Ruth, hiking from Cerem to Doberdol, Albania.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Porto, Portugal.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next?

Friday, May 8, 2020

3 states at the same time!

Beautiful morning for a bike ride.

Denise and Bob don't have bicycles with them (yet!) so they decided to do the 9 mile (15 km) return walk to the "3 corners" where Oklahoma, Colorado, and New Mexico meet. Ruth and I left after they did because we were doing it by bicycle... with a plan to get there about the same time.

Thursday, May 7, 2020

Hike to the highest point in Oklahoma... and another change of plans!

(Just getting caught up after a day without internet access. This is the second post today. You may have missed the one posted earlier at

We got up at sunrise around 7:00am Wednesday morning, and hit the Black Mesa trail a few minutes after 8:00am.

We are in the far northwest corner of Oklahoma, only a couple of miles from both Colorado and New Mexico. The trail leads up to the highest point in Oklahoma, which is located only a few hundred yards from the New Mexico border.

In to Oklahoma

We left Dumas, Texas at 9:00am Tueday morning. We were headed for the Black Mesa Nature Preserve in Oklahoma.

The Oklahoma panhandle is a narrow strip of land in the middle of nowhere. We honestly weren't expecting much from our destination, and in actual fact it was a bit of a detour from our planned route going up through Kansas and Nebraska. But sometimes things happen for a reason.

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Back on the road!

It felt great to get back on the road again. Sherman was raring to go, and we headed out of the ranch right at 9:00am yesterday morning.

Big thanks to Joy, Tracy, Arin and the family for letting us stay there! We look forward to a return visit in the future.

Monday, May 4, 2020

Yesterday at happy hour we had a guest...

We enjoyed our 11 night stay at the ranch, but even when we like a place there comes a time when you have to leave. We are now headed up into the Oklahoma panhandle, and then Kansas.

We celebrated on Saturday night. Not sure what we were celebrating, but who needs a reason? We had bought some nice rib eye steaks, and the four of us used the dining room table to have a nice dinner!

Sunday, May 3, 2020

April Expenses

Well, looking at our expenses for the month of April... it's obvious that we're not in Mexico anymore!

But really, if it weren't for the fairly big repair bill, we would have had not a bad month. Given that things are pretty expensive here (compared to Mexico), and we have to add on approximately 40% to everything we buy here because of the weak Canadian dollar.

We spent $1,597 CAD ($1,133 USD) plus the repair bill. For a total of $3,649 CAD ($2,590 USD).

Saturday, May 2, 2020

"But it's a dry heat" they said...

This part of Texas is having a bit of a heat wave. The forecast high yesterday was 99F (37C), and I think it pretty much got there. Kinda strange when it was only about three weeks ago they were below freezing with snow flurries!

"But it's a dry heat" they said. And that's true. But it's still frickin' hot!

Friday, May 1, 2020

Heading for Kansas

We are still at the ranch here in Texas, and will be for a couple more days. Our plan was to wait things out until May 1st (today) and re-evaluate, given that many of the individual states are coming out with varied plans for reopening things like state park campgrounds.

Texas state park campgrounds remain closed, however the parks have re-opened for day use. Interestingly, the two states directly above us, Oklahoma and Kansas, have never closed their state park camping areas.

Thursday, April 30, 2020

I've been looking at Sri Lanka as a possible destination

Yesterday, I mentioned that we would like to travel somewhere different next winter. Despite the current world situation, I'm still optimistic that will happen. I've been looking at Sri Lanka as a possible destination.

Sri Lanka is an island nation in the Indian Ocean, southeast of India. Population of around 22 million. It had a growing tourism business up until 2019 when terrorists scared everyone away and tourism was only just starting to pick up as things had returned to normal again over the last year.

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Mexico next winter?

Just a lazy day here at the ranch yesterday. I spent some time getting my new phone set up and figuring out how everything works. Not that much different from the 3 year old Samsung, but certainly a few new bells and whistles.

It was too hot and windy to do any painting, but it has cooled off a bit today so we should be able to get back at it again.

How to Plan Your First Cruise

Going on a cruise is an exciting adventure enjoyed by everyone from honeymooners to families and retirees. More and more millennials are discovering the joys of cruising as the Cruise Travel Report indicated in 2018 - the percentage of this generation that stated they "definitely will" book a cruise for their next trip increased from 63 to 70 percent over the previous year.

For those who'd like to try cruising for the first time, planning can be a challenge, simply because there are so many options to choose from, like where do you want to sail, which cruise line should you travel on, which room to choose, and so on. There's a lot you need to know in order to make the best decisions, but these tips can help you plan the trip of your dreams.

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Meanwhile, back at the ranch...

Ruth and I went out for a bike ride before it got too hot or too windy. We ended up doing the same route we had done the other day, but in reverse. Again, only about 6.5 miles (10.5 kms) but enough to get some exercise. As we are now trying to get out on the bikes more regularly we will up the distance.

It's been pretty warm the last few days though, and windy. Highs around 86F (30C) and it's supposed to get even warmer than that later on this week.

Staying Healthy and Strong on Long Trips

While you likely aren’t heading out on a long trip right at this moment, it doesn’t mean you can’t start planning ahead and prepare for when things do get back to normal and travel is once again possible. While long trips can be lots of fun, giving yourself extra time to really explore and get to know the destination at the same time can be tough on your body. The last thing you want to be dealing with is getting sick while on vacation, or suffering from aches and pains that prevent you from doing all the touring and exploring you had planned on.

With that in mind, there are simple tips and bits of advice that you can follow that will help you to stay healthy and strong even on a long trip. So, let’s take a closer look.

Monday, April 27, 2020

This is rattlesnake territory...

We set off for a windy hike yesterday morning. When you've got a few thousand acres to explore, it's not difficult to put on a few miles and not even get close to seeing everything there is to see.

We had been told to watch where you are putting your feet... it's rattlesnake season and the prairie rattlesnake is fairly common in these parts.

Sunday, April 26, 2020

Change of plans

Much of the world has had a change of plans over the last 6 weeks, and we are no different.

Originally, we were supposed to head up to Kansas City, Missouri where we were to hop on a plane and go visit family in Ottawa, Ontario for 10 days. Then fly back to Kansas City and drive the motorhome up to Cabri, Saskatchewan where we were going to spend three months working at Cabri Regional Park.

But all of that went out the window.