This campervan has a nice spot near the village of Vusanje, Montenegro!
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Heading to Nova Scotia around August 1st.

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Near Puerto Escondido (day 6)

Saturday February 28…10:30pm

We took Whiskey for a long walk along the river. We have found a very nice path that goes right to the ocean and there are no other dogs or traffic, so Whiskey likes it.

Friday, February 27, 2009

Near Puerto Escondido (day 5)

Friday February 27…8:30pm

We relaxed for the morning, and then around 11:00am Marie came by and asked if we wanted to go into town with them. We thought that maybe we could go to the market and that I could use the internet, so we agreed to go with them.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Near Puerto Escondido (day 4)

Thursday February 26…10:00pm

We took Whiskey for a walk in the river this morning. The river is pretty wide, but you can cross the whole thing on foot at this time of year.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Near Puerto Escondido (day 3)

Wednesday February 25…10:30pm

For some reason, Whiskey let us sleep in this morning. She must have known we got in late last night, because she didn’t wake us up until about 8:20am…this is definitely sleeping in for us!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Near Puerto Escondido (day 2)

Tuesday February 24…after midnight

Mary came by at about 9:15am to tell us that breakfast would soon be ready. She had said yesterday that her mother in law would be making enchiladas, but that has been put off a day, so she thought we’d like to come for something else.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Near Puerto Escondido

Monday February 23…8:30pm

Glen and Steve had been parked on the next lot over from us, and they came round just before 8am to say goodbye. We do expect to see them again over the next couple of weeks, possibly as soon as tonight because they are headed the same route as we are.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Playa Zipolite (day 5)

Sunday February 22…10:30pm

Another walk down the beach…more reading…Ruth went in to play in the waves…more reading…

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Playa Zipolite (day 4)

Saturday February 21…10:00pm

Did our usual morning walk down the beach, then sat under our palapa and read. I spent hours looking for whales, and we spotted 3 or 4 throughout the day, as well as a school of dolphins in the distance, some of them even fully jumping out of the water. I wish they had been closer.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Playa Zipolite (day 3)

Friday February 20…9:30pm

While on our morning walk, we stopped to chat with a couple from near Barrie Ontario, Clem and Barb.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Playa Zipolite (day 2)

Thursday February 19…10:00pm

Before it got too hot, we walked with Whiskey all the way to the end of the beach. Lots of other people out walking and jogging and doing various exercises such as yoga. Many with no clothes on.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Playa Zipolite

Wednesday February 18…10:15pm

Had a better sleep tonight, and again woke up to see a beautiful sunrise out our back window.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Near Playa La Entrega (day 2)

Tuesday February 17…9:15pm

Didn’t have a good sleep last night. Apparently the lighthouse is used by the younger crowd to come and party at…until 5am in the morning sometimes!

Monday, February 16, 2009

Near Playa La Entrega

Monday February 16…10:30pm

When we woke up, it was actually cloudy! First time since we got here really, although you can usually see the odd cloud in the distance or a bit over the mountains behind us.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Huatulco (day 6)

Sunday February 15… 9:45pm

Went for a walk on the beach one more time with Whiskey. One lady came up and remembered her name from yesterday. We enjoy telling our story of driving down here…it’s kind of funny getting some peoples reaction.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Huatulco (day 5)

Saturday February 14…11:00pm

An hour or so before lunch, we went for a walk next door to the Barcelo Premium all inclusive resort. We stood in the lobby area wondering who we should talk to about a tour of the resort.