Rocky Mountains as seen from the base of the Jura Creek Trail, Alberta.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Cochrane, Alberta.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Ottawa on September 29th.

Tuesday, July 4, 2017

June Expenses

Well, we were pretty much on track with expenses until we bought three new pairs of eyeglass. But, it had to be done. And, our grocery expenses were still above what they should be but we continue to believe (hope?) that things will average out in that department over the next three months.

So, we spent a total of $1,033 CAD ($800 USD) for the month of June. Here's how it all broke down...

Monday, July 3, 2017

Barbados update...

We told you a couple of weeks ago that we booked a trip to Barbados. We leave Ottawa October 25th for 19 days of island life in the sun. It's been a long time since we've been to the Caribbean, and we're really looking forward to relaxing and exploring the island.

But Barbados is fairly expensive, so in true Kevin and Ruth fashion I started looking for a deal. Fortunately, one thing in our favor is that we'll be there before busy season actually starts.

Sunday, July 2, 2017

Canada Day at the Park

The day didn't start off great. Our water pump went down at some point overnight, and I spent most of the morning trying to fix it to no avail. I ended up calling our local specialist, and he came out on Canada Day to fix up our problem. Turns out the impellers inside the pump had broken and nothing I could have done was going to fix it without having the right parts. But I tried really hard because I didn't want to have to call him on a holiday.

Meanwhile, Ruth was going around supplying water to the toilets to flush them manually because we still had a park full of people to look after!

Saturday, July 1, 2017

Happy 150th Birthday Canada!

Ruth and I were only about 5 years old when Canada celebrated its 100th birthday on July 1, 1967. So we don't really remember the big event. And so we had better enjoy this one because it's highly unlikely we'll be around to see Canada's 200th birthday in 2067!

Even at 150 years old, Canada is a relatively young country. And it almost didn't make it this far. Most recently, the independence of the province of Quebec has been an issue, and in 1995 there was a referendum in that province where the people voted on whether or not to become an independent nation.

Friday, June 30, 2017

We have been *really* busy...

Our regular readers may have noticed that we've skipped a few of our daily posts this month, and at other times when we have posted they have not been at our normal posting time, which is usually mid morning.

We've just been super busy here at the park getting things ready for our six week camping season. The time seems to just fly, and now here we are at the end of June and our busy period starts today!

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

New Brunswick - Canada's only bilingual province

Canada is an officially bilingual country, but each province can choose whether or not to be provincially bilingual. Yes, it's all very complicated! There is only one province that has chosen to be officially bilingual, and that province is New Brunswick.

New Brunswick is a province that we haven't spent much time exploring. Much like Saskatchewan is a province that many people drive through while on their way west, New Brunswick is the province many people drive through to get to the east coast. And we are guilty of that as well!

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Quebec - Canada's French speaking province

Continuing our series leading up to Canada's 150th birthday, we are now heading east to the province of Quebec.

Quebec has a population of 8.3 million, with most of the people living in and around the two major cities, Montreal, and Quebec City.

Monday, June 26, 2017

Rent out your RV...?

I saw a question posed on facebook the other day. It was asking people what they thought about the idea of renting out your own personal RV when you're not using it.

The responses were astoundingly negative. I mean, there must have been over 100 responses and they were all negative...

Except mine.

Sunday, June 25, 2017

A new swim raft for the park!

A beautiful day yesterday and with quite a few campers in the park we recruited some of the guys to help out putting our new swim raft together. It's quite heavy duty, and it's huge! 16' x 16'.

It came in two sections that had to be bolted together, and of course it's heavy. So then you have to build it on a trailer of some sort so that you can put it in the water right side up.

Saturday, June 24, 2017

New glasses

Because we are so "frugal", we got to the point where we had to order new glasses for each of us. I was using three different pairs of glasses! One progressive, but the lenses were plastic and they got scuffed up easily over time. And one pair for working on the computer. And one pair for watching movies on the computer at a distance.

Ruth's glasses were still fine, but her prescription had changed. Then the other day, the glasses started coming apart. So it was time for some new ones for both of us!