Canada Geese are the only ones enjoying Britannia Beach in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Cancun, Mexico on November 1st.

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Planning our route north

We didn't expect to be here in Valle de Juarez this long, but because of my dental work it turns out that we're "stuck" here until March 13th.

While we're very happy to be spending more time here than expected, it also means that our drive up to Los Angeles area has to be done in a two week period. Which means we have to do more miles per day than we normally like to do.

Monday, March 7, 2016

Another great day in Mexico

Barb and Sal came to pick us up just before 9:00am and we went to a restaurant for breakfast. This was a little different breakfast! We had lamb with tortillas and garbanzo bean consomme.

And man, we were stuffed! Didn't need any lunch, that's for sure.

Sunday, March 6, 2016

Market day in Valle de Juarez

One of the things we love about this area is market day in the town of Valle de Juarez. Saturday is the day of the weekly tianguis market, and so Ruth and I did the two km walk into town to get our supply of fruits and veggies.

When we got to the market, we met Barb and Sal there.

Saturday, March 5, 2016

Visits to the dentist and the doctor in the same day!

Ruth had her teeth cleaning scheduled for 11:30am yesterday morning. We were planning on riding our bikes there, but a real strong wind had picked up and so we decided to walk the 2 kms (1.3 miles) in to the dentists office.

Arrived at 11:25, and sure enough Ruth was taken in five minutes later.

Friday, March 4, 2016

Mexico RV Caravan group profile... #4

Okay, here we are with two more interviews with the members of the Mexico RV caravan group. We had a lot of fun doing these interviews, and we learned a little about what motivates someone to go to Mexico in an RV...and even more, what it's like to do it with a group.

This particular group appears to have been very lucky, in that they were all pretty easy to get along with. That makes it more enjoyable for everyone, including those of us who led the group!

Back on our own

The RV caravan pulled out yesterday morning at 8:00am. I took a video of them all leaving, but it's too big to upload on our not very good cellular internet connection.

There had been another couple in the RV park as well, but they pulled out a little later, leaving Sherman all by himself.

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Mexico RV caravan group profile...part 3

We had fun interviewing the people that we have spent the last month with on this Mexico RV Caravan. It's interesting finding out how people decided on this kind of trip and what their thinking was regarding taking an RV into Mexico.

I remember back in 2007 when we were first offered the opportunity to RV in Mexico. In all honesty, the thought of driving a motorhome into Mexico had simply never occurred to us!

Another change of plans!

Had a fun day yesterday with the group as we rented a tour vehicle that goes up into the nearby mountains of El Tigre. It comfortably sat 20 people so it was the perfect size vehicle.

Ruth and I had done this drive with the little blue car back in 2013, I think it was. Not really the type of road that you want to take a car on, but we are adventurous and did fine.

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

A Mexican cultural experience to remember

Yesterday, we took the RV caravan group up into the remote mountains of Jalisco, Mexico to see something that very few tourists ever get to experience.

Ruth and I had been up to this traditional family mescal distillery twice before. The owner, Don Jesus and his sons have been very welcoming to our groups in the past, and so we asked Barb and Sal if they could arrange for us to visit again and this time take the RV caravan group up there with us.

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

More of our Mexico RV caravan group...

We're going to tell you about a few more of our Mexico RV caravan participants. Next up is a very independent single lady, Danielle.

Danielle (68) is originally from the area around Los Angeles, California, and is currently living full time in her class B van....although she calls Reno, Nevada home.

Back at Hacienda Contreras!

Yesterday was a travel day. Everyone was ready to go by 10:00am. It was just a short drive of 80 kms (50 miles) and so we hoped to have everyone parked up by noon. And that's pretty much what happened.

It felt so good climbing up into the mountains near Mazamitla. We've spent a lot of time in this area over the last eight years and it almost felt like coming home.

Monday, February 29, 2016

February Expenses

Well, it was a pretty cheap month...but you have to put it into context. Our expenses were a little skewed to the downside for the month because we were with the RV caravan group from February 5th on.

We spent a total of $904 CAD for the month. (Our American readers can subtract about 25% from these numbers for U.S. dollar equivalent).

Who joins an RV caravan to Mexico?

Yesterday was a day off for the group and we had no organized activities planned. At least none that we knew about!

So in the morning, we visited our friend John who has been living here at Roca Azul RV Park for the past year and a half or so. We first met John when he was living in Acapulco, and we saw him again there a couple of years later, along with his sister Dianna.

Sunday, February 28, 2016

No sun, but a great sunset!

Around 10:00am yesterday morning we did a long walk into the town of Jocotepec with eight others from the RV caravan group. It was an overcast fact I don't think we saw the sun all day and it was abnormally cool for this area.

But, it was a good day for a walk.

Saturday, February 27, 2016

How many is too many...?

Everybody was ready to go yesterday for our 10:00am departure time. We crawled our way out to the main highway in Villa Corona and made it through three sets of lights without getting separated too much. It's not bad with a caravan group of ten rigs, but I can't imagine doing it with more and trying to keep the group together.

In fact, I don't think we would do it with more. I think it would reduce the enjoyment of leading a caravan. And from talking to some of our group, they also enjoy it much more with a smaller group.

Friday, February 26, 2016

Travel day today!

I like travel days.

Our regular readers know that we don't like sitting in one place for too long. Even if it's a place that we like! We'd rather have a change of scenery.

So today, we take the RV caravan group on to it's next destination.

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Some info about the RV Park here

We're enjoying our time here at Villa Corona's Chimulco RV and Water Park. This is the third time we've stayed here over the years.

But, we're into our last full day here and we head out tomorrow morning with the RV caravan group. So I thought I'd tell you a little about the place before we leave!

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Massages and pedicures

We're sat in one place for a while, with nothing official planned. So Ruth and I have been organizing other group activities which people can participate in if they want to...or not.

Yesterday, Ruth walked with everyone who wanted to go into town. Villa Corona is a nice town. And yesterday was their weekly market day.

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Looking forward to the 29th...

Everything is coming together for our visit to Hacienda Contreras and the town of Valle de Juarez. We're looking forward to showing the area to the RV caravan group, and we've made arrangements with our three favorite restaurant in the area for meals out.

As well, we're doing the trip up to the mescal distillery in the mountains, and a 4 wheel drive unimog tour. It's going to be a busy two day/three night stay!

Monday, February 22, 2016

Change of plans...

Our original schedule with the RV caravan group had us leading them down to the coast at Melaque on March 3rd from Valle de Juarez. That would have been our last official day with them, and the other group leader, Paul would be meeting us there. We probably would have hung around for a day or two just to relax at the beach prior to heading north.

We want to be in southern California by March 25th or so.

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Day trip to the big city of Guadalajara

The last time we were right in downtown Guadalajara (pop 8 million) was in December 2009. We weren't overly impressed at the time...just another big city with a lot of graffiti. And although I think we warmed up to it a little bit more during yesterday's visit, it's still not on our list of favorite places in Mexico.

The bus arrived just before 8:00am again. Not great to have two tour days in a row, and many people weren't impressed with having to get up that early again.

Saturday, February 20, 2016

Tequila and ruins

Yesterday was a busy tour day. A big first class bus arrived with our guide Jorge, just before 8:00am to take our RV caravan group near the town of Tequila to tour the big Herradura tequila factory. Yes, this is a distillery. But I call it a factory because it's such a huge operation.

The Herradura distillery produces 22 million liters of tequila per year!

Friday, February 19, 2016

Thursday was a day off...

But it seemed to fly by. In the morning, Ruth and I went for a walk, but only a short one down to the nearby marsh to see some of the birds.

We had done this walk the last time we were here in November of 2011, and we remembered a lot of snakes that we could see from walking along the side of the road. Strangely, this time we didn't see any!

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Escorted by angels!

350 kms (217 miles) doesn't sound like a really long day, but when you're on some secondary roads in Mexico and you're leading a group of nine other RV' becomes a really long day.

And so we got an early start, scheduled for 8:00am. But you really have to be on your toes with this group...they were ready to pull out at 7:50am, and so we did!

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

A fun "day off"...

There is an island in the middle of Lake Patzcuaro that is a popular tourist spot on weekends. In fact, it's so busy on weekends that we're glad we waited until Tuesday to visit!

Out of our RV caravan group of nineteen people, twelve of us made the decision to take the boat trip over to the island. Despite a couple of glitches, we think that everybody had a good time.

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Volcano and waterfall

Yesterday was a free day with our Mexico RV Caravan group. I had volunteered to take some of the group to the Paricutin Volcano, while Ruth took others into the town of Patzcuaro to see some of the things that we hadn't seen when we were there the other day.

So we split up and at 9:00am five of us left in Larry's truck, headed towards Uruapan. Ruth and I had been there before, four years ago.

Monday, February 15, 2016

Dance of the little old men

Yesterday was our day trip tour in and around the city of Patzcuaro (pop 80,000) in the state of Michoacan, Mexico.

It started with a visit south of the city to the copper town of Santa Clara del Cobre. This town is famous world wide for producing items made from copper. Pot and pans, cauldrons, sinks, vases, and jewelry make up the more popular items.

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Two down, four to go!

Our second travel day with the RV caravan group was yesterday. Four more to go!

Everything went smoothly, but boy, things happen slowly when you're moving with nine other RV's. We only had to do 90 kms (56 miles) but it took three hours from start to finish!

Saturday, February 13, 2016

What a day! (part 2)

This is the second post of the day. You can read part one here...

We had such a busy day and did so much stuff, and had so much fun yesterday that we figured it was better to break it into two blog posts.

So when we left you earlier, we had been looking for a barber for John.

What a day!

Far too much to tell you in one single blog post, so I'll do another one this afternoon. But suffice to say that the entire caravan group had a really fun day. Us included! Actually, we have to say....we're enjoying our time with this group, and it really doesn't feel like work.

Okay. So, yesterday was actually a "day off", but there is so much to see and do in the area that we made a series of choices for people...and they could either participate, or not at their own expense.

Friday, February 12, 2016

Have they ever even been here?

We are currently in the Mexican state of Michoacan. The RV Park we are at is located about a half an hour from the big city of Morelia (pop 800,000).

On February 11th, the Canadian government issued an updated "travel advisory" for the country of Mexico, telling people to "Exercise a high degree of caution". Of course this is the same thing that they have been telling us each year since we began our RV travels of Mexico in 2007.

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Off to see the butterflies!

Every fall, more than one billion monarch butterflies make the 4,500 km (3,000 mile) trip from Canada to the mountains west of Mexico City where they spend the winter huddled in fourteen colonies.

Five of these colonies are open to public viewing.

We've been to two other locations previously, so we're glad that yesterday's trip was to a different one.

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Everyone arrived, but not without a few hiccups!

What a great group of people we have in this RV caravan. Everybody was ready to go by our 8:00am meeting, and we were all pulling out of the RV park by 8:20am or so. Right on schedule.

Our goal is to always be parked up by 2:00pm in the afternoon. That way, if there are any problems along the way, you have lots of daylight hours left to fix them. We were only doing 160 kms (100 miles) or so, but of course you can never get anywhere quickly in Mexico, so better to start earlier than later.

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Another full day of tours and meals out!

Once again, the bus arrived right at 9:00am to pick everybody up. We had the same tour guide, Cony, and the same driver, Geronimo. So it's kind of nice that we can get to know them a little bit by spending more time with them.

There is such a busy schedule just now that some members of the group simply chose not to go. So this time, there were seventeen of us who went and two stayed behind.

Monday, February 8, 2016

Getting ready for our first travel day

Everybody in the RV caravan group enjoyed a well deserved day off yesterday. Almost everybody just hung around the campground and did some minor maintenance and cleaning of their rigs, and I'm sure that some simply relaxed!

At every stop along the way, we have group tours organized, and they really don't get a chance to just kick back and relax until we arrive at the beach on March 3rd. Of course they are not obligated to participate in every tour, and usually 3 or 4 different people do exactly that.

Sunday, February 7, 2016

Our first full day with the caravan group

We always thought that these caravan tours were a little expensive. But I don't think we realized exactly how many "extras" are included in the price that you pay, especially with this particular caravan company. Yesterday was a great example of some of the extras.

And man, they keep you busy! Not much time for relaxing. Although today, Superbowl Sunday (and Kevin's birthday!) is an off day for the entire group. I've got some things to do though, like installing a brand new CB radio for Sherman. Everybody on the tour has a CB radio so that we can all keep in contact. It's not used for minor chit chat...only important stuff like upcoming turns, obstacles on the road, stuff like that.

Saturday, February 6, 2016

The caravan has arrived!

After Thursday's hiking marathon, we needed a day to rest. So other than doing a few buckets of laundry, we spent much of yesterday just relaxing. In fact, we never left the RV Park.

And then of course we were expecting visitors. Lots of visitors!

Around 2:30pm, they arrived. Ten RV's, traveling in a caravan. We were looking forward to meeting this group of people who have been together since January 9th.

Friday, February 5, 2016

Well, that was an adventure!

"Why don't we walk from the RV Park to Guanajuato".

Said nobody. Ever.

That is, until we arrived here.

We were in the mood for a hike, and we saw a mountain in the distance, in the direction of the city of Guanajuato. I don't think we originally planned to walk all the way to the city, but somewhere along the line, Ruth said "Instead of returning the way we came, we could hike all the way to the city, and then take the bus home".

And this is exactly what we did...but it wasn't one of our better ideas.

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Guanajuato is an amazing city!

We did some laundry yesterday morning. Remember I had said there was a laundry room here at the RV Park? Well there is. But it's not for the use of the campers! Go figure. The guy says that it's for their use to wash the linens for the little hotel here. Then, he offered to have someone come and do our laundry for 35 pesos per kilo. For perspective, we normally pay between 12-16 pesos per kilo.

Good thing we have our Breathing Mobile RV Clothes Washer with us!

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

The plan for the next month

Yesterday, we left the Oasis Balneario at about 11:00am, but it was about 1:30pm by the time we actually got on the road towards Guanajuato because we stopped in Dolores Hidalgo to do a big grocery shop and go to the bank.

After that, it was only about 80 kms (50 miles) to our destination.

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Why won't they pick up the litter?

Yesterday was a national holiday here in Mexico (Constitution Day), and we hadn't realized that until we saw them filling the big swimming pool again. Actually, they hadn't emptied the pool on Sunday. When they filled it, they didn't fill it to the top. Yesterday, they added enough water to fill it to the top, and warmed it up in the process.

Not many people though. After all, it's winter!

Monday, February 1, 2016

January Expenses

Wow, another month done already. Only three months from today and we will be back at Cabri Park in Saskatchewan. Time flies when you're having fun!

Okay, on to our January expense report. It wasn't a bad month, although we overspent in just about every category. Not by much, but a little in each category adds up! We spent a total of $1,506 CAD for the month.

Sunday, January 31, 2016

Best thing we ever did

Someone asked a question on a facebook forum as to what was the best RV modification/upgrade that you have done. Well, the best thing we ever did was to add solar panels to the roof and a decent battery system to the motorhome. Given the cost of a new RV, I can't figure why they don't come with solar panels and a decent battery system right from the factory. But, of course everybody has their own idea of how much electricity they need, so I guess it's better kept as an aftermarket installed option.

We love being self sufficient for electricity! That's what allows us to sit in one spot like we are now without having to listen to the daily drone of a generator.

Saturday, January 30, 2016

We were right...

This is a very quiet peaceful spot to hang out for a few days. That could change today and tomorrow as they fill the big hot springs pool, but even if it does get a little busy, it won't bother us. We enjoy seeing people out having fun.

It turns out that this place is very busy during busy season. I was talking to our host yesterday and he said that when Semana Santa (Easter holy week) begins, the place gets as many as 800 visitors a day.