The spectacular Mexico City Cathedral at night.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Mexico City.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Back to San Miguel de Allende on Wednesday!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

A rainy day

Well they were calling for rain yesterday, and they weren’t wrong. We did manage to get out for a walk in the morning though before the rain started.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Back in Kentville area

The drive from Digby yesterday morning was uneventful. We stopped at the Greenwood Mall again and used their free dump station, and filled up again at the propane place in Coldbrook because we were driving right by it anyhow. We used 35.2 litres (9.3 gallons, $39.48) of propane trying to stay warm in the wind at Brier Island!

Monday, April 25, 2011

Back to civilization

Sure enough, we spent most of yesterday shrouded in fog. It made for an interesting walk in the morning though, and some different photo opportunities.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Brier Island (day 2)

Time for another change of scenery! We drove over to the other side of the island, and sure enough there were quite a few nice spots to boondock.  There’s no lighthouse at the end of this road, but there is a small parking area for “Sandy Beach”. And there is some sand at this beach but it’s still pretty rocky to me. My idea of a sandy beach would have us quite a bit further south!

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Brier Island

Yesterday was beautiful. The sun was bright in the sky all day long, and the temperature actually got up to 10C (50F) or so. We went for a short walk and then got on the ferry to Brier Island at 11:00am.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Freeport, on Long Island

Yesterday morning after we left the lighthouse we headed back into Digby and bought $100 worth of gas. That was about a third of a tank. $1.359 per litre, about $5.00 per gallon. Oh well, such is the life we lead. Then, we stopped in to get a 4 litre (slightly more than a gallon) jug of milk, but they wanted $7.69. This sure is an expensive part of the world. We still had some boxes of Mexico milk, so we’ll use that until we can get milk here for under $7.00.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Lighthouse Road

Usually, where there is a lighthouse, there is a parking spot for an RV. Sure enough, at the end of Lighthouse Rd., there was a nice overnight spot for Sherman. Only one problem.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Another great boondocking spot

So it did pour with rain all morning yesterday, but the rain stopped after lunch and it actually cleared up later. By mid afternoon the sun was shining on and off.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Pouring rain

Yesterday morning, we did some groceries and Lindsey came with us so that we could drop our little car off at Justin’s cousin’s place. They actually have a nice spot where we could park up with Sherman for a few days as well, so we’ll take advantage of that when we return.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Getting ready to head out!

 It was a windy, rainy day on Sunday, although it did clear up towards the end of the afternoon. The temperature actually went up to 12C (54F) but it didn’t feel that warm because of the wind and rain. We actually went to the mall for a couple of hours just to wander around somewhere warm. Didn’t buy a thing though!

Sunday, April 17, 2011


Sherman's propane is getting low again because it's been so cold. Down to the freezing mark again last night, and it's really windy out there now. I know there was a reason we showed up here in late March, but we're really getting tired of the cold, and the wind, and the rain. And although yesterday was mostly sunny, we have clouds today so have to conserve electricity.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Back home!

Well, that’s the first time in quite a while that we’ve missed doing a daily blog post. I was up early yesterday and on the road, so I actually thought Ruth was going to write something, but she thought I was going to do it when I arrived last night. But I was tired from the days driving and just wanted to visit with everyone.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Heading back to Nova Scotia

I left Ottawa at about 7:30am. I was already on the outskirts, so I didn't really have any traffic to deal with. Made it to the town of Casselman, where I needed to put in just enough gas to get me across the border to the USA where the gas is almost 30% cheaper.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Update from Nova Scotia

Well Kevin has a travel day today so it's my turn to write.  He has certainly been doing a lot more than me this past week.  Today he is driving to Plattsburg, NY to see our son at university there.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Errand day

Spent the day running around. I had five things to accomplish, and none of them went as planned!