Multi use pathway beside the Bow River at Cochrane, Alberta.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Cochrane, Alberta.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Ottawa on September 29th.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Berryman Campground, Mark Twain National Forest

Yesterday morning, Sam and Donna took us down to the old section of the city of St. Charles. This is famous as being the spot where Lewis and Clark and their dog Seaman set off for their expedition way back in 1804.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Downtown St. Louis

Today was our big trip to downtown St. Louis. We've never been to St. Louis before and we were looking forward to seeing a new city, and we were looking forward to meeting some new RV'ing and blogging friends.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Sunday, September 11, 2011

O'Fallon, Missouri

Another long driving day, but now we can relax! We actually slept in yesterday morning, and didn't leave the winery until almost 8:00am. Whiskey seems to be back into her normal schedule now that we've left Ruth's Dad's where she had been waking up around 6:00am every morning.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Simmons Winery, Columbus, Indiana

Just another driving day. Did 299 miles (478 kms) today. Considering that we normally like doing about 120 miles (200 kms) a day, this is a lot of driving for us. But Sherman is doing fine just truckin' along!

Friday, September 9, 2011

New Philadelphia, Ohio

On the road early again yesterday morning, and managed to do another 235 miles (376 kms). Mostly on backroads again, but did do a little bit on the Interstate.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Port Allegany, Pennsylvania

We were up early yesterday morning to the sound of raindrops on Sherman’s roof. We said goodbye to John and Ellen and thanked them for their hospitality.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Near Camden, New York

We enjoyed our time visiting Ruth's Dad and want to say a big "thank you" for putting up with us and letting us use the shop and tools to fix up Sherman!

We left at around 7:50am, which was later than our planned 7:30am start. We were supposed to be at the Canadian Tire in Kemptville for 9:00am for Sherman's emissions test, and we made it at 9:05. They took us in right away, and as expected, Sherman passed with flying colors and the bill was $35 plus tax.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Monday, September 5, 2011

One more sleep!

We head out tomorrow! And other than Sherman needing a bit of a tidy up, we're pretty much ready to go. The only thing I didn't get done was to finish cleaning the roof and touching up the roof caulking. That will have to be done on the road sometime because it's supposed to rain on and off here today.

Sunday, September 4, 2011


Wow, thanks for all of the interesting and well thought out comments regarding my restaurant situation the other night. I agree with those of you who think the waitress messed up and forgot to put the order in. If that was indeed the case, I wish she would have just come right out and said that to us! We probably would have been more accommodating and felt bad for the girl. Anyhow, I guess we'll never know.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

How long should you wait...?

I was out for dinner last night with four old friends. Went to the Heart and Crowne pub in the market area of Ottawa.

Friday, September 2, 2011

August expenses

Again, spending more than we wanted to, with August coming in at $1,747. But, the majority of the extra was split between vet bills for Whiskey and renovations for Sherman.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Drive Clean

That's the name of the Ontario vehicle emissions testing program. It's just a big money grab because the vast majority of vehicles tested pass with flying colors. For cars, the test costs $35. But for motorhomes, there is confusion.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

New flooring...preview

I had to post a couple of pics just so you know I have been working! It's a bigger job than I thought it was going to be. Cutting out the old carpet on the entrance stairs was difficult and they had so many staples holding it in there that it was apparently not meant to be removed!