The Ottawa River at sunset as we arrived back in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Cancun, Mexico on November 1st.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

San Sebastian del Oeste

We were up at 6:00am yesterday morning, and by 7:00am we headed out on the 2.3 km (1.4 mile) walk into town to catch the bus. We had to catch our second bus at 9:00am, and we arrived there just in time!

Friday, December 9, 2011

Rancho Altarose (day 5)

Well, I said we would be busy here, and we have been. Took us a little while to get going yesterday morning, but then we packed a few snacks and headed out on the 4 wheel drive ATV's up into the hills with Gary.

Thursday, December 8, 2011


Yes, this is the drink sourced from the fruit of the nopal cactus. The healing properties of the nopal cactus have been relied on for centuries by native peoples and they're now available in Nopalea.

Rancho Altarose (day 4)

Our plan for yesterday was a hike in the morning, and a bike ride in the afternoon. The first part of the plan came together, but we lost ambition for the bike ride, so we'll get to that this morning!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

$4 visit to Puerto Vallarta

We figured out how to take the local bus from here to downtown Puerto Vallarta. We walked about 2 kms into the town of Valle de Banderas and asked at the central square where the parada (bus stop) was.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Rancho Altarose (day 2)

Around 11:00am yesterday, Jean came by and asked if we wanted to go into town. That was our plan anyhow, so we went with her...sort of! She took her quad ATV, and we followed along behind on our bicycles!

Monday, December 5, 2011

Altarose Rancho

We woke up at 6:00am yesterday and got ready to leave Sayulita. We had a coffee and wrote the blog post for yesterday, and we were on the road by 7:00am. Kind of surprised that there was still a fair bit of traffic at that hour on a Sunday morning, but I’m sure it was quieter then than it would have been later on.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Sayulita (day 2)

We slept fine parked on the road. We were still up early though, we tend to get up around 6:00am anyhow when the sun starts to come up.

Saturday, December 3, 2011


We woke up yesterday morning to the sound of singing. It was about 6am, and the roosters were crowing, and a guy was singing. Loudly. He was quite good though. He was singing while he was washing his car. It was time to get up anyhow, so we did. Opened the blinds, and watched this guy go get his horse. He walked the horse up beside his car, and proceeded to wash his horse. All this while singing at 6am. We love Mexico.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Lo de Marcos

Before we left Rincon de Guayabitos we had one last walk we wanted to do up the hill behind the town of Los Ayala. So that's where today's header pic was taken. Nice view, and good exercise. Then, it was time to move on.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Rincon de Guayabitos (day 6)

Well we sure didn't plan on staying in Rincon de Guayabitos this long. Gonna have to get a move on because we've only got three weeks left to get back up to Hacienda Contreras for Christmas!

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

November expenses

November turned out okay for us. Still well under our budget of $1,000 per month, November came in at a total of $879.17. Nothing out of the ordinary, so here's the details...

Rincon de Guayabitos (day 5)

Went off to do some exploring yesterday morning. The two towns here, La Penita and Rincon de Guayabitos, are separated by a river. Guayabitos is more of a resort town with a nicer beach, and La Penita comes across as more of a working class town, although it also has it's share of rental accomodations. Not quite as touristy though.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Rincon de Guayabitos (day 4)

We knew we were going to have to get water and empty the tanks soon so decided to do some driving yesterday. We drove a whole block! Hardly had time to warm the engine up! And what a place we arrived at...

Monday, November 28, 2011

Rincon de Guayabitos (day 3)

Whales? There are no whales in this area. At least there weren't yesterday. The whales took Sunday off! So it's a good thing we didn't pay very much for our three hour tour, because it was a kind of a bust.