks and fill the fresh water. Got on the road around 9:30am. The only thing we needed to get was drinking water.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Cabo San Lucas (day 4)

Sunday January 27...11:00pm

The plan today was to drop off Malcolm, Claire, Ruth, and Whiskey near the dock for the whale watching trip around 8:15am, then drive back and drop off Steve and Glen. After that, I would drop off the car rental back at the hotel we rented it from, and then make my own way back to the marina in time for our 9am boat trip.

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Cabo San Lucas area

Saturday January 26...10:15pm

Malcolm and Claire would like to go whale watching with Ruth and I, so we made arrangements to head to the wharf area of Cabo San Lucas early to see what we could book for tomorrow.

Friday, January 25, 2008

Cabo San Lucas (day 2)

Friday January 25...11:30pm

Busy day today. Glen and Steve met a fellow Brit and his wife at our campground. Graham and Dee were really nice, and offered to give us a ride to the car rental place.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Cabo San Lucas

Thursday January 24...10:30pm

On the road this monring at about 8am. Did the 45 minute drive to Cabo San Lucas and found the Vagabundo's RV park just on the other side of town.