Rocky Mountains as seen from the Wasootch Ridge Trail, Alberta.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Cochrane, Alberta.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Ottawa on September 29th.

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Day trip to Grasslands National Park

We took a day off yesterday! Nothing going on at the park, with the exception of a few more seasonal trailers pulling out, and it was looking like the last day of nice summer weather for a while. So we decided to drive down to Grasslands National Park on the border of Saskatchewan and Montana, and do some exploring!

Boy, did it ever feel good to get out on the road and see some different scenery for a change!

Monday, September 11, 2017

Two weeks today

And we're outta here. And still no bites on the little blue car. Strange. I guess everybody in this area wants a big gas guzzling pickup truck! Oh well, if it doesn't sell we'll store it for the winter and re-evaluate next May. Maybe this is a sign that we shouldn't be selling it anyhow!

A few more trailers disappeared over the weekend.

Sunday, September 10, 2017

Foreign exchange transaction fees

The Canadian dollar (CAD) has been finally gaining strength versus most other world currencies. Of course this makes our travels outside of Canada cheaper, and a strong dollar is better for the country as a whole.  And, the U.S. dollar (USD) has been weakening versus most other world currencies, after an abnormally long period of strength.

For our personal situation, it pretty much evens out because our blog and Amazon income is mostly paid to us in U.S. dollars.

Saturday, September 9, 2017

So far, Barbados has been spared

The last major hurricane to do any damage in Barbados was in 1995. And there have only been five major hurricane events to affect Barbados in total in the last 100 years.

Records show that in the 1600s, four hurricanes devastated Barbados, in the 1700s five systems directly affected Barbados, two causing devastation, and in the 1800s there were 17 hurricanes. Sure makes you wonder what kind of climate change was going on in the 1800's! I don't think they have all this stuff figured out yet.

Friday, September 8, 2017


I guess in a couple of weeks Ruth and I will be pretired. Once again. We pretired at this time 10 years ago in 2007 when we were on our first planned two year motorhome excursion.

Then, we pretired again between 2011 and 2013.

Most people retire. And I suppose we will eventually, but for now, we will be pretired.

Never heard that term before? Either had I until the other day.

Thursday, September 7, 2017

We made a campground reservation!

We started RV'ing almost ten years ago. We've put 70,000 miles (112,000 kms) on our motorhome during that time. And now, for only the second time ever...we actually made a reservation at a campground!

We meet up with our Mexico caravan group at Lake Casa Blanca State Park in Laredo, Texas before crossing the border into Mexico on January 7th.

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Chilly mornings and more blog reading visitors!

Woke up yesterday morning and the temperature was only 5C (41F). It was nice and bright and sunny but it was chilly, and there was a mist coming off the lake. Really pretty. But, you could sure tell that it felt like September in Canada. Funny enough, it's supposed to warm up by Friday with highs above 30C (86F) again!

It was chilly again this morning though, with some area reporting frost although we didn't see any here at the park.

Useful items to take on your travels

Travelling has become something that people do both as a hobby but also as an actual career these days, as the websites and blogs devoted to travel that have sprung up during the digital era have acted as an inspiration to many.

Of course, while most people think of exotic locations and adventure, bag packing is a necessary chore that must be completed before all that, but if you know what to pack it will make this process quicker and less stressful.

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Winding things down here at the park

Well, our last long weekend of the summer is over. Labor Day weekend is normally pretty quiet around here, but it was slightly busier than normal this year. The weather was fantastic... warm and sunny all weekend. And fairly calm too, which made for great boating weather. Well, calm with the exception of a major windstorm that went through on Saturday night.

But, like any long weekend around here, it was not entirely glitch free!

Monday, September 4, 2017

Can't wait to get on the road again! But first need to fix some things...

Wow, thanks for the fantastic response to yesterday's post. It will be an adventure, won't it?? We think Sherman is up for the challenge, but he has not been used nearly enough the last couple of years. The last time we drove him was our trip from Saskatchewan to Ottawa at the end of last September. And while that was a good trip, he did have some minor mechanical issues along the way. Most of them were sorted out when I changed spark plugs and plug wires last fall. But there were some other things I noticed as well.

By the time we arrive in Ottawa, he will have been sitting for a full year!